Clicking an entry will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen
Following the Table of Contents is a more detailed list which gives subject headings, timelines and names of speakers
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House of Commons Written Answers 22 March 2011
northern ireland
energy and climate change
public bodies reform programme
nuclear power stations: emergencies
electoral commission committee
cabinet office
cabinet committees: sustainable development
eu law: parliamentary scrutiny
ministerial policy advisers: pay
culture, media and sport
creative economy programme ministerial board
arts council england: expenditure
public bodies reform programme
leader of the house
hm crown prosecution service inspectorate: finance
prime minister
british sky broadcasting and news corporation
communities and local government
departmental public appointments
local government finance: islington
local government resource review
local government: translation services
non-domestic rates: third sector
voluntary organisations: playing fields
written questions: government responses
environment, food and rural affairs
petrol stations and garages: health hazards
home department
alcoholic drinks: fixed penalties
drug seizures: northern ireland
entry clearances: overseas students
identity and passport service: ripon
inter-departmental ministerial group on missing persons
public bodies reform programme
afghanistan: peacekeeping operations
animal welfare advisory committee
departmental public appointments
ministry of defence police and guarding agency
royal naval armaments depot coulport
individual savings accounts: children
non-domestic rates: empty property
tax allowances: married people
foreign and commonwealth office
bosnia and herzegovina: anniversaries
cote d'ivoire: politics and government
democratic republic of the congo: females
departmental public appointments
egypt: politics and government
middle east: politics and government
zimbabwe: politics and government
work and pensions
employers' liability insurance
social security benefits: appeals
driving under influence: sentencing
employment and support allowance: tribunals
employment tribunals service: trade unions
european convention on human rights
public bodies reform programme
equality and excellence: liberating the nhs
health services: privatisation
prescriptions: fees and charges
building schools for the future programme
departmental public expenditure
departmental telephone services
education maintenance allowance
international baccalaureate: music
pupil exclusions: west midlands
schools: discretionary learner support fund
sixth-form education: repairs and maintenance
sixth-form colleges: capital investment
university technical college: houghton regis
written questions: government responses
departmental public expenditure
disabled persons transport advisory committee: finance
large goods vehicles: driving offences
motor vehicles: manufacturing industries
transport: sustainable development
west coast railway line: construction
business, innovation and skills
apollo group and university of phoenix
business: government assistance
micro-business: statutory rights
departmental press: subscriptions
higher education: anti-semitism
graduates: medicine and science
voluntary work and charitable donations
international development
somalia: politics and government
This Table of Contents lists column numbers, department & subject heading and names of Members in the Commons Hansard Written Answers Text for
