Clicking an entry will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen
Following the Table of Contents is a more detailed list which gives subject headings, timelines and names of speakers
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House of Commons Written Answers 18 March 2011
northern ireland
culture, media and sport
departmental public appointments
prescriptions: fees and charges
roads: trans-european networks
traffic lights: repairs and maintenance
cabinet office
jobseeker's allowance: berkshire
departmental public expenditure
strategic defence and security review
home department
animal experiments: inspections
independent safeguarding authority
business, innovation and skills
international development
british overseas territories: overseas aid
international labour organisation: expenditure
women and equalities
departmental ministerial policy advisers
equality and human rights commission: pay
employment and support allowance: appeals
social security benefits: appeals
tribunals service: universal credit
foreign and commonwealth office
afghanistan: peacekeeping operations
china: politics and government
morocco: politics and government
southern african development community
prime minister
house of commons commission
children’s centres: greater london
departmental telephone services
discretionary learner support fund
eu strategic framework for education and training
national curriculum in england review
nursery education: fees and charges
physics and mathematics: teachers
schools: information and communications technology
supplementary schools: attendance
voluntary organisations: finance
written questions: government responses
young apprentices scheme: education business partnership
deputy prime minister
recall of members of parliament
communities and local government
eu grants and loans: north east
work and pensions
cold weather payments: care homes
disability living allowance: care homes
disability living allowance: autism
minister for social development
new deal schemes and future jobs fund
pensions: financial assistance scheme
social security benefits: medical examinations
universal credit: council tax benefits
winter fuel payments: berkshire
environment, food and rural affairs
energy and climate change
nuclear power stations: emergencies
nuclear power stations: safety
wind power: manufacturing industries
bank services: fees and charges
departmental public appointments
first-time buyers: government assistance
This Table of Contents lists column numbers, department & subject heading and names of Members in the Commons Hansard Written Answers Text for
18 March 2011
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Clicking on an item will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen.
Column: 665W
Column: 665W
Written Answers to Questions [18 March 2011]
Northern Ireland [18 March 2011]
Human: Trafficking [18 March 2011]
Culture, Media and Sport [18 March 2011]
Arts: Nottinghamshire [18 March 2011]
BBC: Radio [18 March 2011]
Betfair [18 March 2011]
Column: 666W
Broadband: Local Authorities [18 March 2011]
Departmental Broadband [18 March 2011]
Departmental Estate [18 March 2011]
Column: 667W
Departmental Food [18 March 2011]
Employment [18 March 2011]
Health [18 March 2011]
Cancer: Health Services [18 March 2011]
Column: 668W
Departmental Public Appointments [18 March 2011]
Epilepsy: Totnes [18 March 2011]
Heart Diseases: Children [18 March 2011]
Column: 669W
Prescriptions: Fees and Charges [18 March 2011]
Transport [18 March 2011]
Blue Badge Scheme [18 March 2011]
Departmental Pay [18 March 2011]
Column: 670W
Departmental Procurement [18 March 2011]
Column: 671W
Roads [18 March 2011]
Roads: Trans-European Networks [18 March 2011]
Taxis: Bus Lanes [18 March 2011]
Traffic Lights: Repairs and Maintenance [18 March 2011]
Column: 672W
Trams: Nottingham [18 March 2011]
Cabinet Office [18 March 2011]
