Clicking an entry will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen
Following the Table of Contents is a more detailed list which gives subject headings, timelines and names of speakers
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House of Commons Written Answers 4 May 2011
house of commons commission
leader of the house
prime minister
departmental responsibilities: older people
oil and gas: supplementary charge
communities and local government
departmental public expenditure
planning: sustainable development
social rented housing: greater london
equitable life assurance society: compensation
financial services compensation scheme
foreign and commonwealth office
australia and new zealand: emigration
bahrain: politics and government
yemen: politics and government
culture, media and sport
olympic games 2012: folk dance
energy and climate change
climate change: australia and new zealand
departmental conditions of employment
business, innovation and skills
environment protection: exports
higher education: reading east
regional development agencies: assets
regional growth fund: sheffield
science and innovation network
environment, food and rural affairs
animal welfare: sustainable farming
eu-morocco fisheries partnership agreement
national environment white paper
sustainable food and farming strategy
deputy prime minister
cabinet office
employment and support allowance: appeals
long-term prisoners: deportation
social security benefits: tribunals
home department
alcoholic drinks: young people
work and pensions
international development
turks and caicos islands: finance
further education: disadvantaged
ambulance services: greater london
general practitioners: telephone services
health professions: higher education
health services: learning disability
health services: staffordshire
medical equipment: counterfeit manufacturing
neurological conditions: health services
prescriptions: fees and charges
st helens and whiston hospital trust
This Table of Contents lists column numbers, department & subject heading and names of Members in the Commons Hansard Written Answers Text for
4 May 2011
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Clicking on an item will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen.
Column: 737W
Attorney-General [4 May 2011]
Departmental Travel [4 May 2011]
Departmental Work Experience [4 May 2011]
Column: 738W
Human Trafficking [4 May 2011]
House of Commons Commission [4 May 2011]
Serjeant at Arms Directorate [4 May 2011]
Leader of the House [4 May 2011]
Divisions [4 May 2011]
Oral Questions [4 May 2011]
Column: 739W
Prime Minister [4 May 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities: Older People [4 May 2011]
Wales [4 May 2011]
Departmental Buildings [4 May 2011]
Scotland [4 May 2011]
Oil and Gas: Supplementary Charge [4 May 2011]
Work Programme [4 May 2011]
Column: 740W
Universal Credit [4 May 2011]
Forests [4 May 2011]
Roads [4 May 2011]
Communities and Local Government [4 May 2011]
Business Premises: Rents [4 May 2011]
Column: 741W
Departmental Public Expenditure [4 May 2011]
Departmental Work Experience [4 May 2011]
Enterprise Zones [4 May 2011]
Column: 742W
Enterprise Zones: Broadband [4 May 2011]
Enterprise Zones: Finance [4 May 2011]
Fire Services [4 May 2011]
Column: 743W
Fire Services: Private Sector [4 May 2011]
Housing: Planning [4 May 2011]
Mobile Homes [4 May 2011]
Column: 744W
Planning [4 May 2011]
Planning: Sustainable Development [4 May 2011]
Social Rented Housing: Greater London [4 May 2011]
Treasury [4 May 2011]
Business: Loans [4 May 2011]
Column: 745W
Equitable Life Assurance Society: Compensation [4 May 2011]
Financial Services Compensation Scheme [4 May 2011]
Private Finance Initiative [4 May 2011]
Column: 746W
Stocks and Shares [4 May 2011]
Foreign and Commonwealth Office [4 May 2011]
Australia and New Zealand: Emigration [4 May 2011]
Bahrain: Politics and Government [4 May 2011]
Column: 747W
Departmental Work Experience [4 May 2011]
Khartoum: Human Rights [4 May 2011]
Sri Lanka: Human Rights [4 May 2011]
Column: 748W
United Nations [4 May 2011]