22 March 2011
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Clicking on an item will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen.
Column: 889W
Column: 889W
Written Answers to Questions [22 March 2011]
Northern Ireland [22 March 2011]
Anti-Semitism [22 March 2011]
Bill of Rights [22 March 2011]
Energy and Climate Change [22 March 2011]
Departmental Lighting [22 March 2011]
Column: 890W
Public Bodies Reform Programme [22 March 2011]
Departmental Theft [22 March 2011]
Electricity Generation [22 March 2011]
Column: 891W
Nuclear Power Stations [22 March 2011]
Nuclear Power Stations: Emergencies [22 March 2011]
Oil: Industry [22 March 2011]
Column: 892W
Renewable Energy [22 March 2011]
Solar Power: Feed-in Tariffs [22 March 2011]
Column: 893W
Wind Power [22 March 2011]
Electoral Commission Committee [22 March 2011]
Work-based Stress [22 March 2011]
Third Sector [22 March 2011]
Column: 894W
Cabinet Office [22 March 2011]
Cabinet Committees: Sustainable Development [22 March 2011]
Census [22 March 2011]
Column: 895W
Column: 896W
Charities Act 2006 [22 March 2011]
Column: 897W
Departmental Assets [22 March 2011]
Ministerial Policy Advisers [22 March 2011]
Departmental Secondment [22 March 2011]
Column: 898W
EU Law: Parliamentary Scrutiny [22 March 2011]
Government Departments: ICT [22 March 2011]
Higher Education: Finance [22 March 2011]
Column: 899W
Ministerial Policy Advisers: Pay [22 March 2011]
Public Sector: Property [22 March 2011]
Voluntary Work: Young People [22 March 2011]
Culture, Media and Sport [22 March 2011]
Creative Economy Programme Ministerial Board [22 March 2011]
Column: 900W
Arts Council England [22 March 2011]
Arts Council England: Expenditure [22 March 2011]
Arts Council England: Flowers [22 March 2011]
Column: 901W
BBC [22 March 2011]
BBC Radio [22 March 2011]
British Sky Broadcasting [22 March 2011]
Column: 902W
Broadband [22 March 2011]
Fibre Networks [22 March 2011]
Column: 903W
Olympic Games 2012 [22 March 2011]
Public Bodies Reform Programme [22 March 2011]
Squatting [22 March 2011]
Theatre [22 March 2011]
Column: 904W
Tourism [22 March 2011]
Video Games: Children [22 March 2011]
Video Relay Service [22 March 2011]
Column: 905W
Leader of the House [22 March 2011]
e-Petitions [22 March 2011]
Attorney-General [22 March 2011]
HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate: Finance [22 March 2011]
Column: 906W
Prime Minister [22 March 2011]
Departmental Hospitality [22 March 2011]
British Sky Broadcasting and News Corporation [22 March 2011]
USA [22 March 2011]
Scotland [22 March 2011]
Departmental Hospitality [22 March 2011]
Departmental Plants [22 March 2011]
Column: 907W
Departmental Theft [22 March 2011]
Work-Based Stress [22 March 2011]
Third Sector [22 March 2011]
Column: 908W
Communities and Local Government [22 March 2011]
Departmental Food [22 March 2011]
Column: 909W
Column: 910W
Ministerial Policy Advisers [22 March 2011]
Departmental Hospitality [22 March 2011]
Departmental Public Appointments [22 March 2011]
Column: 911W
Regulation [22 March 2011]
Column: 912W
Departmental Security [22 March 2011]
Disabled Facilities Grants [22 March 2011]
Family Breakdown [22 March 2011]
Column: 913W
Fire Services [22 March 2011]
Housing: Construction [22 March 2011]
Column: 914W
Housing: Finance [22 March 2011]
Judicial Review [22 March 2011]
Column: 915W
Judicial Review: Legal Costs [22 March 2011]
Local Government Finance [22 March 2011]
