Clicking an entry will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen
Following the Table of Contents is a more detailed list which gives subject headings, timelines and names of speakers
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House of Commons Written Answers 4 July 2011
environment, food and rural affairs
agriculture: international co-operation
cats: electric shock equipment
nature conservation: eu action
independent parliamentary standards authority committee
house of commons commission
culture, media and sport
crewe-chester railway line: electrification
great western railway line: railway signals
public transport: greater london
road vehicle lighting regulations 1989
vehicle and operator services agency: administration
commercialisation and sexualisation of children
discretionary learner support fund
religion: english baccalaureate
international development
communities and local government
aldermaston atomic weapons establishment: fires
eu grants and loans: west midlands
homelessness: social rented housing
non-domestic rates: third sector
home department
metropolitan police: disability
cabinet office
ministerial policy advisers: social media
foreign and commonwealth office
british nationals abroad: italy
british nationals abroad: ransom
british overseas territories: carbon emissions
pakistan: politics and government
saudi arabia: religious freedom
zimbabwe: politics and government
work and pensions
employment and support allowance
state retirement pensions: females
deputy prime minister
strategic defence and security review
afghanistan: peacekeeping operations
armed forces: private education
defence infrastructure organisation: manpower
departmental public expenditure
alcoholic drinks and drugs: rehabilitation
health services: learning disability
energy and climate change
carbon emissions: northern ireland
departmental freedom of information
nuclear power stations: sellafield
business, innovation and skills
business: government assistance
new businesses: government assistance
office of the independent adjudicator: manpower
regional development agencies: assets
equitable life assurance society: compensation
excise duties: alcoholic drinks
foster care: guardian’s allowance
money: counterfeit manufacturing
This Table of Contents lists column numbers, department & subject heading and names of Members in the Commons Hansard Written Answers Text for
4 July 2011
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Clicking on an item will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen.
Column: 949W
Written Answers to Questions [4 July 2011]
Scotland [4 July 2011]
Departmental Advertising [4 July 2011]
Departmental Billing [4 July 2011]
Departmental Official Cars [4 July 2011]
Column: 950W
Drugs [4 July 2011]
Mortgages [4 July 2011]
Column: 951W
Scottish Power [4 July 2011]
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [4 July 2011]
Agriculture: International Co-operation [4 July 2011]
Agriculture: Subsidies [4 July 2011]
Animal Welfare [4 July 2011]
Column: 952W
Cats: Electric Shock Equipment [4 July 2011]
Environment [4 July 2011]
Farming: Private Sector [4 July 2011]
Column: 953W
Fisheries: Safety [4 July 2011]
Fishing Catches [4 July 2011]
Food: Exports [4 July 2011]
Column: 954W
Food: Imports [4 July 2011]
Hill Farming [4 July 2011]
Column: 955W
Nature Conservation: EU Action [4 July 2011]
Nutrient Run-off [4 July 2011]
Column: 956W
Water Charges [4 July 2011]
Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority Committee [4 July 2011]
Members: Allowances [4 July 2011]
Column: 957W
Column: 958W
Column: 959W
Attorney-General [4 July 2011]
Council of Europe: Meetings [4 July 2011]
Column: 960W
Prosecutions [4 July 2011]
Witnesses: Allowances [4 July 2011]
House of Commons Commission [4 July 2011]
Schools: Visits [4 July 2011]
Column: 961W
Culture, Media and Sport [4 July 2011]
Cycling: Roads [4 July 2011]
Column: 962W
