Index for Volume 511continued
A Ap B Be Bl Bu By C Ci Cr D Di E En F Fr G Gr Gu H He Hu I J K L Ll M Me Mo N No O Ow P Ph Q R Ri S Sk Sr T Tu U V W We Wo Y Z
Meacher, Rt Hon Mr Michael
Chamber Debates
Backbench Business Committee (15.06.2010) 827-9
BP, Gulf of Mexico (14.06.2010) 637
Financial services, Regulation (17.06.2010) 1060
Office for Budget Responsibility (14.06.2010) 622
Queen's speech (08.06.2010) 220-2
Mearns, Ian
Chamber Debates
Identity Documents Bill, 2R (09.06.2010) 387-90
Maiden speeches (09.06.2010) 387-90
Manufacturing industries, Government assistance (16.06.2010) 903, 960-1
Westminster Hall Debates
Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (16.06.2010) 151wh
Armed forces, Health services 497-8w
United Kingdom Hydrographic Office 183w
Medical examinations
Oaths and affirmations (07.06.2010) 1
Mental health
Mental health services
Mental illness
Met Office
Michael, Rt Hon Alun
Chamber Debates
Queen's speech (07.06.2010) 47, 50-2
British Waterways Board 175
Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry
Ministerial statements (09.06.2010) 333-43
Middle East
Midland main railway line
Miliband, Rt Hon Edward
Chamber Debates
BP, Gulf of Mexico (14.06.2010) 631-2
Military aid
Military aircraft
Military bases
Military decorations
Miller, Andrew
Chamber Debates
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations (14.06.2010) 613
Manufacturing industries, Government assistance (16.06.2010) 903, 939, 956-9
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 342w
Armed forces, Housing 345w
Business, Government assistance 868
Exservicemen, Radiation exposure 349w
Gurkhas, Immigration 551w
Reviews, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 508-9w
Reviews, Department of Energy and Climate Change 539w
Reviews, Government departments 137w
Reviews, Ministry of Justice 564w
Reviews, Northern Ireland Office 504w
Reviews, Scotland Office 339w
Miller, Maria, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Work and Pensions
Chamber Debates
Westminster Hall Debates
Poverty, Children (09.06.2010) 34-7wh
Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission 5w
Hearing impairment, Children 365-6w
Jobcentre Plus, Disclosure of information 581-2
Jobcentre Plus, Voluntary organisations 599
Mills, Nigel
Chamber Debates
Maiden speeches (07.06.2010) 93-5
Queen's speech (07.06.2010) 93-5
Westminster Hall Debates
Large goods vehicles, Tolls 558w
Milton, Anne, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health
Written Statements
EU Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council 46ws
Alcoholic drinks, Rehabilitation 45w
Community nurses, Car allowances 261w
Drugs, Rehabilitation 47-8w
Genetically modified organisms, Food 443w
Health services, EU action 406w
Mobile phones, Health hazards 51w
Tuberculosis, Disease control 445-6w
Tuberculosis, West Midlands 446-7w
Milton Keynes
Minimum wage
Ministerial policy advisers
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 81w
Department for Culture, Media and Sport 167-8w, 489w
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 15w, 148w
Department for International Development 241-2w, 310w
Department for Transport 147w
Department for Work and Pensions 363w
Department of Energy and Climate Change 31w, 110w
Department of Health 220w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 99-100w
Leader of the House of Commons 1w
Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 145w, 335w
Ministerial statements
Afghanistan (14.06.2010) 603-16
Bloody Sunday Tribunal of Inquiry (15.06.2010) 739-61
Financial services (17.06.2010) 1056-65
Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry (09.06.2010) 333-43
Office for Budget Responsibility (14.06.2010) 617-28
Public expenditure (17.06.2010) 1040-55
Ministry of Defence
Electronic equipment 179w
Information officers 468w
Official hospitality 349w
Translation services 469w
UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 251w
Ministry of Defence Guard Service
Ministry of Justice
Departmental responsibilities 733
Electronic equipment 118w
Mitchell, Rt Hon Mr Andrew, Secretary of State for International Development
Written Statements
Afghanistan, Corruption 425w
Afghanistan, Department for International Development 52w
Billing, Department for International Development 108w
British overseas territories, Overseas aid 555w
Central America, Storms 310w
China, Family planning 52w
Developing countries, Children 394w, 556w
Developing countries, Family planning 55-6w
Developing countries, Fossil fuels 557w
Developing countries, Politics and government 109w
Developing countries, Tuberculosis 425w
Electronic equipment, Department for International Development 52-3w
Flags, Department for International Development 393w
Global school partnerships 54w
Internet, Department for International Development 555-6w
Manpower, Department for International Development 53w, 108-9w
Ministerial policy advisers, Department for International Development 310w
Mobile phones, Department for International Development 310w
Museums and galleries, Department for International Development 558w
Official cars, Department for International Development 53w, 310-1w, 556w
Palestinians, International assistance 56w
Public appointments, Department for International Development 310w
Public expenditure, Department for International Development 54w, 109w, 393-4w
Redundancy pay, Department for International Development 108w
Trade unions, Department for International Development 110w
Translation services, Department for International Development 311w
Zimbabwe, Overseas aid 56-7w
Mitchell, Austin