Local Government Finance: Islington [22 March 2011]
Column: 916W
Local Government Resource Review [22 March 2011]
Local Government: Translation Services [22 March 2011]
Non-domestic Rates [22 March 2011]
Column: 917W
Non-domestic Rates: Third Sector [22 March 2011]
Column: 918W
Oldham Council: Pay [22 March 2011]
Voluntary Organisations: Playing Fields [22 March 2011]
Column: 919W
Waste Management [22 March 2011]
Written Questions: Government Responses [22 March 2011]
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [22 March 2011]
Aggregates Levy [22 March 2011]
Column: 920W
Birds of Prey [22 March 2011]
Birds: Conservation [22 March 2011]
Column: 921W
Cheese [22 March 2011]
Column: 922W
Dairy Farming [22 March 2011]
Column: 923W
Column: 924W
Departmental Land [22 March 2011]
Forests [22 March 2011]
Nappies: Waste Disposal [22 March 2011]
National Wildlife Crime Unit [22 March 2011]
Petrol Stations and Garages: Health Hazards [22 March 2011]
Column: 925W
Waste Disposal [22 March 2011]
Column: 926W
Water Supply [22 March 2011]
Column: 927W
Column: 928W
Home Department [22 March 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Fixed Penalties [22 March 2011]
Column: 929W
Column: 930W
Asylum [22 March 2011]
Asylum: Finance [22 March 2011]
Asylum: Scotland [22 March 2011]
Column: 931W
Avi Benayahu [22 March 2011]
Children: Protection [22 March 2011]
Column: 932W
Crime: Motor Vehicles [22 March 2011]
Column: 933W
Cybercrime [22 March 2011]
Departmental Compensation [22 March 2011]
Column: 934W
Deportation: Finance [22 March 2011]
Detention Centres: Children [22 March 2011]
Column: 935W
Drug Seizures: Northern Ireland [22 March 2011]
Drugs: Young People [22 March 2011]
Entry Clearances: Overseas Students [22 March 2011]
Column: 936W
Forensic Science [22 March 2011]
Column: 937W
Forensic Science: Terrorism [22 March 2011]
Column: 938W
Human Trafficking [22 March 2011]
Column: 939W
Identity and Passport Service: Ripon [22 March 2011]
Inter-departmental Ministerial Group on Missing Persons [22 March 2011]
Metals: Theft [22 March 2011]
Column: 940W
Military Aircraft: Fuels [22 March 2011]
Public Bodies Reform Programme [22 March 2011]
Column: 941W
Robbery [22 March 2011]
Smuggling: Fuels [22 March 2011]
Work-based Stress [22 March 2011]
Column: 942W
Defence [22 March 2011]
Afghanistan: Peacekeeping Operations [22 March 2011]
Animal Welfare Advisory Committee [22 March 2011]
Armed Forces: Discharges [22 March 2011]
Armed Forces: Recruitment [22 March 2011]
Armed Forces: Redundancy [22 March 2011]
Column: 943W
Armed Forces: Young People [22 March 2011]
Ministerial Special Advisers [22 March 2011]
Column: 944W
Departmental Pay [22 March 2011]
Private Finance Initiative [22 March 2011]
Departmental Public Appointments [22 March 2011]
Column: 945W
Departmental Rail Travel [22 March 2011]
Regulation [22 March 2011]
Hotels [22 March 2011]
Column: 946W
Military Aircraft [22 March 2011]
Column: 947W
Ministry of Defence Police and Guarding Agency [22 March 2011]
Radioactive Waste [22 March 2011]
Royal Naval Armaments Depot Coulport [22 March 2011]
Column: 948W
Sealand [22 March 2011]
Trident [22 March 2011]
Column: 949W
Treasury [22 March 2011]
Public Expenditure Reductions [22 March 2011]
Petrol Prices [22 March 2011]
Inflation [22 March 2011]
Column: 950W
Bank Bonuses [22 March 2011]
Economic Growth: Kent [22 March 2011]
Manufacturing [22 March 2011]
HM Revenue and Customs [22 March 2011]
Column: 951W
VAT: Retail Industry [22 March 2011]
