Clicking an entry will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen
Following the Table of Contents is a more detailed list which gives subject headings, timelines and names of speakers
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House of Commons Written Answers 14 July 2011
lloyd banking group: redundancy
defence science and technology laboratory
dartford-thurrock crossing: tolls
independent parliamentary standards authority committee
leader of the house
health authorities: postgraduate education
health services: freedom of information
north yorkshire and york primary care trust: finance
prime minister
auschwitz-birkenau foundation's perpetual fund
young offenders: remand in custody
home department
asylum: information and communications technology
forensic science service: closure
work and pensions
social security benefits: scotland
state retirement pensions: york
winter fuel payments: carmarthenshire
culture, media and sport
freedom of information requests
communities and local government
local government resources review
cabinet office
government departments: procurement
national insurance: income tax
welsh assembly government: borrowing
energy and climate change
business, innovation and skills
environment, food and rural affairs
bovine tuberculosis: disease control
bovine tuberculosis: vaccinations
british waterways board: freedom of information
coastal areas: public footpaths
international development
afghanistan: religious freedom
developing countries: agriculture
developing countries: diabetes
developing countries: marriage
developing countries: maternity services
human resources for health programme
horn of africa: climate change
foreign and commonwealth office
bahrain: politics and government
brahmaputra river: hydroelectric power
british nationals abroad: homicide
burma: politics and government
middle east: peace negotiations
yemen and somalia: politics and government
sudan: politics and government
syria: politics and government
tibet: politics and government
This Table of Contents lists column numbers, department & subject heading and names of Members in the Commons Hansard Written Answers Text for
14 July 2011
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Clicking on an item will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen.
Column: 425W
Column: 425W
Written Answers to Questions [14 July 2011]
Scotland [14 July 2011]
Andy Coulson [14 July 2011]
Ministerial Meetings [14 July 2011]
Departmental Lost Property [14 July 2011]
Devolution [14 July 2011]
Column: 426W
Lloyd Banking Group: Redundancy [14 July 2011]
Olympic Games 2012 [14 July 2011]
Trade Groups [14 July 2011]
Column: 427W
Defence [14 July 2011]
Cybercrime [14 July 2011]
Cybercrime: Manpower [14 July 2011]
Column: 428W
Defence Science and Technology Laboratory [14 July 2011]
Departmental Pay [14 July 2011]
Column: 429W
Column: 430W
Disclosure of Information [14 July 2011]
Electronic Data Systems [14 July 2011]
Royal Marines [14 July 2011]
Military Decoration [14 July 2011]
Column: 431W
Military Aircraft [14 July 2011]
Military Police [14 July 2011]
Transport [14 July 2011]
Business: Billing [14 July 2011]
Crown Relocations [14 July 2011]
Cycle to Work Scheme [14 July 2011]
Column: 432W
Dartford-Thurrock Crossing: Tolls [14 July 2011]
Departmental Procurement [14 July 2011]
Regulation [14 July 2011]
Column: 433W
Column: 434W
Departmental Responsibilities [14 July 2011]
Electric Vehicles [14 July 2011]
Column: 435W
Rail Value for Money Review [14 July 2011]
Railways: Halton [14 July 2011]
Rescue Services: Expenditure [14 July 2011]
Column: 436W
Contracts: Scotland [14 July 2011]
Shipping: EU Action [14 July 2011]
Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority Committee [14 July 2011]
Members: Allowances [14 July 2011]
Column: 437W
Telephone Recording [14 July 2011]
Column: 438W
Leader of the House [14 July 2011]
Ministerial Meetings [14 July 2011]
Column: 439W
Health [14 July 2011]
Ministerial Meetings [14 July 2011]
Carers [14 July 2011]
Column: 440W
Dementia: Bexley [14 July 2011]
Dental Health: Devon [14 July 2011]
Health Authorities: Postgraduate Education [14 July 2011]
Column: 441W
Health Services [14 July 2011]
Health Services: Freedom of Information [14 July 2011]
Health Inequalities [14 July 2011]
Column: 442W
Hospitals: Waiting Lists [14 July 2011]
