Clicking an entry will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen
Following the Table of Contents is a more detailed list which gives subject headings, timelines and names of speakers
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House of Commons Written Answers 5 July 2011
environment, food and rural affairs
house of commons commission
departmental freedom of information
northern ireland
electoral commission committee
prime minister
culture, media and sport
historic buildings: repairs and maintenance
museums and galleries: charitable trusts
international development
democratic republic of congo: females
developing countries: climate change
developing countries: tuberculosis
foreign and commonwealth office
afghanistan: politics and government
departmental official hospitality
north africa: politics and government
sudan: politics and government
syria: politics and government
work and pensions
departmental freedom of information
industrial health and safety: asbestos
industrial health and safety: prosecutions
carbon emissions: northern ireland
revenue and customs: leicester
home department
departmental freedom of information
entry clearances: diplomatic service
metropolitan police: civilians
organised crime: british nationality
uk border agency: correspondence
cabinet office
afghanistan: peacekeeping operations
defence business services organisation: manpower
ex-servicemen: military decorations
gulf states: royal military academy
strategic defence and security review
communities and local government
departmental freedom of information
european regional development fund
local government: social enterprises
local government: translation services
travelling people: regional planning and development
deputy prime minister
recall of members of parliament
biggin hill airport: olympic games 2012
channel tunnel railway line: freight
intercity west coast: franchises
renewable transport fuel obligation
health services: nottinghamshire
health services: overseas visitors
healthwatch: freedom of information
nhs supply chain supplier code of conduct
ovarian cancer: health education
royal brompton hospital: heart diseases
st george's healthcare nhs trust
worcestershire acute hospitals nhs trust: alexandra hospital
energy and climate change
prosecutions: human trafficking
business, innovation and skills
business: industrial health and safety
public services: private sector
criminal injuries compensation
departmental freedom of information
family courts: telephone services
family courts: termination of employment
sexual offences: criminal injuries compensation
This Table of Contents lists column numbers, department & subject heading and names of Members in the Commons Hansard Written Answers Text for
5 July 2011
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Clicking on an item will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen.
Column: 1093W
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [5 July 2011]
Agriculture: Education [5 July 2011]
Angling [5 July 2011]
Column: 1094W
Eggs: Imports [5 July 2011]
Rivers: Hertfordshire [5 July 2011]
Sea Bass [5 July 2011]
Column: 1095W
Yorkshire Dales National Park [5 July 2011]
House of Commons Commission [5 July 2011]
Equal Pay [5 July 2011]
Column: 1096W
Scotland [5 July 2011]
Departmental Carbon Emissions [5 July 2011]
Departmental Freedom of Information [5 July 2011]
Northern Ireland [5 July 2011]
Departmental Advertising [5 July 2011]
Column: 1097W
Departmental Billing [5 July 2011]
Victim Support [5 July 2011]
Welfare State: Reform [5 July 2011]
Column: 1098W
Wales [5 July 2011]
Departmental Advertising [5 July 2011]
Departmental Billing [5 July 2011]
Departmental Carbon Emissions [5 July 2011]
Departmental Official Cars [5 July 2011]
Column: 1099W
Enterprise Zones [5 July 2011]