Excise Duties: Fuels [22 March 2011]
Income Tax: Underpayments [22 March 2011]
Individual Savings Accounts: Children [22 March 2011]
Column: 952W
Means-tested Benefits [22 March 2011]
Members: Correspondence [22 March 2011]
Column: 953W
Non-domestic Rates: Empty Property [22 March 2011]
Public Sector: Pensions [22 March 2011]
Tax Allowances: Married People [22 March 2011]
Taxation: Football [22 March 2011]
Column: 954W
Foreign and Commonwealth Office [22 March 2011]
Bahrain: Human Rights [22 March 2011]
BBC World Service [22 March 2011]
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Anniversaries [22 March 2011]
Column: 955W
Cote d'Ivoire: Politics and Government [22 March 2011]
Democratic Republic of the Congo: Females [22 March 2011]
Column: 956W
Departmental Public Appointments [22 March 2011]
Departmental Rail Travel [22 March 2011]
Column: 957W
Egypt: Politics and Government [22 March 2011]
Indonesia: Religious Freedom [22 March 2011]
Japan: Tsunami [22 March 2011]
Column: 958W
Libya [22 March 2011]
Middle East: Armed Conflict [22 March 2011]
Middle East: Politics and Government [22 March 2011]
Column: 959W
Pakistan: Religious Freedom [22 March 2011]
Column: 960W
Palestinians: Overseas Aid [22 March 2011]
Population [22 March 2011]
Column: 961W
Serbia: War Crimes [22 March 2011]
USA: Visits [22 March 2011]
Voluntary Work [22 March 2011]
Column: 962W
Zimbabwe: Politics and Government [22 March 2011]
Work and Pensions [22 March 2011]
Apprentices: Middlesbrough [22 March 2011]
Child Maintenance [22 March 2011]
Column: 963W
Child Poverty [22 March 2011]
Departmental Procurement [22 March 2011]
Column: 964W
Disability Living Allowance [22 March 2011]
Column: 965W
Employers' Liability Insurance [22 March 2011]
Jobseeker's Allowance [22 March 2011]
Column: 966W
Personal Pensions [22 March 2011]
Column: 967W
Social Security Benefits: Appeals [22 March 2011]
Special Educational Needs [22 March 2011]
Column: 968W
State Retirement Pensions [22 March 2011]
Universal Credit [22 March 2011]
Column: 969W
Column: 970W
Welfare State: Reform [22 March 2011]
Column: 971W
Justice [22 March 2011]
Bailiffs [22 March 2011]
Boundary Disputes [22 March 2011]
Column: 972W
British Sign Language [22 March 2011]
Departmental Compensation [22 March 2011]
Column: 973W
Column: 974W
Driving under Influence: Sentencing [22 March 2011]
Column: 975W
Column: 976W
Column: 977W
Column: 978W
Column: 979W
Column: 980W
Column: 981W
Column: 982W
Column: 983W
Column: 984W
Column: 985W
Column: 986W
Column: 987W
Column: 988W
Column: 989W
Column: 990W
Column: 991W
Column: 992W
Column: 993W
Column: 994W
Column: 995W
Column: 996W
Employment and Support Allowance: Tribunals [22 March 2011]
Employment Tribunals Service: Trade Unions [22 March 2011]
Column: 997W
Column: 998W
Column: 999W
Column: 1000W
European Convention on Human Rights [22 March 2011]
Immigration: Judges [22 March 2011]
Interim Possession Orders [22 March 2011]
Column: 1001W
Column: 1002W
Column: 1003W
Column: 1004W
Knives: Convictions [22 March 2011]
Column: 1005W
Column: 1006W
Magistrates [22 March 2011]
Plants [22 March 2011]
Column: 1007W
Public Bodies Reform Programme [22 March 2011]
Health [22 March 2011]
Freedom of Information [22 March 2011]
Blood : Diseases [22 March 2011]
Column: 1008W
Blood: Contamination [22 March 2011]
Brain Cancer: Children [22 March 2011]
Column: 1009W
Cancer [22 March 2011]
Column: 1010W
Cataracts Treatment [22 March 2011]
Commission on Assisted Dying [22 March 2011]
