Index for Volume 515continued
A Am As B Be Bi Bo Bu By C Ce Co Cr D de Di Dr E En Ex F Fo G Gl Gu H He Hi Hu I Is J Ju K L Li Lu M Mc Me Mo N Ni O Op P Pe Ph Ps Q R Ri Ru S Se Sn Sr Sw T Tr Ty U V W Wh Wo Y Z
Cellular phones
Central African Republic
Cerebral palsy
Chapman, Mrs Jenny
Buildings, Department for Education 345-6w
Department for Work and Pensions 595w
Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Chevening scholarships programme
Chief scientific advisers
Communities and Local Government 1272w
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1126w
Department for International Development 1102w
Department for Work and Pensions 1332-3w
Ministry of Justice 1188w
Child benefit
Washington (Tyne and Wear) 968w
Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission
Child Support Agency
Child tax credit
Child Trust Fund
Deviance and behaviour disorders 1179-80w
Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service
Children in care
Children's centres
Sustainable development 920w
Chishti, Rehman
Chamber Debates
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations (09.09.2010) 524, 530, 560
Equitable Life (Payments) Bill, 2R (14.09.2010) 794-5
Westminster Hall Debates
Legal aid, Criminal proceedings (15.09.2010) 256-7wh
Armed forces, Housing 619w
Blood, Contamination 560w
Burma, Political prisoners 555w
Courts, Video conferencing 827-8w
Dartford-Thurrock Crossing 1228w
Electricity generation 1015
Health, Disadvantaged 563w
Judiciary, Retirement 1189w
Local government finance 532w
Local government finance, Medway 533w
Political parties, Finance 743-4w (516 3-4mc)
Public transport, Security 609w
Speed limits, Fines 1249w
Chope, Mr Christopher
Chamber Debates
Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill, 2R (06.09.2010) 102-4
Alternative vote, Referendums 307-8w
Driving under influence, Drugs 47w
Health centres, Christchurch 254w
Members, Correspondence 948-9w
Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill 2010-12 322
Trust ports, Privatisation 1250w
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Civil Litigation Costs Review
Civil Nuclear Constabulary
Civil Nuclear Police Authority
Civil partnerships
Civil servants
Conditions of employment 804w
Washington (Tyne and Wear) 995w
Civil Service Live conference
Appointments Commission 453-5w
Department for Education 346w
Department for Work and Pensions 1333w
Government Office for Science 359w
Improvement and Development Agency for Local Government 14w
Clappison, Mr James
Chamber Debates
Pakistan, Floods (07.09.2010) 193
European External Action Service 215w
Clark, Rt Hon Greg, Minister of State, Communities and Local Government
Community infrastructure levy 751w
Government Office for the North West 25w
Government Office for the West Midlands 530-1w
Local government, Petitions 28w
Members, Correspondence 28w
Public bodies, Communities and Local Government 21w
Clark, Katy
Chamber Debates
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations (09.09.2010) 539-40
Superannuation Bill, 2R (07.09.2010) 271-2
Animal welfare, Circuses 446-7
Detention centres, Children 569-70w
Nanotechnology, Cosmetics 373w
Pensions, Misrepresentation 1252w
Social security benefits, Appeals 399w
Social security benefits, Disqualification 599w, 1057-8w
Sri Lanka, Armed conflict 965w
Sri Lanka, Human rights 723-4
Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Centre 571-2w
Clarke, Rt Hon Mr Kenneth, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice
Written Statements
Administration of justice, Departmental coordination 689-90w
Chief scientific advisers, Ministry of Justice 1188w
National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders 845-6w
Pensions, Ministry of Justice 687-8w
Shoplifting, Fixed penalties 1036w
Clarke, Rt Hon Mr Tom
Class sizes
Classroom assistants
Cleaning services
Communities and Local Government 1060w
Clegg, Rt Hon Mr Nick, Deputy Prime Minister and Lord President of the Council
Chamber Debates
Fixed-term Parliaments Bill, 2R (13.09.2010) 621-35
Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill, 2R (06.09.2010) 34-44
Alternative vote, Referendums 320
Communication, Deputy Prime Minister 297w
Domestic visits, Deputy Prime Minister 800-1w
Equitable Life Assurance Society, Compensation 318
Health services, Foreign nationals 320
Jobcentre Plus, Manpower 318-9
Military aircraft, Accidents 317
Newspaper press, Telephone tapping 314-6
Official engagements, Prime Minister 312-3
Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill 2010-12 322
Sheffield Forgemasters 321
Terrorism, Northern Ireland 318
Clifton-Brown, Mr Geoffrey
Chamber Debates
Equitable Life (Payments) Bill, 2R (14.09.2010) 769-70, 772
Agriculture, Subsidies 125w
Children, Deviance and behaviour disorders 1179-80w
Local government finance 756w
Climate change
International assistance 117-8w
Climate Change Convention
Clinical trials
Guy's and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust 778w, 1323w
Closed circuit television
Clwyd, Rt Hon Ann
Departmental responsibilities 1w
Departmental responsibilities, Nutrition 269w, 462w
Female genital mutilation 16