Electoral Commission Committee [5 July 2011]
Elections [5 July 2011]
Column: 1100W
Column: 1101W
Column: 1102W
Electoral Commission [5 July 2011]
Column: 1103W
Electoral Register [5 July 2011]
Electoral Register: Standards [5 July 2011]
Column: 1104W
Prime Minister [5 July 2011]
Railways: China [5 July 2011]
Culture, Media and Sport [5 July 2011]
Arts: China [5 July 2011]
Arts: Tax Allowances [5 July 2011]
Broadband: Hertfordshire [5 July 2011]
Column: 1105W
Capita [5 July 2011]
Creative Industries Council [5 July 2011]
Departmental Carbon Emissions [5 July 2011]
Departmental Official Cars [5 July 2011]
Column: 1106W
Historic Buildings: Repairs and Maintenance [5 July 2011]
Column: 1107W
Internet: Children [5 July 2011]
Internet: Copyright [5 July 2011]
Column: 1108W
Lytham Hall [5 July 2011]
Members: Correspondence [5 July 2011]
Museums and Galleries: Charitable Trusts [5 July 2011]
Music: Video Recordings [5 July 2011]
Olympic Games 2012 [5 July 2011]
Column: 1109W
Olympic Games 2012: Tickets [5 July 2011]
Column: 1110W
Olympic Games 2012: Tobacco [5 July 2011]
Column: 1111W
Public Libraries [5 July 2011]
Royal Parks: Cycling [5 July 2011]
Sport England: Finance [5 July 2011]
Television: Licensing [5 July 2011]
Column: 1112W
Tourism [5 July 2011]
International Development [5 July 2011]
Democratic Republic of Congo: Females [5 July 2011]
Departmental Carbon Emissions [5 July 2011]
Column: 1113W
Developing Countries: Climate Change [5 July 2011]
Developing Countries: Females [5 July 2011]
Column: 1114W
Developing Countries: Tuberculosis [5 July 2011]
Column: 1115W
India: Overseas Aid [5 July 2011]
Private Sector Expertise [5 July 2011]
Column: 1116W
Foreign and Commonwealth Office [5 July 2011]
Afghanistan: Politics and Government [5 July 2011]
Departmental Official Hospitality [5 July 2011]
Forced Marriage Unit [5 July 2011]
Column: 1117W
Israel: Religious Freedom [5 July 2011]
North Africa: Politics and Government [5 July 2011]
Piracy: EU Action [5 July 2011]
Column: 1118W
Prisoners [5 July 2011]
Somalia: Refugees [5 July 2011]
Column: 1119W
Sudan: Politics and Government [5 July 2011]
Sudan: Violence [5 July 2011]
Column: 1120W
Syria: Politics and Government [5 July 2011]
Syria: Sanctions [5 July 2011]
Work and Pensions [5 July 2011]
Atos [5 July 2011]
Departmental Billing [5 July 2011]
Column: 1121W
Column: 1122W
Column: 1123W
Departmental Carbon Emissions [5 July 2011]
Departmental Freedom of Information [5 July 2011]
Column: 1124W
Employment [5 July 2011]
Employment: Dartford [5 July 2011]
Industrial Health and Safety: Asbestos [5 July 2011]
Column: 1125W
Industrial Health and Safety: Prosecutions [5 July 2011]
Treasury [5 July 2011]
Carbon Emissions: Northern Ireland [5 July 2011]
Council Tax: Rates and Rating [5 July 2011]
Domestic Rates: Appeals [5 July 2011]
Column: 1126W
Enterprise Zones [5 July 2011]
Freezing Orders: Syria [5 July 2011]
Hydrogen [5 July 2011]
Column: 1127W
Loans: Republic of Ireland [5 July 2011]
Members: Correspondence [5 July 2011]
Revenue and Customs: Leicester [5 July 2011]
Taxation: Self-Assessment [5 July 2011]
Column: 1128W
VAT: Technology [5 July 2011]
Home Department [5 July 2011]
Asylum: Deportation [5 July 2011]
British Nationality: Dartford [5 July 2011]
British Nationality: Bexley [5 July 2011]
Column: 1129W
Counter-terrorism: Leicester [5 July 2011]
Demonstrations: Embassies [5 July 2011]
Departmental Billing [5 July 2011]
Departmental Freedom of Information [5 July 2011]
Column: 1130W
Offenders: Foreign Nationals [5 July 2011]
Column: 1131W
Domestic Violence [5 July 2011]
Entry Clearances: Diplomatic Service [5 July 2011]
Column: 1132W
Foreign Workers: EU Nationals [5 July 2011]
Column: 1133W
Heroin: Misuse [5 July 2011]
Immigrants: English Language [5 July 2011]
Immigration [5 July 2011]
Column: 1134W