Departmental Billing [4 July 2011]
Football: Lasers [4 July 2011]
Historic Buildings [4 July 2011]
Horse Racing [4 July 2011]
Column: 963W
Libraries: Reviews [4 July 2011]
Ofcom [4 July 2011]
Olympic Games 2012: Lasers [4 July 2011]
Column: 964W
Playing Fields [4 July 2011]
Public Holidays [4 July 2011]
Sport England: Dartford [4 July 2011]
Sports [4 July 2011]
Column: 965W
Sports: Obesity [4 July 2011]
World War I: Anniversaries [4 July 2011]
Column: 966W
Transport [4 July 2011]
A233: Road Traffic [4 July 2011]
Channel Tunnel Railway Line [4 July 2011]
Column: 967W
Crewe-Chester Railway Line: Electrification [4 July 2011]
Crossrail: Rolling Stock [4 July 2011]
Departmental Buildings [4 July 2011]
Column: 968W
Departmental Manpower [4 July 2011]
Driving Instruction [4 July 2011]
Driving: Licensing [4 July 2011]
EC Regulation 137/2007/EC [4 July 2011]
Column: 969W
Greater Anglia Railways [4 July 2011]
Great Western Railway Line: Railway Signals [4 July 2011]
High Speed Two Railway Line [4 July 2011]
Column: 970W
Level Crossings: Safety [4 July 2011]
Motorcycles: Safety [4 July 2011]
National Express East Coast [4 July 2011]
Column: 971W
Public Transport: Greater London [4 July 2011]
Rail Delivery Group [4 July 2011]
Railways: Disability [4 July 2011]
Railways: Finance [4 July 2011]
Column: 972W
Railways: Franchises [4 July 2011]
Railways: Passengers [4 July 2011]
Column: 973W
Railways: Standards [4 July 2011]
Rapid Transit Systems [4 July 2011]
Road Vehicle Lighting Regulations 1989 [4 July 2011]
Column: 974W
Rolling Stock: Procurement [4 July 2011]
Speed Limits [4 July 2011]
Transport: Finance [4 July 2011]
Vehicle and Operator Services Agency: Administration [4 July 2011]
Column: 975W
Education [4 July 2011]
Academies [4 July 2011]
Academies: Finance [4 July 2011]
Commercialisation and Sexualisation of Children [4 July 2011]
Column: 976W
Departmental Billing [4 July 2011]
Column: 977W
Column: 978W
Departmental Carbon Emissions [4 July 2011]
Departmental Official Cars [4 July 2011]
Departmental Procurement [4 July 2011]
Column: 979W
Disability: Ethnic Groups [4 July 2011]
Discretionary Learner Support Fund [4 July 2011]
Column: 980W
Education: Basic Skills [4 July 2011]
English Baccalaureate [4 July 2011]
Column: 981W
Free Schools: Bradford [4 July 2011]
National Curriculum Review [4 July 2011]
Column: 982W
Nurseries: Complaints [4 July 2011]
Column: 983W
Parents: Ethnic Groups [4 July 2011]
Physical Education [4 July 2011]
Primary Education: Chess [4 July 2011]
Religion: Education [4 July 2011]
Column: 984W
Religion: English Baccalaureate [4 July 2011]
Religion: Secondary Education [4 July 2011]
Schools: Assessments [4 July 2011]
Column: 985W
Column: 986W
Column: 987W
Column: 988W
Column: 989W
Column: 990W
Column: 991W
Schools: Inspections [4 July 2011]
Column: 992W
Schools: Libraries [4 July 2011]
Schools: Vocational Guidance [4 July 2011]
Students: Compensation [4 July 2011]
Column: 994W
Teachers: Academies [4 July 2011]
Vocational Education [4 July 2011]
Column: 995W
International Development [4 July 2011]
Departmental Official Cars [4 July 2011]
Libya: Armed Conflict [4 July 2011]
Column: 996W
Pakistan: Overseas Aid [4 July 2011]
Column: 997W
Yemen: Overseas Aid [4 July 2011]
Communities and Local Government [4 July 2011]
Affordable Housing [4 July 2011]
Column: 998W
Aldermaston Atomic Weapons Establishment: Fires [4 July 2011]
Anti-Semitism [4 July 2011]
Column: 999W
Departmental Official Visits [4 July 2011]
EU Grants and Loans: West Midlands [4 July 2011]
Fire Services [4 July 2011]
Column: 1000W
Homelessness: Social Rented Housing [4 July 2011]
King Edward's Memorial Park [4 July 2011]
Column: 1001W
Local Government Finance [4 July 2011]
Mayors: Referendums [4 July 2011]
Column: 1002W
Column: 1003W
Mobile Homes [4 July 2011]
Non-Domestic Rates: Third Sector [4 July 2011]
Quarrying: Kent [4 July 2011]
Social Services: Finance [4 July 2011]
Column: 1004W
Home Department [4 July 2011]
