Index for Volume 517continued
A Am B Be Bl Bu By C Ce Co Cr D de Di Du E Ep F Fo G Gl Gu H He Hi Hu I J Ju K L Li M Mc Mi Mo N Ni O P Pe Pl Pu Q R Ri Ru S Si Sn Sr Sw T Tr U V W Wh Wo Y Z
Bebb, Guto
Middle East, Armed conflict 845w
Palestinians, Human rights 710w
Palestinians, Politics and government 915-6w
Begg, Miss Anne
Westminster Hall Debates
Disability living allowance, Scotland 789-90w
Housing benefit, Scotland 821w
Working tax credit, Scotland 385w
Beith, Sir Alan
Chamber Debates
Economic growth (28.10.2010) 487
Transport (26.10.2010) 188
Westminster Hall Debates
Internet, Privacy (28.10.2010) 152wh
Central Office of Information, Newcastle upon Tyne 601w
General practitioners, Finance 756
Schools, Capital investment 922
Third sector, Surveys 101w
Voting rights, Prisoners 773
Bell, Sir Stuart
France, Military alliances 785-6
House of Commons, Contracts 390w
House of Commons, Expenditure 683w
House of Commons, Housing 495w (518 3mc)
House of Commons, Nurseries 828w
House of Commons, Training 683-4w
Members, Child care vouchers 389w
Opening of Parliament 93w
Parliamentary questions 682-4w
Bellingham, Mr Henry, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Chamber Debates
Robertson, Simon (04.11.2010) 1152-6
Argentina, Fossil fuels 253w
Brazil, Fossil fuels 394w
Developing countries, Fossil fuels 255w
Henderson Island, Biodiversity 23w
Pitcairn Islands, Foreign relations 24-5w
Russia, Fossil fuels 710w
Somalia, Peacekeeping operations 711w
Zimbabwe, Civil liberties 21w
Benn, Rt Hon Hilary
Chamber Debates
Oral question time intervention (25.10.2010) 18
Members, Correspondence 304w
Benyon, Richard, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Air pollution, Heathrow Airport 7-8w
Capita, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 207w
Common fisheries policy 894w
Contracts, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 208w
Disciplinary proceedings, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 403-4w
Emergencies, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 603w
Environment Agency, Apprentices 405w
Environment protection, Rural areas 1034-5
Equality, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 9w
Fishing vessels, Accidents 211w
Human rights, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 11w
Incinerators, Bedfordshire 1035-6
Incinerators, Health hazards 128-9w
Land, Government departments 606w
Manpower, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 9w
Mental health, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 404-5w
National parks, Finance 806-7w
Nature conservation, Crime 406-7w
Pay, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 8w, 208w
Public bodies, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 12-5w
Public expenditure, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 208-9w, 407w, 894w
Sick leave, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 8-9w, 209w
Visits abroad, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 319-20w
Water companies, Road works 214w
Berger, Luciana
Chamber Debates
Economic growth (28.10.2010) 492
European Council (01.11.2010) 627
Higher education, Finance (03.11.2010) 934
Westminster Hall Debates
Higher education (03.11.2010) 304-7wh
Tax allowances, Video games 311
Transport, Disability 454-5
Work experience, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 132w
Work experience, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1w
Berry, Jake
Chamber Debates
Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill, Com (25.10.2010) 73, 78-9
Postal Services Bill, 2R (27.10.2010) 399, 408-9
Manchester-Clitheroe railway line 590w
Meat, Ritual slaughter 805w
Postal services, Rural areas 623w
Betts, Mr Clive
Chamber Debates
Economic growth (28.10.2010) 495
Transport (26.10.2010) 192
Westminster Hall Debates
Care homes, Fees and charges 415w
Social rented housing, Rents 542w
Department for Education 286w
Billy Wright Inquiry
Bingham, Andrew
Contracts, Communities and Local Government 341w
Contracts, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 105w, 409-11w
Contracts, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 208w
Contracts, Department for International Development 292w
Contracts, Department of Energy and Climate Change 26-7w
Local government, Cost effectiveness 310
Binley, Mr Brian
Chamber Debates
Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill, Rep and 3R (02.11.2010) 866
Postal Services Bill, 2R (27.10.2010) 371-3, 423
Westminster Hall Debates
Church of England, Finance 313w
Greater Manchester (27.10.2010) 134-42wh
Birtwistle, Gordon
Chamber Debates
Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill, Com (25.10.2010) 76
Hospitals, Children 753-4
Public appointments 162-3