Equality and Excellence: Liberating the NHS [22 March 2011]
Health Education: Schools [22 March 2011]
Column: 1011W
Health Services [22 March 2011]
Health Services: Privatisation [22 March 2011]
Heart Diseases: Children [22 March 2011]
Column: 1012W
Heart Diseases: Surgery [22 March 2011]
Histiocytosis [22 March 2011]
Column: 1013W
HIV Infection [22 March 2011]
Meat: Hygiene [22 March 2011]
Column: 1014W
Medicine: Education [22 March 2011]
Column: 1015W
Column: 1016W
NHS Accountability [22 March 2011]
Column: 1017W
NHS Contracts [22 March 2011]
NHS Performance Standards [22 March 2011]
Column: 1018W
NHS Surgery [22 March 2011]
Prescriptions: Fees and Charges [22 March 2011]
Respiratory System: Children [22 March 2011]
Column: 1019W
Column: 1020W
Column: 1021W
South London NHS Trust [22 March 2011]
Column: 1022W
Squatting [22 March 2011]
Tobacco: Young People [22 March 2011]
Column: 1023W
Education [22 March 2011]
Academies [22 March 2011]
Column: 1024W
Academies: Rotherham [22 March 2011]
Adoption [22 March 2011]
Building Schools for the Future Programme [22 March 2011]
Column: 1025W
CAFCASS [22 March 2011]
Child Services: Finance [22 March 2011]
Column: 1026W
Children: Missing Persons [22 March 2011]
Child Protection [22 March 2011]
Column: 1027W
Column: 1028W
Column: 1029W
Column: 1030W
Children: Separation [22 March 2011]
Connexions [22 March 2011]
Column: 1031W
Departmental Billing [22 March 2011]
Departmental Land [22 March 2011]
Column: 1032W
Departmental Manpower [22 March 2011]
Departmental Procurement [22 March 2011]
Departmental Public Expenditure [22 March 2011]
Column: 1033W
Departmental Rail Travel [22 March 2011]
Column: 1034W
Regulation [22 March 2011]
Departmental Telephone Services [22 March 2011]
Column: 1035W
Education Maintenance Allowance [22 March 2011]
Education: Ofsted [22 March 2011]
Education: Public Expenditure [22 March 2011]
Column: 1036W
Educational Psychology [22 March 2011]
Free School Meals [22 March 2011]
Column: 1037W
Free Schools: Lancashire [22 March 2011]
Free Schools: Norwich [22 March 2011]
Further Education: Finance [22 March 2011]
Column: 1038W
GCSE [22 March 2011]
Column: 1039W
Members: Correspondence [22 March 2011]
International Baccalaureate: Music [22 March 2011]
Column: 1040W
Pupil Exclusions [22 March 2011]
Pupil Exclusions: West Midlands [22 March 2011]
Column: 1041W
Column: 1042W
Pupils: Bullying [22 March 2011]
Pupils: Disadvantaged [22 March 2011]
Column: 1043W
Pupils: Per Capita Costs [22 March 2011]
Religion: Education [22 March 2011]
Schools: Biometrics [22 March 2011]
Column: 1044W
Schools: Bradford [22 March 2011]
Schools: Discretionary Learner Support Fund [22 March 2011]
Schools: Drugs [22 March 2011]
Column: 1045W
Schools: Finance [22 March 2011]
Schools: Rural Areas [22 March 2011]
Schools: Sports [22 March 2011]
Column: 1046W
Column: 1047W
Column: 1048W
Sixth-form Education: Repairs and Maintenance [22 March 2011]
Sixth-form Colleges: Capital Investment [22 March 2011]
Column: 1049W
Column: 1050W
Special Educational Needs [22 March 2011]
Column: 1051W
Students: Attendance [22 March 2011]
Column: 1052W
Teachers: Pay [22 March 2011]
Teachers: Redundancy [22 March 2011]
University Technical College: Houghton Regis [22 March 2011]
Vocational Guidance [22 March 2011]
Column: 1053W
Westminster Academy [22 March 2011]
Column: 1054W
Written Questions: Government Responses [22 March 2011]
Transport [22 March 2011]
Aviation: Security [22 March 2011]
Biofuels: EU Law [22 March 2011]
