Index for Volume 513continued
A Am At B Be Bl Br Bu By C Ce Co Cr D de Di Du E Em Ex F Fr G Gh Gr Gu H He Hi Hu I J Ju K L Li Lu M Mc Me Mo N No O Or P Ph Pu Q R Ri Rw S Si Sp Su T Tu U V W Wh Wo Y Z
Gibb, Mr Nick, Minister of State, Department for Education
Written Statements
Academies, North Yorkshire 641
Academies, Salisbury 894w
Academies, Special educational needs 57w
Academies Bill (HL) 2010-11 559w
British Educational Communications and Technology Agency 269-70w
Children, Heart diseases 570w
Education, Worcestershire 271w
Education maintenance allowance 270w, 566w
Financial services, Education 271w
Free school meals, North East 569w
Free school meals, Streatham 271w
Free schools, Cheshire 271w
Free schools, Special educational needs 276w, 574w
Further education, Greater London 271-2w
Non-departmental public bodies, Department for Education 895-6w
Personal, social, health and economic education 570w
Private education, Inspections 772-3w
Schools, Antisemitism 771w
Schools, Crimes of violence 192w
Schools, Huddersfield 190w
Science, GCE A-level 575w
Secondary education, Kirklees 193w
Sixth form colleges, Inspections 576w
Sixth form education, Tamworth 576w
Special educational needs 277w
Teachers, Retirement 579w
Gift aid
Gilbert, Stephen
Pupils, Disadvantaged 651-2
Gillan, Rt Hon Mrs Cheryl, Secretary of State for Wales
Cabinet committees, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 21-2w
Hotels, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 22w
National Assembly for Wales, Powers 22w
Gilmore, Sheila
Chamber Debates
Unemployment (07.07.2010) 465-6
Housing benefit, Edinburgh 915w
Office for Budget Responsibility, Public appointments 911w
Welfare tax credits, Edinburgh 919-20w
Glass, Pat
Chamber Debates
Building schools for the future programme (05.07.2010) 68
Westminster Hall Debates
Mental health services, Children (07.07.2010) 108wh, 120wh
Glen, John
Academies, Salisbury 894w
Alternative vote, Referendums 144w
Glindon, Mrs Mary
Chamber Debates
Police, Finance (14.07.2010) 972
Unemployment (07.07.2010) 470
GM Inspectorate
Godsiff, Mr Roger
Closed circuit television, Birmingham 550-1w
Counter-terrorism, Birmingham 70-1w
Goggins, Rt Hon Paul
Westminster Hall Debates
Terrorism, Northern Ireland (06.07.2010) 14-8wh
Civil servants, Redundancy pay 932
Government departments, Cost effectiveness 938
Police community support officers, Redundancy 205w, 745w
Goldsmith, Zac
Chamber Debates
Unemployment (07.07.2010) 440-1
Business, Environment protection 405-6w
Carbon emissions, Departmental coordination 34w
Carbon emissions, Developing countries 701w, 893w
Climate change, Developing countries 775-7w
Climate change, United Nations 516-7w
College of Europe, Scholarships 508w
Empty property, Greater London 494w
Environment protection 97-8w
EU external trade, Colombia 241w
Forests, Developing countries 669w
Fossil fuels, Developing countries 49w
Fossil fuels, Export credit guarantees 675-6w
Fuel poverty, Greater London 337-8w
Genetically modified organisms, Food 62w
Government departments, Internet 669w
House of Lords, Reform 665w
Local government finance 767w
National policy statements, Communities and Local Government 497w
Olympic Games 2012, Construction 465-6w
Pension credit, Richmond upon Thames 328-9w
Renewable energy, Feed-in tariffs 847w
Renewable energy, Pakistan 778-9w
Whales, Conservation 66-7w
Goodman, Helen
Chamber Debates
Finance Bill, Com (13.07.2010) 856
Unemployment (07.07.2010) 471-5
Westminster Hall Debates
Housing benefit, Durham 520-2w
Jobseeker's allowance, Bishop Auckland 215w, 438-9w
Lone parents, Bishop Auckland 527w
Pensioners, Bishop Auckland 330-1w
Pregnant women, Grants 96w
Social rented housing, North East 137-8w
Social security benefits, Disability 219-20w
Welfare tax credits, Bishop Auckland 100-1w
Gove, Rt Hon Michael, Secretary of State for Education
Chamber Debates
Building schools for the future programme (05.07.2010) 47-50, 53-73, (07.07.2010) 484-92
Disclosure of information, Points of order (05.07.2010) 74-5
Written Statements
Academies Bill (HL) 2010-11 559-60w
Building schools for the future programme 647-9, 654-60
Building schools for the future programme, Ilkley 639-41
Building schools for the future programme, Liverpool 655
Children, Armed forces 558w
Departmental responsibilities, Department for Education 654
Education, Public appointments 567w
Health education, Sex 655-6
Reviews, Department for Education 57w
Special educational needs 655, 657
Special educational needs, Blackpool 656
West Yorkshire, Department for Education 643-4
Government Car and Despatch Agency
Government departments
Government Equalities Office
Government Office for the North East
Government Office for the North West
Government responses