Departmental Buildings [4 July 2011]
Departmental Carbon Emissions [4 July 2011]
Column: 1005W
Firearms: Licensing [4 July 2011]
Metropolitan Police [4 July 2011]
Metropolitan Police: Disability [4 July 2011]
Column: 1006W
Metropolitan Police: Manpower [4 July 2011]
Police: Accountability [4 July 2011]
Cabinet Office [4 July 2011]
Cancer [4 July 2011]
Column: 1007W
Column: 1008W
Charity Commission: Manpower [4 July 2011]
Column: 1009W
Column: 1010W
Civil Servants: Pensions [4 July 2011]
Departmental Carbon Emissions [4 July 2011]
Jobseeker’s Allowance: Bexley [4 July 2011]
Ministerial Policy Advisers: Social Media [4 July 2011]
Unemployment: Graduates [4 July 2011]
Column: 1011W
Unemployment: Young People [4 July 2011]
Justice [4 July 2011]
Community Orders [4 July 2011]
Column: 1012W
Column: 1013W
Column: 1014W
Column: 1015W
Column: 1016W
Column: 1017W
Column: 1018W
Departmental Carbon Emissions [4 July 2011]
Departmental Official Cars [4 July 2011]
Column: 1019W
Homicide: Finance [4 July 2011]
Column: 1020W
Legal Aid [4 July 2011]
Legal Aid: Iraq [4 July 2011]
Missing Persons: Death [4 July 2011]
Offenders: Employment [4 July 2011]
Column: 1021W
Offenders: Rehabilitation [4 July 2011]
Open Prisons: Crime [4 July 2011]
Prison Service: Contracts [4 July 2011]
Column: 1022W
Prisoners’ Release [4 July 2011]
Prisoners: Literacy [4 July 2011]
Column: 1023W
Prisons: Employment [4 July 2011]
Column: 1024W
Sentencing: Drugs [4 July 2011]
Column: 1025W
Foreign and Commonwealth Office [4 July 2011]
Afghanistan: United Nations [4 July 2011]
Column: 1026W
Balkans [4 July 2011]
British Nationals Abroad: Italy [4 July 2011]
British Nationals Abroad: Ransom [4 July 2011]
Column: 1027W
British Overseas Territories: Carbon Emissions [4 July 2011]
Capita [4 July 2011]
Chen Guangcheng [4 July 2011]
Column: 1028W
China: Diplomatic Service [4 July 2011]
China: Family Planning [4 July 2011]
Council of Europe: Finance [4 July 2011]
Departmental Carbon Emissions [4 July 2011]
Column: 1029W
Departmental Travel [4 July 2011]
Column: 1030W
Egypt [4 July 2011]
Fair Trials International [4 July 2011]
Greece: Asylum [4 July 2011]
Column: 1031W
Iran: Religious Freedom [4 July 2011]
Iran: Satellites [4 July 2011]
Column: 1032W
Libya [4 July 2011]
Libya: Armed Conflict [4 July 2011]
Column: 1033W
Libya: Military Aid [4 July 2011]
Maldives: Inward Investment [4 July 2011]
Members: Correspondence [4 July 2011]
Middle East: Armed Conflict [4 July 2011]
Column: 1034W
National Security Council [4 July 2011]
Column: 1035W
Pakistan: China [4 July 2011]
Pakistan: Politics and Government [4 July 2011]
Saudi Arabia: Religious Freedom [4 July 2011]
Column: 1036W
Syria: Foreign Relations [4 July 2011]
UN Security Council [4 July 2011]
Column: 1037W
Zimbabwe: Politics and Government [4 July 2011]
Work and Pensions [4 July 2011]
Carer's Allowance [4 July 2011]
Child: Maintenance [4 July 2011]
Column: 1038W
Community Care Grants [4 July 2011]
Column: 1039W
Employment and Support Allowance [4 July 2011]
Housing Benefit [4 July 2011]
Column: 1040W
Personal Independence Payment [4 July 2011]
Column: 1041W
State Retirement Pensions [4 July 2011]
Column: 1042W
State Retirement Pensions: Females [4 July 2011]
Universal Credit [4 July 2011]
Working Tax Credit [4 July 2011]
Column: 1043W
Deputy Prime Minister [4 July 2011]
Electoral Register [4 July 2011]
Column: 1044W
Electoral Systems [4 July 2011]
Falkland Islands [4 July 2011]
Voting Rights: Prisoners [4 July 2011]
Column: 1045W
Voting Rights: Young people [4 July 2011]
Defence [4 July 2011]
Christmas Island [4 July 2011]
Strategic Defence and Security Review [4 July 2011]
Defence Exports [4 July 2011]
Middle East and North Africa [4 July 2011]
Column: 1046W
Afghanistan: Peacekeeping Operations [4 July 2011]
Armed Forces: Housing [4 July 2011]
Armed Forces: Private Education [4 July 2011]
Column: 1047W
Defence Infrastructure Organisation: Manpower [4 July 2011]
