Mr Edward Leigh
Spoken material by subject
Includes all oral questions, debate and Westminster Hall contributions from this MP during the current session.
Academies Bill [] [19 July 2010]
Afghanistan [7 July 2010]
Africa and the Middle East [4 April 2011]
Appointment of the Chair of the National Audit Office [7 December 2011]
Armed Forces Personnel [10 November 2011]
Arms Export Controls [Westminster Hall] [20 October 2011]
Autumn Forecast [29 November 2010]
AV Referendum (Scotland) [27 July 2010]
Bahrain [17 February 2011]
Bank Bonuses [11 January 2011]
Bankers’ Bonuses [13 January 2011]
Banking Commission Report [19 December 2011]
Broadcasting (Public Service Content) Bill [1 April 2011]
Budget Deficits (Ireland) [21 December 2010]
Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation [29 March 2011]
Budget Responsibility and National Audit Bill [Lords] [14 February 2011]
Business of the House [10 March 2011]
Business of the House [17 February 2011]
Business of the House [25 November 2010]
Business of the House [18 November 2010]
Business of the House [9 September 2010]
Business Taxation [8 December 2011]
Capital Gains Tax (Rates) [28 June 2010]
Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School [17 October 2011]
Christians in Iraq [Westminster Hall] [30 November 2010]
Civil List [30 June 2011]
Committee on Members’ Allowances [7 July 2011]
Council of Europe (UK Chairmanship) [27 October 2011]
Counter-terrorism [3 May 2011]
Counter-Terrorism [20 January 2011]
Daily Prayers [3 March 2011]
Debate on the Address [25 May 2010]
Departmental Business Plans [8 November 2010]
Education Bill [8 February 2011]
Employment Opportunities Bill [17 June 2011]
Engagements [9 November 2011]
Engagements [15 December 2010]
EU Council and North Africa [7 February 2011]
European Council [Westminster Hall] [8 December 2011]
European Council [27 June 2011]
European Council [1 November 2010]
European Union (Amendment) Act 2008 [16 March 2011]
European Union (UK Permanent Representative) [Westminster Hall] [10 May 2011]
European Union Bill [11 January 2011]
European Union Bill [7 December 2010]
European Union Economic Governance [10 November 2010]
Eurozone Crisis [Westminster Hall] [15 November 2011]
Eurozone Financial Assistance [24 May 2011]
Finance Bill [28 June 2011]
Financial Assistance (Ireland) [22 November 2010]
Fixed-term Parliaments Bill [24 November 2010]
Fixed-term Parliaments Bill [13 September 2010]
Food Labelling Regulations (Amendment) Bill [1 April 2011]
Future of the NHS [9 May 2011]
G20 [7 November 2011]
G20 Summit [15 November 2010]
General matters [20 December 2011]
Government Spending Cuts [26 May 2010]
Health and Social Care (Re-committed) Bill [7 September 2011]
Higher Education Fees [9 December 2010]
Hindi Radio Service (BBC) [14 March 2011]
HIV [Westminster Hall] [1 December 2010]
Horn of Africa [13 July 2011]
Horse Racing (Funding) [Westminster Hall] [22 November 2011]
House of Commons Disqualification (Amendment) Bill [9 September 2011]
House of Lords Reform [27 June 2011]
House of Lords Reform (Draft Bill) [17 May 2011]
Humanitarian Relief and Libya [5 April 2011]
Illegal Immigration [7 March 2011]
Immigration [18 November 2010]
Independent Banking Commission Report [12 September 2011]
Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority [2 December 2010]
Intensive Dairy Farming [Westminster Hall] [14 December 2010]
Japan and the Middle East [14 March 2011]
Kabul Conference [21 July 2010]
Legislation (Territorial Extent) Bill [9 September 2011]
Libya [16 May 2011]
Libya (London Conference) [30 March 2011]
Libya (Post-conflict Reconstruction) [3 May 2011]
Libya and the Middle East [7 March 2011]
Libya and the Middle East [28 February 2011]
Localism Bill [17 January 2011]
Members’ Salaries [21 March 2011]
Metal Theft [Westminster Hall] [1 December 2010]
Middle East and North Africa [7 June 2011]
Middle East, North Africa, Afghanistan and Pakistan [16 May 2011]
Ministerial Statements [5 December 2011]
National Audit Office [24 November 2011]
National Audit Office [12 May 2011]
National Referendum on the European Union [24 October 2011]
NATO Summit [22 November 2010]
NHS Future Forum [14 June 2011]
NHS Reorganisation [16 March 2011]
North Africa and the Middle East [24 March 2011]
North Africa and the Near and Middle East [28 November 2011]
Pakistan [Westminster Hall] [22 March 2011]
Parliamentary Standards Act 2009 [15 December 2011]
Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill [2 November 2010]
Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill [12 October 2010]
Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill [6 September 2010]
Points of Order [5 July 2010]
Points of Order [28 November 2011]
Points of Order [14 July 2011]
Points of Order [29 March 2011]
Points of Order [8 November 2010]
Points of Order [13 July 2010]
Postal Services Bill [27 October 2010]
Private Members’ Bills [30 March 2011]
Protection of Freedoms Bill [1 March 2011]
Protection of Freedoms Bill (Programme) (No. 3) [10 October 2011]
Public Confidence in the Media and Police [20 July 2011]
Public Disorder [11 August 2011]
Public Examinations [11 July 2011]
Public Forest Estate (England) [2 February 2011]
Redundancy and Resettlement [19 December 2011]
Regional Development (North-East) [Westminster Hall] [22 March 2011]
Registration of Members’ Financial Interests [7 February 2011]
Rehabilitation and Sentencing [7 December 2010]
Religious Education [Westminster Hall] [17 May 2011]
Review of Parliamentary Standards Act 2009 [12 May 2011]
Royal Fleet Auxiliary [6 December 2010]
School Sports (Colchester) [Westminster Hall] [14 December 2010]
Sentencing (Green Paper) [Westminster Hall] [14 December 2010]
Sentencing Reform/Legal Aid [21 June 2011]
Solar Power (Feed-in Tariff) [23 November 2011]
Sovereign Grant Bill [14 July 2011]
Sovereign Grant Bill (Allocation of Time) [14 July 2011]
Special Immigration Appeals Commission [13 September 2011]
Strategic Defence and Security Review [4 November 2010]
Strategic Defence and Security Review [19 October 2010]
Succession to the Throne [15 November 2011]
The Economy [6 December 2011]
Topical Questions [21 November 2011]
Topical Questions [31 October 2011]
Topical Questions [24 May 2011]
Topical Questions [7 September 2010]
Treatment of Christians [Westminster Hall] [24 May 2011]
UK Armed Forces in Afghanistan [9 September 2010]
Unauthorised Development [4 April 2011]
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973 [21 March 2011]
Voting by Prisoners [10 February 2011]
Welfare Reform [11 October 2010]