BSkyB and News Corporation [18 March 2011]
Departmental Rail Travel [18 March 2011]
Jobseeker's Allowance: Berkshire [18 March 2011]
Column: 673W
Tech City East London [18 March 2011]
Defence [18 March 2011]
Aircraft Carriers [18 March 2011]
Column: 674W
Armed Forces: Redundancy [18 March 2011]
Blue Force [18 March 2011]
Commando Helicopter Force [18 March 2011]
Column: 675W
Defence: Procurement [18 March 2011]
Departmental Public Expenditure [18 March 2011]
Column: 676W
Regulation [18 March 2011]
Ex-Servicemen: Long-term Care [18 March 2011]
Gurkhas [18 March 2011]
Column: 677W
Harrier Aircraft: Redundancy [18 March 2011]
Military Aircraft [18 March 2011]
RAF Leuchars [18 March 2011]
Squatting [18 March 2011]
Column: 678W
Strategic Defence and Security Review [18 March 2011]
Trident Submarines [18 March 2011]
Home Department [18 March 2011]
Animal Experiments: Inspections [18 March 2011]
Column: 679W
Courts: Closures [18 March 2011]
Column: 680W
Domestic Violence [18 March 2011]
Independent Safeguarding Authority [18 March 2011]
Column: 681W
Police [18 March 2011]
Vetting [18 March 2011]
Column: 682W
Business, Innovation and Skills [18 March 2011]
English Language: Education [18 March 2011]
Entry Clearances: India [18 March 2011]
Column: 683W
Higher Education: Finance [18 March 2011]
Video Games: Sales [18 March 2011]
International Development [18 March 2011]
British Overseas Territories: Overseas Aid [18 March 2011]
Column: 684W
Departmental Public Bodies [18 March 2011]
International Labour Organisation: Expenditure [18 March 2011]
Lesotho: Overseas Aid [18 March 2011]
Column: 685W
Overseas Aid [18 March 2011]
Pakistan: Females [18 March 2011]
Column: 686W
Women and Equalities [18 March 2011]
Departmental Ministerial Policy Advisers [18 March 2011]
Departmental Procurement [18 March 2011]
Equality and Human Rights Commission: Pay [18 March 2011]
Justice [18 March 2011]
Employment and Support Allowance: Appeals [18 March 2011]
Column: 687W
Social Security Benefits: Appeals [18 March 2011]
Column: 688W
Squatters [18 March 2011]
Tribunals Service [18 March 2011]
Column: 689W
Tribunals Service: Universal Credit [18 March 2011]
Column: 690W
Foreign and Commonwealth Office [18 March 2011]
Afghanistan: Peacekeeping Operations [18 March 2011]
China: Politics and Government [18 March 2011]
Council of Europe [18 March 2011]
Column: 691W
Departmental Manpower [18 March 2011]
Regulation [18 March 2011]
Iceland: EU Accession [18 March 2011]
Iran: Nuclear Power [18 March 2011]
Column: 692W
Iran: Prisoners [18 March 2011]
Iran: Sanctions [18 March 2011]
Iran: Terrorism [18 March 2011]
Column: 693W
Middle East: Armed Conflict [18 March 2011]
Morocco: Politics and Government [18 March 2011]
Somalia: Piracy [18 March 2011]
Southern African Development Community [18 March 2011]
Column: 694W
USA: Cotton [18 March 2011]
Western Sahara: Human Rights [18 March 2011]
Prime Minister [18 March 2011]
Departmental Public Bodies [18 March 2011]
Column: 695W
Members: Correspondence [18 March 2011]
House of Commons Commission [18 March 2011]
Equal Pay [18 March 2011]
Manpower: Females [18 March 2011]
Education [18 March 2011]
Academies [18 March 2011]
Column: 696W
Academies: Wigan [18 March 2011]
Adoption [18 March 2011]
Column: 697W
Apprentices: Greater London [18 March 2011]
Children: Poverty [18 March 2011]
Children’s Centres: Greater London [18 March 2011]
Column: 698W
Children’s Centres: Sefton [18 March 2011]
Column: 699W
Class Sizes [18 March 2011]
Curriculum [18 March 2011]
Departmental Food [18 March 2011]
Column: 700W
Departmental Telephone Services [18 March 2011]
Discretionary Learner Support Fund [18 March 2011]
Column: 701W
Education: Personal Income [18 March 2011]
EU Strategic Framework for Education and Training [18 March 2011]
Column: 702W
Faith Schools [18 March 2011]
Free School Meals [18 March 2011]
Free Schools [18 March 2011]
Column: 703W