Column: 443W
Column: 444W
Influenza: Vaccination [14 July 2011]
Medical Records: Databases [14 July 2011]
Column: 445W
Members: Correspondence [14 July 2011]
Column: 446W
Mental Health [14 July 2011]
NHS: Drugs [14 July 2011]
NHS: Training [14 July 2011]
North Yorkshire and York Primary Care Trust: Finance [14 July 2011]
Column: 447W
Column: 448W
Nurses: Pay [14 July 2011]
Column: 449W
Primary Care Trusts: Manpower [14 July 2011]
Prime Minister [14 July 2011]
Andrew Coulson [14 July 2011]
Column: 450W
Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation's Perpetual Fund [14 July 2011]
Phone Hacking [14 July 2011]
Justice [14 July 2011]
Ministerial Meetings [14 July 2011]
Column: 451W
Community Orders [14 July 2011]
Courts: Enforcement [14 July 2011]
Data Protection [14 July 2011]
Column: 452W
Departmental Compensation [14 July 2011]
Judicial Review: Costs [14 July 2011]
Column: 453W
Legal Aid Scheme [14 July 2011]
Column: 454W
Legal Aid Scheme: Immigration [14 July 2011]
Members: Correspondence [14 July 2011]
Privacy [14 July 2011]
Column: 455W
Probation [14 July 2011]
Column: 456W
Young Offenders: Remand in Custody [14 July 2011]
Wales [14 July 2011]
Welfare State: Reform [14 July 2011]
Home Department [14 July 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Crime [14 July 2011]
Asylum: Information and Communications Technology [14 July 2011]
Departmental Contracts [14 July 2011]
Column: 457W
Departmental Dismissal [14 July 2011]
EU Justice and Home Affairs [14 July 2011]
Forensic Science Service: Closure [14 July 2011]
Column: 458W
Illegal Immigrants [14 July 2011]
John Hagee [14 July 2011]
Column: 459W
Knives: Crime [14 July 2011]
Members: Correspondence [14 July 2011]
Raed Salah [14 July 2011]
Column: 460W
Young Offenders [14 July 2011]
Work and Pensions [14 July 2011]
Ministerial Meetings [14 July 2011]
Community Care Grants [14 July 2011]
Column: 461W
Habitual Residence [14 July 2011]
Hewlett Packard [14 July 2011]
Column: 462W
Pensioners: Poverty [14 July 2011]
Column: 463W
Column: 464W
Social Security Benefits: Scotland [14 July 2011]
Spotlight on Kinship Care [14 July 2011]
State Retirement Pensions: York [14 July 2011]
Column: 465W
Column: 466W
Winter Fuel Payments: Carmarthenshire [14 July 2011]
Culture, Media and Sport [14 July 2011]
Broadband [14 July 2011]
Broadband: Scotland [14 July 2011]
Broadband: YouView [14 July 2011]
Mass Media: Privacy [14 July 2011]
Royal Parks [14 July 2011]
Tourism: VAT [14 July 2011]
Video Games [14 July 2011]
Column: 467W
Attorney-General [14 July 2011]
Bona Vacantia [14 July 2011]
Column: 468W
Departmental Billing [14 July 2011]
Column: 469W
Column: 470W
Freedom of Information Requests [14 July 2011]
Column: 471W
Communities and Local Government [14 July 2011]
Ministerial Meetings [14 July 2011]
Departmental Dismissal [14 July 2011]
Column: 472W
Enterprise Zones [14 July 2011]
Fire Services: Finance [14 July 2011]
Health Inequalities [14 July 2011]
Column: 473W
Homelessness [14 July 2011]
Housing: Older People [14 July 2011]
Local Government Finance [14 July 2011]
Local Government Resources Review [14 July 2011]
Column: 474W
Local Government: Debts [14 July 2011]
Local Government: Procurement [14 July 2011]
Non-domestic Rates: Durham [14 July 2011]
Column: 475W
Recycling: Schools [14 July 2011]
Social Rented Housing [14 July 2011]
Column: 476W
Education [14 July 2011]
Business Regulation [14 July 2011]
Cabinet Office [14 July 2011]
Ministerial Meetings [14 July 2011]
Column: 477W
Government Departments: Procurement [14 July 2011]
New Businesses: Romsey [14 July 2011]
Pay: York [14 July 2011]
Column: 478W
Column: 479W
Treasury [14 July 2011]
Ministerial Meetings [14 July 2011]
Redundancy [14 July 2011]
Column: 480W
Business Regulation [14 July 2011]
Column: 481W
Column: 482W
Column: 483W
Column: 484W
Departmental Visits Abroad [14 July 2011]
Energy: Prices [14 July 2011]
Financial Services: Taxation [14 July 2011]
Bona Vacantia [14 July 2011]
Column: 485W
Liverpool Cruise Terminal [14 July 2011]
Loans: Belarus [14 July 2011]
Members: Correspondence [14 July 2011]
Column: 486W
National Insurance: Income Tax [14 July 2011]
Public Sector: Pensions [14 July 2011]
Rescue Services: Diesel Fuel [14 July 2011]
Column: 487W
Aviation: Pollution Control [14 July 2011]
Welfare Tax Credits [14 July 2011]