Column: 1048W
Departmental Billing [4 July 2011]
Ministerial Posts [4 July 2011]
Departmental Public Expenditure [4 July 2011]
Column: 1049W
Column: 1050W
Departmental Travel [4 July 2011]
Column: 1051W
Ex-servicemen [4 July 2011]
Joint Force Command [4 July 2011]
NATO: Armed Forces [4 July 2011]
Column: 1052W
Nuclear Submarines [4 July 2011]
Column: 1053W
Nuclear Weapons [4 July 2011]
UN Security Council [4 July 2011]
Column: 1054W
War Pensions: Tribunals [4 July 2011]
Health [4 July 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks and Drugs: Rehabilitation [4 July 2011]
Column: 1055W
Cord Blood [4 July 2011]
Departmental Carbon Emissions [4 July 2011]
Departmental Official Cars [4 July 2011]
Column: 1056W
Health Services: Learning Disability [4 July 2011]
Maternity Services [4 July 2011]
Column: 1057W
Mental Health Services [4 July 2011]
NHS: Pay [4 July 2011]
Column: 1058W
Ophthalmology [4 July 2011]
Organs: Donors [4 July 2011]
Column: 1059W
Prescription Drugs [4 July 2011]
Column: 1060W
Prescription Drugs: Misuse [4 July 2011]
Radiotherapy [4 July 2011]
Column: 1061W
Respite Care: Finance [4 July 2011]
Social Services [4 July 2011]
Column: 1062W
Social Services: Finance [4 July 2011]
Column: 1063W
Tuberculosis: Drugs [4 July 2011]
Energy and Climate Change [4 July 2011]
Carbon Emissions [4 July 2011]
Carbon Emissions: Housing [4 July 2011]
Column: 1064W
Carbon Emissions: Northern Ireland [4 July 2011]
Carbon Sequestration [4 July 2011]
Column: 1065W
Climate Change: Finance [4 July 2011]
Column: 1066W
Departmental Freedom of Information [4 July 2011]
Column: 1067W
Electricity: Northern Ireland [4 July 2011]
Energy [4 July 2011]
Energy Supply: Defence [4 July 2011]
Column: 1068W
Energy: Housing [4 July 2011]
Energy: Prices [4 July 2011]
Column: 1069W
Fuel: Prices [4 July 2011]
Fukushima [4 July 2011]
Column: 1070W
Natural Gas [4 July 2011]
Nuclear Power Stations: Sellafield [4 July 2011]
Column: 1071W
Solar Power: Housing [4 July 2011]
Superconductors: Research [4 July 2011]
Wind Power [4 July 2011]
Column: 1072W
Wind Power: Public Finance [4 July 2011]
Column: 1073W
Business, Innovation and Skills [4 July 2011]
Arms Trade: Exports [4 July 2011]
Bombardier Aerospace [4 July 2011]
Column: 1074W
Business: Government Assistance [4 July 2011]
Departmental Manpower [4 July 2011]
Green Investment Bank [4 July 2011]
Column: 1075W
Higher Education: Admissions [4 July 2011]
Column: 1076W
Column: 1077W
Column: 1078W
Manufacturing Industries [4 July 2011]
Column: 1079W
Munitions Workers: Medals [4 July 2011]
New Businesses: Government Assistance [4 July 2011]
Column: 1080W
Office of the Independent Adjudicator: Manpower [4 July 2011]
Sudan Overseas Investment [4 July 2011]
Public Services Provision [4 July 2011]
Column: 1081W
Regional Development Agencies [4 July 2011]
Regional Development Agencies: Assets [4 July 2011]
Universities: Business [4 July 2011]
Column: 1082W
Water: Imports [4 July 2011]
Treasury [4 July 2011]
Bank Services: Sudan [4 July 2011]
Banks: Finance [4 July 2011]
Column: 1083W
Capita [4 July 2011]
Commodity Markets [4 July 2011]
Departmental Carbon Emissions [4 July 2011]
Column: 1084W
Departmental Manpower [4 July 2011]
Departmental Procurement [4 July 2011]
Bio diesel [4 July 2011]
Column: 1085W
Economic Growth: EU Countries [4 July 2011]
Equitable Life Assurance Society: Compensation [4 July 2011]
EU Law [4 July 2011]
Column: 1086W
Excise Duties: Alcoholic Drinks [4 July 2011]
Excise Duties: Wines [4 July 2011]
Column: 1087W
Foster Care: Finance [4 July 2011]
Column: 1088W
Foster Care: Guardian’s Allowance [4 July 2011]
Money: Counterfeit Manufacturing [4 July 2011]
Mortgage Express: Complaints [4 July 2011]
Column: 1089W
Public Sector: Pensions [4 July 2011]
Revenue and Customs: Debts [4 July 2011]
Road Fuel Testing Unit [4 July 2011]
Taxation [4 July 2011]
Column: 1090W
VAT: Sports [4 July 2011]
Working Tax Credit [4 July 2011]
Column: 1091W
Column: 1092W