GCSE [18 March 2011]
Music: Education [18 March 2011]
Column: 704W
National Curriculum in England Review [18 March 2011]
Numeracy: Literacy [18 March 2011]
Column: 705W
Nursery Education: Fees and Charges [18 March 2011]
Column: 706W
Parents: Fines [18 March 2011]
Physics and Mathematics: Teachers [18 March 2011]
Pupils: Disadvantaged [18 March 2011]
Column: 707W
Column: 708W
Schools: Admissions [18 March 2011]
Column: 709W
Schools: Assessments [18 March 2011]
Column: 710W
Schools: Closures [18 March 2011]
Schools: Information and Communications Technology [18 March 2011]
Column: 711W
Schools: Sports [18 March 2011]
Column: 712W
Schools: Transport [18 March 2011]
Schools: Vocational Guidance [18 March 2011]
Sixth Form Education [18 March 2011]
Column: 713W
Column: 714W
Column: 715W
Column: 716W
Column: 717W
Column: 718W
Column: 719W
Column: 720W
Column: 721W
Column: 722W
Column: 723W
Column: 724W
Column: 725W
Column: 726W
Supplementary Schools: Attendance [18 March 2011]
Sure Start: Bolton [18 March 2011]
Column: 727W
Teachers: Pensions [18 March 2011]
Teachers: Vetting [18 March 2011]
Vocational Guidance [18 March 2011]
Column: 728W
Voluntary Organisations: Finance [18 March 2011]
Written Questions: Government Responses [18 March 2011]
Young Apprentices Scheme: Education Business Partnership [18 March 2011]
Young People: Unemployment [18 March 2011]
Column: 729W
Column: 730W
Column: 731W
Column: 732W
Column: 733W
Column: 734W
Column: 735W
Column: 736W
Deputy Prime Minister [18 March 2011]
Recall of Members of Parliament [18 March 2011]
Communities and Local Government [18 March 2011]
Departmental Public Bodies [18 March 2011]
EU Grants and Loans: North East [18 March 2011]
Local Government Finance [18 March 2011]
Planning Permission: Halifax [18 March 2011]
Rented Housing: Cannabis [18 March 2011]
Column: 737W
Work and Pensions [18 March 2011]
Child Tax Credit [18 March 2011]
Cold Weather Payments: Care Homes [18 March 2011]
Crisis Loans [18 March 2011]
Column: 738W
Disability Living Allowance [18 March 2011]
Column: 739W
Column: 740W
Disability Living Allowance: Care Homes [18 March 2011]
Disability Living Allowance: Autism [18 March 2011]
Employment Schemes [18 March 2011]
Column: 741W
Fit for Work [18 March 2011]
Column: 742W
Column: 743W
Column: 744W
Independent Living Fund [18 March 2011]
Minister for Social Development [18 March 2011]
New Deal Schemes and Future Jobs Fund [18 March 2011]
Column: 745W
Column: 746W
Pensions: Financial Assistance Scheme [18 March 2011]
Personal Income [18 March 2011]
Column: 747W
Column: 748W
Column: 749W
Column: 750W
Poverty: Children [18 March 2011]
Remploy: Durham [18 March 2011]
Social Fund [18 March 2011]
Column: 751W
Social Security Benefits [18 March 2011]
Column: 752W
Social Security Benefits: Medical Examinations [18 March 2011]
Squatting [18 March 2011]
Column: 753W
Universal Credit [18 March 2011]
Column: 754W
Universal Credit: Council Tax Benefits [18 March 2011]
Winter Fuel Payments: Berkshire [18 March 2011]
Column: 755W
Column: 756W
Work Capability Assessment [18 March 2011]
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [18 March 2011]
Squatting [18 March 2011]
Energy and Climate Change [18 March 2011]
Earthquakes: Japan [18 March 2011]
Column: 757W
EU Energy Policy [18 March 2011]
Nuclear Power Stations: Emergencies [18 March 2011]
Column: 758W
Nuclear Power Stations: Safety [18 March 2011]
Wind Power: Manufacturing Industries [18 March 2011]
Column: 759W
Treasury [18 March 2011]
Bank Services: Fees and Charges [18 March 2011]
Departmental Business Plans [18 March 2011]
Departmental Public Appointments [18 March 2011]
Column: 760W
Devolution [18 March 2011]
Devolution: Scotland [18 March 2011]
Financial Services [18 March 2011]
Column: 761W
Financial Services: Pay [18 March 2011]
First-time Buyers: Government Assistance [18 March 2011]
Betfair [18 March 2011]
Column: 762W