Index for Volume 513continued
A Am At B Be Bl Br Bu By C Ce Co Cr D de Di Du E Em Ex F Fr G Gh Gr Gu H He Hi Hu I J Ju K L Li Lu M Mc Me Mo N No O Or P Ph Pu Q R Ri Rw S Si Sp Su T Tu U V W Wh Wo Y Z
Heald, Mr Oliver
Chamber Debates
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations (07.07.2010) 382
Counter-terrorism (13.07.2010) 805
House of Commons, Reform (05.07.2010) 33
Westminster Hall Debates
Healey, Rt Hon John
Academies Bill (HL) 2010-11 559-60w
Council housing, Construction 135-6w
Flags, Communities and Local Government 86w
Housing, Construction 496w
Housing, Regeneration 496w
Housing benefit, Homelessness 136w
Legislation, Cabinet Office 364w
Legislation, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 131w
Legislation, Department for Transport 263w
Legislation, Department of Health 42w
Legislation, Deputy Prime Minister 316w
Legislation, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 29w
Legislation, Home Office 71w
Legislation, Ministry of Defence 83w
Legislation, Scotland Office 33w
Mortgages, Government assistance 497w
Non-departmental public bodies, Communities and Local Government 1075-6
Public expenditure, Communities and Local Government 393-5w
Public expenditure, Department for Education 896w
Social rented housing, Standards 138w, 488w
Written questions, Government responses 579w
Health and Safety Executive
Health education
Health hazards
Health professions
Health Select Committee
Health services
Learning disability (14.07.2010) 253-70wh
Health visitors
Hearing impairment
Heart diseases
Heath, Mr David, Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the House of Commons
Heaton-Harris, Chris
Chamber Debates
British Waterways Board (07.07.2010) 498
Canterbury and Nottingham private bills, Revival motion (05.07.2010) 134-5
European External Action Service (14.07.2010) 1045
Finance Bill, Programme motion and Com (12.07.2010) 717
House of Commons, Reform (05.07.2010) 44
Homicide, Northumberland 944-5
Olympic Games 2012, Transport 370w
Hemming, John
Chamber Debates
Disclosure of information, Points of order (05.07.2010) 78
House of Commons, Reform (05.07.2010) 32
Public expenditure (05.07.2010) 96-7
Henderson, Gordon
Foreign investment in UK, North West 504
Prison Service, Contracts 174-5w
Hendrick, Mark
Chamber Debates
Finance Bill, Com (15.07.2010) 1133, 1137
Hendry, Charles, Minister of State, Department of Energy and Climate Change
Westminster Hall Debates
Nuclear power stations (13.07.2010) 231-5wh
Written Statements
Energy, National policy statements 40ws
Electricity generation 36w
Human Tissue Analysis in UK Nuclear Facilities Inquiry 38w
Nuclear Installations (Excepted Matter) Regulations 1978 653w
Office for Nuclear Development 796w
Offshore industry, Safety 847w
Renewable energy, Feed-in tariffs 149w
Wind power, Yorkshire and the Humber 462w
Hepburn, Mr Stephen
Herbert, Rt Hon Nick, Minister of State, Home Office and Ministry of Justice
Chamber Debates
Westminster Hall Debates
Community policing, Wales (06.07.2010) 61wh, 64-8wh
Buildings, Home Office 742w
Conferences, Home Office 742w
Counter-terrorism, Birmingham 70-1w
Demonstrations, Parliament Square 741-2w
Electronic equipment, Home Office 743w
Hillsborough Stadium, Disclosure of information 744w
Leicestershire Constabulary, Finance 204w
Lighting, Home Office 743w
Mobile phones, Home Office 197-8w
Non-departmental public bodies, Home Office 197-202w
Personnel management, Home Office 196w
Photographs, Home Office 743w
Police, Accountability 79w
Police, Conditions of employment 205w
Police, Greater London 387w
Police, Greater Manchester 79w
Police community support officers 78w
Police community support officers, Greater Manchester 746w
Police community support officers, Redundancy 205w, 745w
Private finance initiative, Home Office 71-2w
Reoffenders, Greater London 113-4w
Security, Home Office 743w
Terrorism, Convictions 208w
Heyes, David