Knives: Crime [5 July 2011]
Column: 1135W
Metropolitan Police: Civilians [5 July 2011]
National Crime Agency [5 July 2011]
Organised Crime: British Nationality [5 July 2011]
Police [5 July 2011]
Column: 1136W
Police: Accountability [5 July 2011]
Policing and Crime Act 2009 [5 July 2011]
Sexual Offences [5 July 2011]
Column: 1137W
Stay Safe Campaign [5 July 2011]
Terrorism: Foreign Nationals [5 July 2011]
UK Border Agency: Correspondence [5 July 2011]
Cabinet Office [5 July 2011]
Charity Commission: Manpower [5 July 2011]
Column: 1138W
Community Development [5 July 2011]
Education [5 July 2011]
Capita [5 July 2011]
Further Education [5 July 2011]
Column: 1139W
Pupils: Disadvantaged [5 July 2011]
Defence [5 July 2011]
Afghanistan: Peacekeeping Operations [5 July 2011]
Defence Business Services Organisation: Manpower [5 July 2011]
Column: 1140W
Departmental Carbon Emissions [5 July 2011]
Ex-servicemen: Military Decorations [5 July 2011]
Gulf States: Royal Military Academy [5 July 2011]
Column: 1141W
Joint Strike Fighter Aircraft [5 July 2011]
Libya: Armed Conflict [5 July 2011]
Military Aircraft [5 July 2011]
Column: 1142W
NATO [5 July 2011]
NATO: Public Appointments [5 July 2011]
Reserve Forces [5 July 2011]
Strategic Defence and Security Review [5 July 2011]
Column: 1143W
Communities and Local Government [5 July 2011]
Affordable Housing [5 July 2011]
Biofuels: Accidents [5 July 2011]
Council Tax: Overpayments [5 July 2011]
Council Tax: Rates and Rating [5 July 2011]
Column: 1144W
Departmental Carbon Emissions [5 July 2011]
Departmental Freedom of Information [5 July 2011]
Column: 1145W
Departmental Internet [5 July 2011]
Column: 1146W
Enterprise Zones [5 July 2011]
Column: 1147W
European Regional Development Fund [5 July 2011]
Column: 1148W
Column: 1149W
Column: 1150W
Falck EMS UK [5 July 2011]
Fire Service College [5 July 2011]
Column: 1151W
Fire Services [5 July 2011]
Fire Services: AssetCo [5 July 2011]
Column: 1152W
Fire Services: Finance [5 July 2011]
Fire Services: Manpower [5 July 2011]
Fire Services: Pay [5 July 2011]
Column: 1153W
Column: 1154W
Fire Services: Procurement [5 July 2011]
Fire Services: Standards [5 July 2011]
Column: 1155W
Column: 1156W
Fire Services: Surveys [5 July 2011]
Fire Services: Training [5 July 2011]
Hedges [5 July 2011]
Homelessness [5 July 2011]
Column: 1157W
Local Government Finance [5 July 2011]
Local Government: Social Enterprises [5 July 2011]
Local Government: Translation Services [5 July 2011]
Column: 1158W
Public Sector: Pensions [5 July 2011]
Regional Growth Fund [5 July 2011]
Rented Housing [5 July 2011]
Column: 1159W
Social Rented Housing [5 July 2011]
Social Services: Finance [5 July 2011]
Column: 1160W
Travellers: Caravan Sites [5 July 2011]
Travelling People: Regional Planning and Development [5 July 2011]
Deputy Prime Minister [5 July 2011]
West Lothian Question [5 July 2011]
Column: 1161W
Act of Settlement [5 July 2011]
Prisoner Enfranchisement [5 July 2011]
Recall of Members of Parliament [5 July 2011]
City Status Competition [5 July 2011]
Departmental Staff [5 July 2011]
Column: 1162W
Electoral Commission [5 July 2011]
Prisoners: Voting Rights [5 July 2011]
Transport [5 July 2011]
A46 [5 July 2011]
Column: 1163W
A46: Lincoln [5 July 2011]
Biggin Hill Airport: Olympic Games 2012 [5 July 2011]
Bus Services: Kent [5 July 2011]
Column: 1164W
Channel Tunnel Railway Line [5 July 2011]
Channel Tunnel Railway Line: Freight [5 July 2011]
Column: 1165W
Departmental Regulation [5 July 2011]
Column: 1166W
Gatwick Express Railway Line [5 July 2011]
Column: 1167W
InterCity West Coast: Franchises [5 July 2011]
Large Goods Vehicles [5 July 2011]
Column: 1168W
Motor Vehicles: Insurance [5 July 2011]
Motor Vehicles: Testing [5 July 2011]
Column: 1169W
Motorways: Death [5 July 2011]
Column: 1170W
National Express East Coast [5 July 2011]
