Therese Coffey
Spoken material by subject
Includes all oral questions, debate and Westminster Hall contributions from this MP during the current session.
2018 World Cup [21 June 2010]
Academies (Funding) [16 June 2011]
Afghanistan [27 October 2010]
Anaerobic Digestion [10 February 2011]
Annual Energy Statement [27 July 2010]
Autumn Forecast [29 November 2010]
BBC Funding (CSR) [10 November 2010]
BBC Local Radio [Westminster Hall] [26 October 2011]
BBC Local Radio [Westminster Hall] [5 April 2011]
Bogus Charity Bag Collections [Westminster Hall] [13 October 2010]
BSkyB [30 June 2011]
Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation [24 March 2011]
Business of the House [24 November 2011]
Business of the House [18 March 2011]
Business of the House [16 December 2010]
Business of the House [18 November 2010]
Business of the House [22 July 2010]
Coastguard Service [Westminster Hall] [2 February 2011]
Comprehensive Spending Review [20 October 2010]
Controlling Migration [23 November 2010]
Core Cities [8 December 2011]
Dangerous Dogs [Westminster Hall] [6 July 2011]
Daylight Saving Bill [3 December 2010]
Deregulation [Westminster Hall] [10 January 2012]
Digital Transmitter Sites [8 September 2011]
Disturbances (London) [28 March 2011]
Domestic Fuel Prices [16 December 2010]
Economic Affairs and Work and Pensions [8 June 2010]
Economic Growth (Waveney) [25 November 2011]
Education Performance [Westminster Hall] [12 May 2011]
Electricity Market Reform [12 July 2011]
End-of-Life Care [Westminster Hall] [28 June 2011]
Energy and Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [27 May 2010]
Energy Industry (East Anglia) [Westminster Hall] [7 December 2010]
Energy Prices [19 October 2011]
Engagements [13 July 2011]
Engagements [4 May 2011]
Engagements [9 March 2011]
Environmental Protection and Green Growth [26 October 2011]
EU Council [12 December 2011]
European Council [24 October 2011]
European Council [27 June 2011]
European External Action Service [14 July 2010]
European Union Bill [7 December 2010]
Farming (Droughts) [16 May 2011]
Finance (No. 3) Bill [3 May 2011]
Finance Bill [6 July 2010]
Firearms Control [20 December 2010]
Fisheries [12 May 2011]
Fisheries [Westminster Hall] [2 December 2010]
Fishing Restrictions (Suffolk Coastal) [24 June 2010]
Flood and Water Management [Westminster Hall] [8 September 2011]
Flood Defence Allocations [9 February 2011]
Flood Risk Management [Westminster Hall] [9 February 2011]
Football Clubs (Governance) [Westminster Hall] [8 September 2010]
Forestry (England) [17 February 2011]
Fuel Poverty [Westminster Hall] [19 January 2011]
Fuel Poverty (Rural Britain) [Westminster Hall] [7 July 2010]
Gang Culture [13 September 2011]
General matters [20 December 2011]
GP Commissioning [7 September 2010]
Health [21 December 2010]
Hillsborough Disaster [17 October 2011]
House of Lords Reform [27 June 2011]
House of Lords Reform (Draft Bill) [17 May 2011]
Immigration System [7 March 2011]
Immigration Tribunals [28 June 2011]
Insurance Premiums (Flooding) [9 December 2010]
Intellectual Property (Hargreaves Report) [Westminster Hall] [7 July 2011]
Long-term Custodial Sentences [11 January 2011]
Mackerel Quota [3 February 2011]
Manufacturing [24 November 2011]
Marine Management Organisation [18 October 2011]
Metropolitan Police Service [18 July 2011]
Missing Persons [Westminster Hall] [26 October 2010]
Mortgage Interest Payments [18 October 2010]
Music and the Economy [Westminster Hall] [22 November 2011]
National Health Service [26 October 2011]
National Lottery Reform [Westminster Hall] [22 July 2010]
National Policy Statements [1 December 2010]
National Policy Statements (Energy) [18 July 2011]
New Schools [10 October 2011]
NHS Care of Older People [Westminster Hall] [27 October 2011]
NHS Future Forum [14 June 2011]
NHS Reform [4 April 2011]
Nuclear Energy [Westminster Hall] [22 June 2010]
Nuclear Industry Safety [18 May 2011]
Off-grid Households [20 October 2011]
Office for Budget Responsibility [14 June 2010]
Park Homes [16 December 2010]
Parliamentary Contributory Pension Fund [17 October 2011]
Parliamentary Reform [Westminster Hall] [3 February 2011]
Pay Rates (Civil Service) [9 June 2010]
Phone Hacking [6 July 2011]
Pig Farming [Westminster Hall] [23 March 2011]
Point of Order [11 August 2011]
Points of Order [22 March 2011]
Prayers [18 March 2011]
Prisoners (Voting Rights) [Westminster Hall] [11 January 2011]
Private Finance Initiative [Westminster Hall] [23 June 2011]
Private Finance Initiative [21 December 2010]
Procedure Committee Reports [13 October 2011]
Provision of Hydration and Nutrition for the Terminally Ill [14 September 2011]
Public Confidence in the Media and Police [20 July 2011]
Public Confidence in the Media and Police [20 July 2011]
Public Forest Estate (England) [2 February 2011]
Public Service Pensions [20 December 2011]
Public Services (Social Enterprise and Social Value) Bill [19 November 2010]
Public Services (Social Value) Bill [25 November 2011]
Rehabilitation and Sentencing [7 December 2010]
Rural Broadband [Westminster Hall] [23 March 2011]
Rural Broadband and Mobile Coverage [19 May 2011]
Science and Maths A-levels [20 December 2010]
Sex and Relationships Education [8 September 2010]
Shoreline Management Plans [Westminster Hall] [30 November 2010]
Speaker’s Statement [16 June 2010]
Special Needs and Disabilities [21 March 2011]
Sport and Youth Crime [Westminster Hall] [6 December 2011]
St George’s Day and St David’s Day Bill [13 May 2011]
Sunday Trading (Amendment) [6 July 2011]
Superannuation Bill [7 September 2010]
Taxation (Banks) [6 December 2011]
The Economy [6 December 2011]
The Economy [22 June 2011]
The Future of Pubs [Westminster Hall] [9 December 2010]
Topical Questions [15 December 2011]
Topical Questions [30 June 2011]
Topical Questions [13 December 2010]
Topical Questions [6 December 2010]
Topical Questions [18 October 2010]
Topical Questions [26 July 2010]
Topical Questions [20 July 2010]
Topical Questions [13 July 2010]
Topical Questions [21 June 2010]
Training Opportunities (Rural Areas) [13 October 2011]
UN Security Council Resolution (Libya) [18 March 2011]
Unauthorised Encampments [Westminster Hall] [8 September 2010]
Use of the Chamber (United Kingdom Youth Parliament) [20 July 2010]
Voting by Prisoners [10 February 2011]
Waste Review [14 June 2011]
Water White Paper [8 December 2011]
Winter Weather [2 December 2010]
Wreck Removal Convention Bill [18 March 2011]
Youth Unemployment [9 November 2011]