Index for Volume 516—continued

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Meacher, Rt Hon Mr Michael

                  Chamber Debates

    Public expenditure (20.10.2010) 972

    Welfare state, Reform (11.10.2010) 42


    Company accounts 870w

    Genetically modified organisms, Public consultation 167-8w

    Secondary education, Oldham 19-20w

Means-tested benefits

Mearns, Ian

                  Chamber Debates

    Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill, Com (20.10.2010) 1057


    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 394-5w, 567w

    Community interest companies 915w

    Fuel poverty, North East 923-4w

    Higher education, Gateshead 916w

    Housing benefit, Gateshead 822-3w

    Income tax, Gateshead 897w

    Local enterprise partnerships 719w

    Mayors, Referendums 929w

    Northumbria Police, Finance 202w

    Respiratory system, Diseases 588-9w



    Olympic Games 2012 224w

Medical equipment

Medical examinations

Medical records

Medical treatments



Mental health

    Communities and Local Government 816w

    Department for Culture, Media and Sport 829w

Mental health services

Mental illness

Menzies, Mark

                  Chamber Debates


    Economic growth 152

Mercer, Patrick


    Building schools for the future programme 6


    Aimhigher programme 595w


    Compensation 796

Metcalfe, Stephen

                  Chamber Debates


    Government departments, Procurement 935


Michael, Rt Hon Alun

                  Chamber Debates

    Blood, Contamination (14.10.2010) 528

    Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill, Com (18.10.2010) 655-9, 661, 665-6

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Pensions, Uprating 624

    Probation, Training 803w

    Regional offender managers 804-5w

    Reparation by offenders 781-2

    Special constables 861w


Middle East


Migration Impacts Fund

Miliband, Rt Hon David


    UN Convention on Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women 35w

Miliband, Rt Hon Edward

                  Chamber Debates


    Economic situation 938

Military aid

Military alliances

Military decorations

Miller, Andrew

                  Chamber Debates

Miller, Maria, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Work and Pensions

                  Written Statements


    Child benefit, EU nationals 620-1

    Children, Maintenance 616-7

    Disability living allowance 452w, 627

    Disability living allowance, Medical examinations 415w, 644-5w

    Employment schemes, Visual impairment 628

    Industrial injuries disablement benefit 455w

    Lone parents, Advisory services 340w

    Social security benefits, Appeals 342-3w

    Social security benefits, Cancer 766w

    Social security benefits, Dartford 457w

    Social security benefits, Disability 765w

    Social security benefits, Kent 343-5w

    Social security benefits, Visual impairment 767w

    Social security benefits, Vulnerable adults 117w

    Social security benefits, Worcestershire 827-8w

    Universal credit 343w

Mills, Nigel


    Graduates, Employment 481

Milton, Anne, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health

                  Chamber Debates

                  Written Statements


    Abortion, Young people 270w

    Alcoholic drinks, Misuse 693-4w

    Arthritis, Health services 843w

    Chlamydia, Screening 64w

    Complementary medicine, Regulation 844-5w

    Doctors, Vetting 809w

    Drugs, Peterborough 77w

    Food, Safety 78w

    Grants, Department of Health 780-2w

    Health, Disadvantaged 327w

    Health services, Bexley 845w

    Health services, Disadvantaged 399w

    HIV infection, Health services 576-7w

    Nurses, Schools 329w

    Obesity, Children 87w

    Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition 700w

    Sexually transmitted diseases, Brighton 88-9w

    Sexually transmitted diseases, Children 795-6w

    Sexually transmitted diseases, Older people 589-94w

    Sexually transmitted diseases, Young people 87-8w

    Tobacco, Young people 856w

    Transplant surgery 797w

Minimum wage


Ministerial policy advisers

    Department for Education 13w

Ministerial statements

    Norgrove, Linda (11.10.2010) 25-33

    Public bodies (14.10.2010) 505-18

    Public expenditure (20.10.2010) 949-91

    Welfare state (11.10.2010) 34-48 (518 1-2mc)


Ministers of religion

    Scotland 5w

Ministry of Defence

    Carbon emissions 375w

    Freedom of information 833w

    Official hospitality 275w

    Public relations 746w

    UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 832-3w

    Voluntary organisations 832w

    Work experience 376w

Ministry of Justice

    Carbon emissions 535w

    Departmental responsibilities 791

    Official hospitality 139w

    Public expenditure 140w

    Work experience 706w

Minor injuries units

    North Yorkshire 574w

Miscarriages of justice

    Freedom of information 199w

Missing persons


Mitchell, Rt Hon Mr Andrew, Secretary of State for International Development

                  Written Statements

    International assistance, Conferences 11-2ws


    Afghanistan, Overseas aid 117-8w

    Developing countries, Health services 406w

    Developing countries, HIV infection 122-3w

    Developing countries, Maternity services 123-4w

    Manpower, Department for International Development 349w

    Pakistan, Overseas aid 443w

    Public expenditure, Department for International Development 120-2w

    Scotland, Department for International Development 119-20w

    Somalia, Overseas aid 891w

Mitchell, Austin

                  Chamber Debates

    Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill, Programme motion and Com (12.10.2010) 281, 292-3


    Affordable housing, Finance 655w

    Bank of England 497w

    Insolvency Service, Manpower 169-70w

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