Index for Volume 513continued
A Am At B Be Bl Br Bu By C Ce Co Cr D de Di Du E Em Ex F Fr G Gh Gr Gu H He Hi Hu I J Ju K L Li Lu M Mc Me Mo N No O Or P Ph Pu Q R Ri Rw S Si Sp Su T Tu U V W Wh Wo Y Z
Cabinet committees
Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 21-2w
Cabinet Office
Departmental responsibilities 54w
Electronic equipment 667w
Information and communications technology 598w
Non-departmental public bodies 357-8w
Official hospitality 667w
Temporary employment 668w
Cable, Rt Hon Vince, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills
Written Statements
Foreign investment in UK 27-8ws
London Development Agency, Finance 36ws
Bank services, Fees and charges 520
Departmental responsibilities, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 518
Ports, Kingston upon Hull 520
Regional development agencies 519
Sheffield Forgemasters 505
VAT, Tax rates and bands 521
Cairns, Alun
Equitable Life Assurance Society, Compensation 538w
Information and communications technology, Ministry of Defence 733w
Public expenditure, Wales 541w
Cairns, David
Palestinians, International assistance 172-4
Camelot Group
Cameron, Rt Hon David, Prime Minister, First Lord of the Treasury and Minister for the Civil Service
Chamber Debates
Academies, Special educational needs 369
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 365, 367, 947
Afghanistan, Prisoners 950
Agriculture, Research 369
Armed forces, Departmental responsibilities 845w
Building schools for the future programme 945, 947
Cancer, Waiting lists 942-3
Civil disorder, Belfast 941-2
Colombia, Politics and government 47w
Domestic violence, Sentencing 362
Electronic government, Petitions 712w
Emergency services, Pensions 944
Equitable Life Assurance Society, Compensation 366-7
International assistance 47w
Khodorkovsky, Mikhail 47-8w
Litvinenko, Alexander 47-8w
Members, Correspondence 712w
Ministerial policy advisers 47w
Ministers, Official gifts 845-6w
Ministers, Official residences 463w
Neurology, Research 948-9
NHS, Reorganisation 943-4
Official engagements, Prime Minister 361, 940-1
Official hospitality, Prime Minister 712w
Public expenditure, Home Office 363
Public expenditure, Public consultation 47w, 846w
Royal Anglian Regiment 948
Russia, Human rights 47-8w
Schools, Greater London 948
Select committees, Wales 463w
Sheffield Forgemasters 369
Social rented housing, Standards 370-1
Somaliland, Politics and government 361
Speeches, Prime Minister 712w
Students, Fund raising 941
Swimming, Concessions 371-2
VAT, Tax rates and bands 941
Voluntary organisations 948
Campbell, Mr Alan
Westminster Hall Debates
Crime prevention (06.07.2010) 40-2wh
Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre 196w
Government Office for the North East 907w
Public expenditure, Home Office 284w
Campbell, Mr Gregory
Westminster Hall Debates
Fuel poverty, Rural areas (07.07.2010) 82wh
Health services, Learning disability (14.07.2010) 260wh
Developing countries, Climate change 358
Campbell, Rt Hon Sir Menzies
Chamber Debates
Rendition (06.07.2010) 181
Corruption, Diplomatic service 617-9w
Corruption, Public service 161w
Occupied territories, Housing 160
Olympic Games 2012, Tickets 52w
Canterbury City Council Bill 2007-08
Chamber Debates
Revival motion (05.07.2010) 121-43
Capital gains tax
Capital investment
Capital punishment
Car allowances
Caravan sites
Carbon emissions
Department of Energy and Climate Change 337w
Departmental coordination 34w
Carbon reduction commitment energy efficiency scheme
Care homes
Care proceedings
Care Quality Commission
Carers (Identification and Support) Bill 2010-11
Chamber Debates
Carmichael, Neil
Westminster Hall Debates
Renewable energy (14.07.2010) 316-7wh
Carswell, Mr Douglas
Armed forces, Manpower 252w
Defence, Procurement 15-6
Public appointments, Cabinet Office 356w
Public appointments, Government departments 597w
Cash, Mr William
Chamber Debates
Counter-terrorism (13.07.2010) 803-4
European External Action Service (14.07.2010) 1040, 1051-3
Terrorism Act 2006 (Disapplication of Section 25) Order (14.07.2010) 1016
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 125w, 235-6w
Department for Education 564w
Department for International Development 49w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 619w