Index for Volume 513continued
A Am At B Be Bl Br Bu By C Ce Co Cr D de Di Du E Em Ex F Fr G Gh Gr Gu H He Hi Hu I J Ju K L Li Lu M Mc Me Mo N No O Or P Ph Pu Q R Ri Rw S Si Sp Su T Tu U V W Wh Wo Y Z
Hague, Rt Hon Mr William, First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
Written Statements
European General Court, Public appointments 13ws
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 23w, 168
BBC World Service, Finance 170
Chevening scholarships programme 171
Counter-terrorism, Finance 620-2w
Cuba, Political prisoners 168
Departmental responsibilities, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 168
Middle East, Foreign relations 164-6
National Security Council 170
Occupied territories, Housing 172
Pakistan, Counter-terrorism 621w
Pakistan, Overseas aid 169
Pakistan, Religious freedom 170
Palestinians, International assistance 169, 172-4
Zimbabwe, Foreign relations 153-5
Halfon, Robert
Chamber Debates
Building schools for the future programme (05.07.2010) 61
Early day motions, Points of order (08.07.2010) 550
Stop and search (08.07.2010) 547
Westminster Hall Debates
Conferences, Cabinet Office 597w
Conferences, Communities and Local Government 257w
Conferences, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 405w
Conferences, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 366w
Conferences, Department for Education 564w
Conferences, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 141w
Conferences, Department for International Development 417w
Conferences, Department for Transport 830w
Conferences, Department for Work and Pensions 322-3w
Conferences, Department of Health 397w
Conferences, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 226w
Conferences, Government Equalities Office 610w
Conferences, Home Office 742w
Conferences, Leader of the House of Commons 268-9w
Conferences, Ministry of Defence 602w
Conferences, Ministry of Justice 423w
Conferences, Northern Ireland Office 260w
Conferences, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 365w
Conferences, Scotland Office 143w
East of England Development Agency 236-40w
East of England Development Agency, Internet 494w
East of England Development Agency, Official hospitality 675w
Passports, Lost property 204-5w
Turkey, Politics and government 314w
Voluntary organisations 939
Hames, Duncan
Chamber Debates
House of Commons, Reform (05.07.2010) 38
Westminster Hall Debates
Minor injuries units, Devizes (13.07.2010) 247wh, 250wh
Regional planning and development 1074
VAT, Tax rates and bands 791
Hamilton, Mr David
Chamber Debates
House of Commons, Reform (05.07.2010) 43
Construction, Qualifications 320-1w
Mortgages, Government assistance 328w
Offenders, Rehabilitation 310w
Pensions, Armed forces 14-5
Self-employed, Construction 666w
Self-employed, Tax avoidance 544w
Hamilton, Mr Fabian
China, Human rights 32-3w
Hammond, Rt Hon Mr Philip, Secretary of State for Transport
Written Statements
Association of Chief Police Officers, Department for Transport 5w
Manpower, Department for Transport 6w
Pay, Department for Transport 7w
Public expenditure, Department for Transport 625w
Reviews, Department for Transport 7w
Speed limits, Urban areas 629w
Trade unions, Department for Transport 20w
Transport, Capital investment 629w
Travel, Department for Transport 372w
Hammond, Stephen
Chamber Debates
Finance Bill, 2R (06.07.2010) 214-5
Building schools for the future programme 947
Hancock, Matthew
Chamber Debates
Building schools for the future programme (05.07.2010) 64
Finance Bill, 2R (06.07.2010) 197
Finance Bill, Com (15.07.2010) 1161
Unemployment (07.07.2010) 462
EU countries, Budgets 225w
Hancock, Mr Mike
Chamber Debates
Building schools for the future programme (05.07.2010) 68
House of Commons, Reform (05.07.2010) 35
Animal experiments, Weapons 159w
UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 383w
Hands, Greg
Kyrgyzstan, Politics and government 157
Hanson, Rt Hon Mr David
Chamber Debates
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations (07.07.2010) 382
Armed forces, Private education 731-2w
European Court of Human Rights 823w
Prison sentences, Wales 116-8w
Prisoners, Foreign nationals 117-21w
Prisoners, Repatriation 122w
Prisoners, Voting rights 799w
Zimbabwe, Foreign relations 154
Harman, Rt Hon Ms Harriet
Chamber Debates
Cancer, Waiting lists 942-3
Civil disorder, Belfast 941-2
Domestic violence, Sentencing 362
NHS, Reorganisation 943-4
Public expenditure, Home Office 363
Harper, Mr Mark, Parliamentary Secretary, Cabinet Office
Absent voting, Fraud 250w
Diamond Jubilee 2012 581w
Electoral Commission 909w
Electoral register, Ethnic groups 599w
General Election 2010, Armed forces 416w
Legislation, Deputy Prime Minister 316w
Members, Mental illness 44w
Polling stations, Disability 53-4w
Voting rights, Prisoners 799w
West Lothian question 799w
Harrington, Richard
Olympic Games 2012, Ministry of Defence 19
Harvey, Nick, Minister of State, Ministry of Defence
Armed forces, Manpower 252w
Armed forces, Training 17
Armoured fighting vehicles 251-2w
Colombia, Military aid 446w
Lost property, Ministry of Defence 821w
Military bases, Aviation 253w
Hayes, Mr John, Minister of State, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and Department for Education
Apprentices, West Midlands 875w
Construction, Qualifications 320-1w
Further education, Greater London 244-5w
Science, Higher education 557-8w
Sixth form colleges, Capital investment 884w
UK Commission for Employment and Skills 679-80w
Vocational training, West Midlands 885w