Index for Volume 516—continued

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Nagorno Karabakh

    Politics and government 890w

Nandy, Lisa

                  Chamber Debates

    Anti-Slavery Day (14.10.2010) 580-1


    Building schools for the future programme 11-2w

    Civil servants, Corporate hospitality 247-8w

    Company accounts 172w

    Government departments, Grants 234w

    Procurement, Department for Education 14w

    Railways, Finance 888w

National Apprenticeship Service

National Assembly for Wales

National curriculum tests

National Grid

National Health Service Redress (Amendment) Bill 2010-12

                  Chamber Debates

    1R (21.10.2010) 1152

National income

National insurance

    Foreign nationals 824w

National insurance contributions

National Insurance Contributions Bill 2010-12

                  Chamber Debates

    1R (14.10.2010) 520

National Insurance Fund

National Lottery

    Local government 830w

National Offender Management Service

National Probation Service for England and Wales

National security

National Security Council

National Security Staff College

National Specialised Services Advisory Group

National Wildlife Crime Unit


Natural gas


Neill, Robert, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Communities and Local Government

                  Chamber Debates

    Local Government Bill (HL), 2R (21.10.2010) 1183, 1187-92

    London Local Authorities Bill (HL), 2R (13.10.2010) 384-9


    Aerials, Planning permission 813w

    Billing, Communities and Local Government 37w

    Building regulations 501w

    Capita, Communities and Local Government 924-5w

    Carbon emissions, Communities and Local Government 501w

    Contracts, Communities and Local Government 37w

    Councillors, Age 37w

    Drinking water, Communities and Local Government 502w

    Empty property, Communities and Local Government 37-8w

    Fire services, West Midlands 39w

    Housing, Construction 507w

    Infrastructure, Planning permission 663w

    Local development frameworks 508-9w

    Local enterprise partnerships 509w

    Local enterprise partnerships, Norfolk 663w

    Local government, North West 509w

    Local government, Procurement 664w

    Local government, Publicity 664w

    Local government, Wirral 1131

    London Thames Gateway Development Corporation 42w

    Manpower, Communities and Local Government 502w

    Mayors, Referendums 929w

    Mental health, Communities and Local Government 816w

    Natural gas, Storage 511w

    Non-departmental public bodies, Communities and Local Government 502w

    Non-domestic rates, Empty property 929w

    Non-domestic rates, Renewable energy 511w

    Non-domestic rates, Social enterprises 42w

    Parish councils 929w

    Pay, Communities and Local Government 925w

    Planning permission, Public consultation 512-3w

    Plants, Communities and Local Government 503w

    Playing fields, Sales 314w

    Post codes, Databases 43-4w

    Press, Communities and Local Government 38w

    Public expenditure, Department for Education 265-6w

    Public footpaths, Maps 513w

    Redundancy pay, Communities and Local Government 38w

    Religious buildings, Planning permission 513w

    Rights of way 44w

    Secondment, Communities and Local Government 38-9w

    Sick leave, Communities and Local Government 925-6w

    Supporting people programme 931-2w

    Thurrock Borough Council, Accountancy 665w

    Urban areas, Regeneration 35w, 514w

    Visits abroad, Communities and Local Government 926w

    Voluntary organisations, Communities and Local Government 502w

    Work experience, Communities and Local Government 503w


New businesses

New Schools Network

Newcastle upon Tyne

Newport (Gwent)

    Identity and Passport Service 436w

News Corporation

News International

Newspaper press

    Department for Culture, Media and Sport 421w

Newton, Sarah

                  Chamber Debates

    Public expenditure (20.10.2010) 981

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Charitable donations, Fraud (13.10.2010) 103wh


    Pupils, Disadvantaged 633-4


    Cost effectiveness 85w

    Disclosure of information 10-1ws

    Freedom of information 846w

    Management consultants 581w

    Per capita costs 583w

    Private finance initiative 328-9w

NHS Commissioning Board

    Health and well-being boards 902w

NHS Direct


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