Index for Volume 514continued
A Am At B Be Bi Bo Bu By C Ci Cr D de Di Dr E Em Eu Ex F Fo G Gl Gu H He Hi Hu I J Ju K L Li Lu M Mc Mi Mo N Ni O Op P Pe Ph Pu Q R Rh Ru S Sh So Su T Tu U V Vo W Wh Wo Y Z
Lucas, Caroline
Chamber Debates
UK Youth Parliament (20.07.2010) 319
Animal experiments, Licensing 635-6w
Crossrail line, Finance 508w
Departmental responsibilities, Department of Energy and Climate Change 240-1w
Departmental responsibilities, Ministry of Defence 482w
Domestic violence, Immigrants 198-9w
Environment protection 746w
MITIE Group, Government departments 725-6w
Nuclear Development Forum 348w
Office for Nuclear Development 890w
Secure training centres 924-8w
Secure training centres, Restraint techniques 170, 929-33w
Supermarkets, Planning permission 1049w
Sustainable Development Commission 1094w
Lucas, Ian
Chamber Debates
Sheffield Forgemasters (21.07.2010) 531
Westminster Hall Debates
Crimes of violence, Sentencing 904-5w
Electoral Commission, Correspondence 720w
Local broadcasting, Wales 705-6
Office of Tax Simplification 180
Luff, Peter, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Defence
Written Statements
Animal Welfare Advisory Committee 15ws
Defence Storage and Distribution Agency 29ws
Armoured fighting vehicles 367w
Astute class submarines 480-1w
Billing, Ministry of Defence 1059w
Defence, Procurement 181w
Rescue services, Helicopters 620w
Lumley, Karen
Children, Maintenance 1150w
County courts, Redditch 895w
Legal Services Commission, Finance 911w
Official cars, Ministry of Defence 1063w
Travel, Ministry of Defence 1062w
United Arab Emirates 621w
Luton Station