Welsh Assembly Government: Borrowing [14 July 2011]
Energy and Climate Change [14 July 2011]
Ministerial Meetings [14 July 2011]
Column: 488W
Carbon Emissions [14 July 2011]
Departmental Carbon Emissions [14 July 2011]
Column: 489W
Energy [14 July 2011]
Energy: Prices [14 July 2011]
Column: 490W
Fuel Poverty [14 July 2011]
Heat [14 July 2011]
Column: 491W
Smart Meters [14 July 2011]
[14 July 2011]
Column: 492W
North Sea Oil: Safety [14 July 2011]
Energy Security [14 July 2011]
Solar Power: Housing [14 July 2011]
Column: 493W
Tidal Power: Manpower [14 July 2011]
Wind Power [14 July 2011]
Column: 494W
Business, Innovation and Skills [14 July 2011]
Entrepreneurs [14 July 2011]
Inward Investment [14 July 2011]
Space Sector [14 July 2011]
Apprenticeships [14 July 2011]
Column: 495W
Microbusiness [14 July 2011]
Column: 496W
Apprentices: Greater London [14 July 2011]
Apprentices: Kettering [14 July 2011]
Column: 497W
Column: 498W
Copyright: Broadcasting [14 July 2011]
Employment: Young People [14 July 2011]
High Street Review [14 July 2011]
Higher Education [14 July 2011]
Higher Education: Admissions [14 July 2011]
Column: 499W
Column: 500W
Higher Education: York [14 July 2011]
Column: 501W
Student Loans Company [14 July 2011]
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [14 July 2011]
Agriculture: Carbon Emissions [14 July 2011]
Column: 502W
Agriculture: Land Use [14 July 2011]
Air Pollution: Aviation [14 July 2011]
Ammonia [14 July 2011]
Angling: Licensing [14 July 2011]
Column: 503W
Animal Welfare [14 July 2011]
Bovine Tuberculosis: Disease Control [14 July 2011]
Column: 504W
Column: 505W
Bovine Tuberculosis: Vaccinations [14 July 2011]
British Waterways Board [14 July 2011]
Column: 506W
British Waterways Board: Freedom of Information [14 July 2011]
Carbon Emissions [14 July 2011]
Column: 507W
Coastal Areas: Public Footpaths [14 July 2011]
Column: 508W
Coastal Erosion: East Sussex [14 July 2011]
Crops: Research [14 July 2011]
Departmental Consultants [14 July 2011]
Column: 509W
Dogs: Sales [14 July 2011]
Eggs: Labelling [14 July 2011]
Column: 510W
Farmers: Carbon Emissions [14 July 2011]
Fertilisers [14 July 2011]
Column: 511W
Fertilisers: Grasslands [14 July 2011]
Food [14 July 2011]
Column: 512W
Food: Origin Marking [14 July 2011]
Foxes: Disease Control [14 July 2011]
Column: 513W
Horticulture [14 July 2011]
Marine Conservation Zones [14 July 2011]
Column: 514W
Column: 515W
Nitrates [14 July 2011]
Producer Responsibility [14 July 2011]
Column: 516W
Rabbits: EU Law [14 July 2011]
Reservoirs [14 July 2011]
Shooting Seasons [14 July 2011]
Column: 517W
Squirrels [14 July 2011]
International Development [14 July 2011]
Afghanistan: Religious Freedom [14 July 2011]
Developing Countries: Agriculture [14 July 2011]
Column: 518W
Column: 519W
Developing Countries: Diabetes [14 July 2011]
Developing Countries: Marriage [14 July 2011]
Developing Countries: Maternity Services [14 July 2011]
Column: 520W
Human Resources for Health Programme [14 July 2011]
Horn of Africa: Agriculture [14 July 2011]
Column: 521W
Horn of Africa: Climate Change [14 July 2011]
Column: 522W
Horn of Africa: Human Rights [14 July 2011]
Overseas Aid [14 July 2011]
Column: 523W
Tuberculosis: Disease Control [14 July 2011]
Column: 524W
Foreign and Commonwealth Office [14 July 2011]
Afghanistan: Drugs [14 July 2011]
Column: 525W
Andrew Coulson [14 July 2011]
Bahrain: Politics and Government [14 July 2011]
Column: 526W
Brahmaputra River: Hydroelectric Power [14 July 2011]
British Nationals Abroad: Homicide [14 July 2011]
Ministerial Meetings [14 July 2011]
Burma: Politics and Government [14 July 2011]
Column: 527W
Departmental Co-ordination [14 July 2011]
Departmental Statistics [14 July 2011]
Emergency Disaster Reserve [14 July 2011]
Column: 528W
India: Prisoners [14 July 2011]
Indonesia: Minority Groups [14 July 2011]
Column: 529W
Iran: Baha'i Faith [14 July 2011]
Libya: Armed Conflict [14 July 2011]
Middle East: Peace Negotiations [14 July 2011]
Gaza [14 July 2011]
Column: 530W
Yemen and Somalia: Politics and Government [14 July 2011]
Column: 531W
South Africa: Trials [14 July 2011]
Sudan: Politics and Government [14 July 2011]
Syria [14 July 2011]
Column: 532W
Syria: Arms Trade [14 July 2011]
Syria: Politics and Government [14 July 2011]
Column: 533W
Tibet: Politics and Government [14 July 2011]
Column: 534W