Yemen: Politics and Government [4 May 2011]
Column: 749W
Culture, Media and Sport [4 May 2011]
Apprenticeships [4 May 2011]
Arts [4 May 2011]
Column: 750W
BBC [4 May 2011]
Broadband [4 May 2011]
Film: Industry [4 May 2011]
Column: 751W
Tote [4 May 2011]
National Lottery [4 May 2011]
Column: 752W
NDPBs: Pay [4 May 2011]
Ofcom [4 May 2011]
Column: 753W
Olympic Games 2012: Folk Dance [4 May 2011]
Public Holidays [4 May 2011]
UK Film Council [4 May 2011]
Energy and Climate Change [4 May 2011]
Climate Change: Australia and New Zealand [4 May 2011]
Column: 754W
Electricity: Meters [4 May 2011]
Column: 755W
Energy: Business [4 May 2011]
Column: 756W
Energy: Housing [4 May 2011]
Column: 757W
Oil: Refineries [4 May 2011]
Column: 758W
Thorium [4 May 2011]
Column: 759W
Transport [4 May 2011]
Blue Badge Scheme [4 May 2011]
Column: 760W
Departmental Conditions of Employment [4 May 2011]
Departmental Manpower [4 May 2011]
Column: 761W
Departmental Official Cars [4 May 2011]
Departmental Redundancy [4 May 2011]
High Speed 2 Railway Line [4 May 2011]
Column: 762W
Transport: Finance [4 May 2011]
Column: 763W
Column: 764W
Business, Innovation and Skills [4 May 2011]
Bread: Prices [4 May 2011]
Business [4 May 2011]
Business: Advisory Services [4 May 2011]
Column: 765W
Cancer: Research [4 May 2011]
Community Interest Companies [4 May 2011]
Construction: Standards [4 May 2011]
Column: 766W
Departmental Buildings [4 May 2011]
Departmental Official Cars [4 May 2011]
Departmental Public Transport [4 May 2011]
Column: 767W
Earthquakes: Japan [4 May 2011]
Economic Growth [4 May 2011]
Column: 768W
Economic Growth: EU Law [4 May 2011]
Column: 769W
Environment Protection: Exports [4 May 2011]
Column: 770W
EU External Trade: India [4 May 2011]
EU Grants and Loans [4 May 2011]
Column: 771W
Flexible Working [4 May 2011]
Gold [4 May 2011]
Column: 772W
Graduates [4 May 2011]
Hallmarking [4 May 2011]
Column: 773W
Higher Education: Access [4 May 2011]
Higher Education: Admissions [4 May 2011]
Column: 774W
Higher Education: Reading East [4 May 2011]
Intellectual Property [4 May 2011]
Music: Higher Education [4 May 2011]
Column: 775W
Power Line Technology Devices [4 May 2011]
RBS and Lloyds TSB [4 May 2011]
Column: 776W
Regional Development Agencies: Assets [4 May 2011]
Regional Growth Fund: Sheffield [4 May 2011]
Research: Finance [4 May 2011]
Column: 777W
Science and Innovation Network [4 May 2011]
Column: 778W
Small Businesses: Finance [4 May 2011]
StartUp Britain [4 May 2011]
Column: 779W
Students: Fees and Charges [4 May 2011]
Column: 780W
Students: Loans [4 May 2011]
Column: 781W
Supermarkets: Competition [4 May 2011]
Tattooing [4 May 2011]
TrustMark [4 May 2011]
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [4 May 2011]
Animal Welfare: Sustainable Farming [4 May 2011]
Column: 782W
Biomass [4 May 2011]
Coastal Erosion: Kent [4 May 2011]
Column: 783W
Departmental Manpower [4 May 2011]
Dogs: Tagging [4 May 2011]
Elephants: Conservation [4 May 2011]
Column: 784W
Column: 785W
EU-Morocco Fisheries Partnership Agreement [4 May 2011]
Food: Supermarkets [4 May 2011]
Column: 786W
Horse Passports [4 May 2011]
National Environment White Paper [4 May 2011]
Nature Conservation: EU Law [4 May 2011]
Column: 787W
Column: 788W
Rivers: Lancashire [4 May 2011]
Salmon: Farms [4 May 2011]
Sustainable Farming [4 May 2011]
Sustainable Food and Farming Strategy [4 May 2011]
Column: 789W
Deputy Prime Minister [4 May 2011]
Accountability: Police [4 May 2011]
Mayors [4 May 2011]
Cabinet Office [4 May 2011]
Charitable Donations [4 May 2011]
Column: 790W
Charities: Kent [4 May 2011]
Departmental Stationery [4 May 2011]
Low Pay [4 May 2011]
Column: 791W
Public Data Corporation [4 May 2011]
Column: 792W
Third Sector: Finance [4 May 2011]
Justice [4 May 2011]
First Tier Tax Tribunal [4 May 2011]
Column: 793W
Courts: Closures [4 May 2011]
Column: 794W
Crime [4 May 2011]
Column: 795W
Column: 796W
Crime: Nature Conservation [4 May 2011]
Column: 797W
Column: 798W
Departmental Buildings [4 May 2011]
Departmental Work Experience [4 May 2011]
Driving Offences [4 May 2011]
Column: 799W