Column: 1055W
BRB (Residuary): Finance [22 March 2011]
Departmental Public Expenditure [22 March 2011]
Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee: Finance [22 March 2011]
Column: 1056W
First Great Western Railways [22 March 2011]
Highways Agency: Finance [22 March 2011]
Large Goods Vehicles: Driving Offences [22 March 2011]
Motor Vehicles: Manufacturing Industries [22 March 2011]
Column: 1057W
Piracy: Horn of Africa [22 March 2011]
Piracy: Somalia [22 March 2011]
Railways: Construction [22 March 2011]
Column: 1058W
Column: 1059W
Column: 1060W
Column: 1061W
Column: 1062W
Railways: Fees and Charges [22 March 2011]
Railways: Finance [22 March 2011]
Column: 1063W
Railways: Greater London [22 March 2011]
Rescue Services: Helicopters [22 March 2011]
Rolling Stock: Safety [22 March 2011]
Sea Rescue [22 March 2011]
Column: 1065W
Small Businesses: Regulation [22 March 2011]
Transport: Sustainable Development [22 March 2011]
West Coast Railway Line: Construction [22 March 2011]
Column: 1066W
Business, Innovation and Skills [22 March 2011]
Angel Investors [22 March 2011]
Apollo Group and University of Phoenix [22 March 2011]
Apprentices: Females [22 March 2011]
Column: 1067W
Column: 1068W
Apprentices: Totnes [22 March 2011]
Arms Trade [22 March 2011]
Column: 1069W
Arms Trade: Africa [22 March 2011]
Beer: Competition [22 March 2011]
Column: 1070W
Business: Government Assistance [22 March 2011]
Micro-Business: Statutory Rights [22 March 2011]
Rural Businesses [22 March 2011]
Column: 1071W
Ministerial Policy Advisers [22 March 2011]
Column: 1072W
Departmental Pay [22 March 2011]
Column: 1073W
Column: 1074W
Departmental Policy [22 March 2011]
Departmental Press: Subscriptions [22 March 2011]
Departmental Public Bodies [22 March 2011]
Column: 1075W
Economic Growth: Birmingham [22 March 2011]
Column: 1076W
Employment [22 March 2011]
European Southern Observatory [22 March 2011]
Column: 1077W
Further Education [22 March 2011]
Column: 1078W
Column: 1079W
Column: 1080W
Column: 1081W
Column: 1082W
Column: 1083W
Column: 1084W
Green Investment Bank [22 March 2011]
Higher Education: Admissions [22 March 2011]
Higher Education: Anti-Semitism [22 March 2011]
Column: 1085W
Lasers: Children [22 March 2011]
Loans [22 March 2011]
Column: 1086W
Graduates: Medicine and Science [22 March 2011]
Column: 1087W
Column: 1088W
Overseas Trade [22 March 2011]
Overseas Trade: Brazil [22 March 2011]
Column: 1089W
Overseas Trade: India [22 March 2011]
Overseas Trade: Russia [22 March 2011]
Column: 1090W
Post Offices: Bank Services [22 March 2011]
Prisons: Higher Education [22 March 2011]
Column: 1091W
Column: 1092W
Column: 1093W
Column: 1094W
Column: 1095W
Regional Growth Fund [22 March 2011]
Repayable Launch Investment [22 March 2011]
Column: 1096W
Science: Females [22 March 2011]
Squatting [22 March 2011]
Telephone Services [22 March 2011]
Column: 1097W
Vocational Guidance [22 March 2011]
Voluntary Work and Charitable Donations [22 March 2011]
International Development [22 March 2011]
Vietnam: Overseas Aid [22 March 2011]
Column: 1098W
Cameroon: Overseas Aid [22 March 2011]
Column: 1099W
Niger: Overseas Aid [22 March 2011]
Lesotho: Overseas Aid [22 March 2011]
Column: 1100W
Gambia: Overseas Aid [22 March 2011]
Cambodia: Overseas Aid [22 March 2011]
Column: 1101W
Burundi: Overseas Aid [22 March 2011]
Column: 1102W
Indonesia: Overseas Aid [22 March 2011]
Vietnam: Overseas Aid [22 March 2011]
Column: 1103W
Somalia: Overseas Aid [22 March 2011]
Column: 1104W