Index for Volume 516—continued

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Heald, Mr Oliver

                  Chamber Debates

    Welfare state, Reform (11.10.2010) 42


    Developing countries, Charities 941

Healey, Rt Hon John


    General Social Care Council 846-7w

    Legislation, Treasury 231w

    Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition 700w


Health and Safety at Work (Amendment) Bill 2010-12

                  Chamber Debates

    1R (21.10.2010) 1151

Health and Safety Consultants (Qualifications) Bill 2010-12

                  Chamber Debates

    1R (21.10.2010) 1150

Health and Safety Laws Review

Health and well-being boards

    NHS Commissioning Board 902w

Health centres

    North Yorkshire 902w

Health education

    Coeliac disease 64w

Health services

    Armed forces 91w

    Muscular dystrophy 580w

    Overview and scrutiny committees 700w

Hearing impairment

    Special educational needs 22-4

Heart diseases

Heath, Mr David, Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the House of Commons

                  Chamber Debates

    Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill, Programme motion and Com (12.10.2010) 291

    Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill, Points of order (19.10.2010) 826

Heathrow Airport


Heaton-Harris, Chris

                  Chamber Debates

    Finance (No. 2) Bill, 2R (11.10.2010) 97

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Constituencies, Daventry 740-1w

    Police, Advertising 206w

    Secondment, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 361w

    Special educational needs, Daventry 16


Hemming, John

                  Chamber Debates

    Finance (No. 2) Bill, 2R (11.10.2010) 80

    Welfare state, Reform (11.10.2010) 44

Henderson, Gordon

                  Chamber Debates

Hendrick, Mark

                  Chamber Debates

Hendry, Charles, Minister of State, Department of Energy and Climate Change

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Coal fired power stations (13.10.2010) 143-8wh

    Wind power, Seas and oceans (12.10.2010) 61-5wh


    Electricity generation 381w

    Industrial diseases, Compensation 105w

    Liquefied petroleum gas 479w

    Magnox Electric 105w

    National Grid, Fees and charges 106w, 109w

    Nuclear Decommissioning Authority 107w

    Nuclear power stations, Safety 108w

    Nuclear power stations, Security 481w

    Power failures, Kent 481w

    Power stations, Standards 608w

    Renewable energy, Local government 108w

    Sizewell B power station, Safety 382-3w

    World War II, Medals 306w

Hepburn, Mr Stephen


    Charities, Private education 247w

Herbert, Rt Hon Nick, Minister of State, Home Office and Ministry of Justice

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Administration of justice, Cost effectiveness 712w

    Administration of justice, Greece 779-80

    Alternatives to prison, Females 780-1

    Antisocial behaviour 177w

    Antisocial behaviour orders, Cannock Chase 178w

    Antisocial behaviour orders, Kent 178w

    Anti-terrorism control orders 862w

    Billing, Home Office 186w

    Carbon emissions, Home Office 518w

    Community policing, Greater London 517w

    Community safety local partnerships, Finance 181w

    Consultants, Home Office 186w

    Counter-terrorism 182w

    Crime and Disorder (Overview and Scrutiny) Regulations 2009 183w

    Detection rates 635w

    Devon and Cornwall Police, Finance 860w

    Essex Police, Resignations 525-7w

    Essex Police Authority, Finance 202-3w

    Extradition, USA 521w

    Former ministers, Security 195-6w

    Furniture, Home Office 188w

    Google, Data protection 196w

    Investigatory Powers Tribunal 522-3w

    Miscarriages of justice, Freedom of information 199w

    Northumbria Police, Finance 202w

    Official hospitality, Home Office 187-8w

    Police, Advertising 206w

    Police, Bureaucracy 207w

    Police, EU countries 207w

    Police, Greater London 527w

    Police, Manpower 202w

    Police, Mental illness 209w

    Police, Northumbria 528w

    Police, Overtime 209w

    Police, West Midlands 210w

    Police authorities 203w

    Police national computer 524w

    Press, Home Office 188-90w (517 7-8mc)

    Public expenditure, Home Office 519w

    Redundancy pay, Home Office 520w

    Rents, Home Office 190w

    Reparation by offenders 781-2

    Secondment, Home Office 520w

    Special constables 861w

    Special constables, Recruitment 211w

    Surveillance, Local government 861w

    Taxis, Home Office 212w

    Telephone tapping 530w

    Telephone tapping, Scotland 529-30w

    Terrorism, Extradition 213w

    Travel, Home Office 189w

    UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Home Office 858w

    Victim support schemes, Homicide 788-9

    Voluntary organisations, Home Office 858w

    Wines, Ministry of Justice 215w


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