Employment and Support Allowance: Appeals [4 May 2011]
Column: 800W
Judiciary [4 May 2011]
Column: 801W
Legal Aid [4 May 2011]
Column: 802W
Legal Aid: Lone Parents [4 May 2011]
Long-term Prisoners [4 May 2011]
Long-term Prisoners: Deportation [4 May 2011]
Column: 803W
Magistrates: Expenses [4 May 2011]
Prison: Drugs [4 May 2011]
Column: 804W
Prisons: Crimes of Violence [4 May 2011]
Reoffenders [4 May 2011]
Column: 805W
Shoplifting [4 May 2011]
Column: 806W
Social Security Benefits: Tribunals [4 May 2011]
Tribunals: Manpower [4 May 2011]
Young Offenders [4 May 2011]
Column: 807W
Home Department [4 May 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Young People [4 May 2011]
Column: 808W
Animal Experiments [4 May 2011]
Column: 809W
Asylum [4 May 2011]
Crimes of Violence [4 May 2011]
Column: 810W
Departmental Buildings [4 May 2011]
Column: 811W
Departmental Communications [4 May 2011]
Column: 812W
Column: 813W
Departmental Travel [4 May 2011]
EU Immigration [4 May 2011]
Freedom of Information [4 May 2011]
Column: 814W
Hotels [4 May 2011]
Column: 815W
Hunting Act 2004 [4 May 2011]
Column: 816W
Column: 817W
Column: 818W
Immigration [4 May 2011]
Rape [4 May 2011]
Shoplifting [4 May 2011]
Column: 819W
Work and Pensions [4 May 2011]
Incapacity Benefit: Appeals [4 May 2011]
Defence [4 May 2011]
Armed Forces: Germany [4 May 2011]
Column: 820W
Armed Forces: Prisons [4 May 2011]
Column: 821W
Column: 822W
Armed Forces: Young People [4 May 2011]
Column: 823W
Departmental Food [4 May 2011]
Electronic Warfare [4 May 2011]
Guided Weapons [4 May 2011]
Column: 824W
Libya: Armed Conflict [4 May 2011]
Column: 825W
Navy [4 May 2011]
Piracy [4 May 2011]
UN Security Council [4 May 2011]
International Development [4 May 2011]
Brazil: Dams [4 May 2011]
Departmental Buildings [4 May 2011]
Column: 826W
Departmental Work Experience [4 May 2011]
Developing Countries: Cotton [4 May 2011]
Column: 827W
Developing Countries: Debts [4 May 2011]
Developing Countries: Energy [4 May 2011]
Column: 828W
Column: 829W
Overseas Aid [4 May 2011]
Supermarkets [4 May 2011]
Turks and Caicos Islands: Finance [4 May 2011]
Column: 830W
Voluntary Work: Young People [4 May 2011]
Column: 831W
Education [4 May 2011]
CAFCASS [4 May 2011]
Column: 832W
Children: Mental Health [4 May 2011]
Departmental Procurement [4 May 2011]
Column: 833W
Employment Agencies [4 May 2011]
Free Schools [4 May 2011]
Column: 834W
Further Education [4 May 2011]
Further Education: Disadvantaged [4 May 2011]
Column: 835W
Mental Health [4 May 2011]
Column: 836W
Primary Education: Literacy [4 May 2011]
Students: Finance [4 May 2011]
Unemployment: Coventry [4 May 2011]
Column: 837W
Health [4 May 2011]
Abortion [4 May 2011]
Column: 838W
Column: 839W
Column: 840W
Alzheimer’s Disease: Carers [4 May 2011]
Column: 841W
Ambulance Services: Greater London [4 May 2011]
Cancer [4 May 2011]
Column: 842W
Column: 843W
Cancer: Drugs [4 May 2011]
Cancer: Health Services [4 May 2011]
Column: 844W
Cancer: Research [4 May 2011]
Cataracts: Surgery [4 May 2011]
Column: 845W
Clinical Trials [4 May 2011]
Clostridium [4 May 2011]
Column: 846W
Dementia: Research [4 May 2011]
Departmental Work Experience [4 May 2011]
Column: 847W
General Practitioners: Telephone Services [4 May 2011]
Health Professions: Education [4 May 2011]
Health Professions: Higher Education [4 May 2011]
Column: 848W
Health Services: Equality [4 May 2011]
Health Services: Learning Disability [4 May 2011]
Column: 849W
Column: 850W
Health Services: Oxfordshire [4 May 2011]
Health Services: Staffordshire [4 May 2011]
Column: 851W
Hospitals: Closures [4 May 2011]
Column: 852W
Low Associates [4 May 2011]
Medical Equipment: Counterfeit Manufacturing [4 May 2011]
Column: 853W
Mental Illness [4 May 2011]
Neurological Conditions: Health Services [4 May 2011]
Column: 854W
NHS: Complaints [4 May 2011]
NHS: Manpower [4 May 2011]
Column: 855W
Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma [4 May 2011]
Column: 856W
Prescriptions: Fees and Charges [4 May 2011]
Column: 857W
Prosthetics [4 May 2011]
St Helens and Whiston Hospital Trust [4 May 2011]
Column: 858W