Column: 1171W
Railways: Finance [5 July 2011]
Railways: Franchises [5 July 2011]
Railways: Passengers [5 July 2011]
Railways: Pennines [5 July 2011]
Column: 1172W
Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation [5 July 2011]
Column: 1173W
Rescue Services [5 July 2011]
Roads: Accidents [5 July 2011]
Column: 1174W
Roads: Safety [5 July 2011]
Rolling Stock: Procurement [5 July 2011]
Thameslink [5 July 2011]
Column: 1175W
Train Operating Companies [5 July 2011]
Transport: Finance [5 July 2011]
Health [5 July 2011]
Aortic Aneurysm: Screening [5 July 2011]
Column: 1176W
Cancer: Medical Treatments [5 July 2011]
Dental Services [5 July 2011]
Dental Services: Cumbria [5 July 2011]
Column: 1177W
Dental Services: Standards [5 July 2011]
Dentists: Training [5 July 2011]
Column: 1178W
Food: Children [5 July 2011]
Health Services: Nottinghamshire [5 July 2011]
Column: 1179W
Health Services: Overseas Visitors [5 July 2011]
HealthWatch: Freedom of Information [5 July 2011]
Column: 1180W
Heroin: Offenders [5 July 2011]
Mental Health Services [5 July 2011]
Midwives: Greater London [5 July 2011]
Column: 1181W
Column: 1182W
Myeloma [5 July 2011]
NHS Future Forum [5 July 2011]
Column: 1183W
NHS Supply Chain Supplier Code of Conduct [5 July 2011]
NHS: Procurement [5 July 2011]
Ovarian Cancer: Health Education [5 July 2011]
Column: 1184W
Pancreatic Cancer [5 July 2011]
Column: 1185W
Peterborough Hospital: PFI [5 July 2011]
Prescription Drugs: Misuse [5 July 2011]
Column: 1186W
Prescriptions [5 July 2011]
Radiotherapy [5 July 2011]
Column: 1187W
Ritalin: Children [5 July 2011]
Royal Brompton Hospital: Heart Diseases [5 July 2011]
Column: 1188W
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust [5 July 2011]
Tuberculosis: Drugs [5 July 2011]
Column: 1189W
Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust: Alexandra Hospital [5 July 2011]
Energy and Climate Change [5 July 2011]
Electric Cables: Rural Areas [5 July 2011]
Wind Power [5 July 2011]
Column: 1190W
Attorney-General [5 July 2011]
Prosecutions [5 July 2011]
Prosecutions: Human Trafficking [5 July 2011]
Column: 1191W
Public Bodies: Human Rights [5 July 2011]
Serious Fraud Office [5 July 2011]
Business, Innovation and Skills [5 July 2011]
Business: Industrial Health and Safety [5 July 2011]
Column: 1192W
Business: Loans [5 July 2011]
Departmental Billing [5 July 2011]
Column: 1193W
Departmental Official Cars [5 July 2011]
Column: 1194W
Column: 1195W
Column: 1196W
Column: 1197W
Diamond Review [5 July 2011]
Higher Education [5 July 2011]
Column: 1198W
Higher Education: Admissions [5 July 2011]
Higher Education: Manpower [5 July 2011]
Column: 1199W
Higher Education: Pay [5 July 2011]
Column: 1200W
Motor Vehicles: EU Law [5 July 2011]
Motor Vehicles: Industry [5 July 2011]
Motor Vehicles: Retail Trade [5 July 2011]
Overseas Trade: Employment [5 July 2011]
Column: 1201W
Public Services: Private Sector [5 July 2011]
Repayment Acceleration [5 July 2011]
Students: Fees and Charges [5 July 2011]
Column: 1202W
Justice [5 July 2011]
Criminal Injuries Compensation [5 July 2011]
Custody: Step-families [5 July 2011]
Column: 1203W
Departmental Billing [5 July 2011]
Departmental Freedom of Information [5 July 2011]
Column: 1204W
Departmental Location [5 July 2011]
Family Courts [5 July 2011]
Column: 1205W
Family Courts: Mediation [5 July 2011]
Family Courts: Telephone Services [5 July 2011]
Column: 1206W
Family Courts: Termination of Employment [5 July 2011]
Homicide: Young Offenders [5 July 2011]
Column: 1207W
Miscarriages of Justice [5 July 2011]
Column: 1208W
Prisoners [5 July 2011]
Prisoners: Human Rights [5 July 2011]
Column: 1209W
Prisoners: Repatriation [5 July 2011]
Column: 1210W
Repossession Orders [5 July 2011]
Sexual Offences: Criminal Injuries Compensation [5 July 2011]
Column: 1211W
Column: 1212W