Index for Volume 517—continued

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Glass, Pat

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Breast cancer, Screening 764-5w

    Business questions 476

    Higher education, Durham 748-9w

Glen, John

                  Chamber Debates


    Deportation, Appeals 609

    Social security benefits, Scotland 299

Glindon, Mrs Mary

                  Chamber Debates

    Transport (26.10.2010) 194-5


    Bovine tuberculosis, Disease control 1036-7

    Police, North East 609

Goggins, Rt Hon Paul

                  Chamber Debates

    Bloody Sunday Tribunal of Inquiry (03.11.2010) 953

    Savings Accounts and Health in Pregnancy Grant Bill, 2R (26.10.2010) 210, 213, 219

    Terrorism (01.11.2010) 641

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Biofuels, Greater Manchester (27.10.2010) 135wh


    Prisoners' release, Terrorism 513w

Goldsmith, Zac

                  Chamber Debates

    Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill, Com (25.10.2010) 119-20


    Air pollution, Heathrow Airport 7-8w

    Carbon reduction commitment energy efficiency scheme 545w

    Climate change, International cooperation 546-7w

    Dairy farming, Lincolnshire 1044

    Energy, Finance 720w

    Energy, Housing 890w

    Energy supply, NATO 374w

    EU emissions trading scheme 549-50w

    Fossil fuels, Argentina 253w

    Fossil fuels, Brazil 394w

    Fossil fuels, China 709w

    Fossil fuels, Developing countries 255w

    Fossil fuels, Export credit guarantees 898w

    Fossil fuels, India 255w

    Fossil fuels, Russia 710w

    Hospitals, Food 639w

    Housing, Sustainable development 184w

    Public sector, Richmond upon Thames 667w

Goodman, Helen

                  Chamber Debates

    Economic growth (28.10.2010) 493

    Higher education, Finance (03.11.2010) 935

    Public expenditure (28.10.2010) 505, 527, 540


    Offenders, Deportation 510w

    Offenders, Mental illness 511w

    Outdoor advertising, Planning permission 541w

    Prison sentences 519w

    Public expenditure, Ministry of Justice 503-4w

    Redundancy, Ministry of Justice 514-5w

Gove, Rt Hon Michael, Secretary of State for Education

                  Written Statements

    Education Endowment Fund 34ws

    School Support Staff Negotiating Body 14-5ws


    Internet, Department for Education 921w

Government departments

    Operating costs 327w

Government Equalities Office

    Disciplinary proceedings 29w

    Human rights 30w

    Institute for Fiscal Studies 707w

    Official hospitality 875w

    Public expenditure 875w

Government Office Network Centre and Services

Government responses

Graham, Richard

                  Chamber Debates

    Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill, Com (25.10.2010) 84

    Postal Services Bill, 2R (27.10.2010) 366, 398-400

    Public expenditure (28.10.2010) 535, 540

    Savings Accounts and Health in Pregnancy Grant Bill, 2R (26.10.2010) 231-4, 272

    Terrorism (01.11.2010) 643

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Public expenditure, Department for Work and Pensions (04.11.2010) 341-2wh, 366-8wh


    Churches, Gift aid 163

    Palestinians, International assistance 708w, 846w

    State retirement pensions, British nationals abroad 568w

    State retirement pensions, Uprating 567-8w

Grant, Mrs Helen

                  Chamber Debates

    Maternity services (26.10.2010) 289-90


    Alcoholic drinks, Misuse 61w

    Business, Maidstone 901w

    Drugs, Rehabilitation 481w

    Higher education, Maidstone 902w

    Offenders, Females 487w

    Offenders, Mental illness 743w

    Offenders, Rehabilitation 487w

    Police community support officers, Manpower 600

    Prisons, Mental health services 304-5w

    Soft drinks, Health hazards 885w

Gray, Mr James


    Neurology, Bristol 751

Grayling, Rt Hon Chris, Minister of State, Department for Work and Pensions

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Employment and support allowance, Work capability assessment (27.10.2010) 102-6wh

                  Written Statements

    EU Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council 24-6ws


    Access to work programme 558w

    Atos Healthcare, Department for Work and Pensions 784w

    Conditions of employment, Department for Work and Pensions 790w

    Disciplinary proceedings, Department for Work and Pensions 192-4w

    Employers' liability 155w

    Employment, Health 929w

    Employment and support allowance, Blaenau Gwent 193w

    Employment and support allowance, Headaches 196w

    Employment and support allowance, Peterborough 790-1w

    Employment and support allowance, Scotland 432-4w

    Employment schemes, Dartford 156w

    Employment schemes, Depressive illnesses 786w, 821-2w

    Employment schemes, Peterborough 156w, 791w

    Employment schemes, Young people 156-7w

    Housing benefit, Fraud 315w

    Human rights, Department for Work and Pensions 157w

    Incapacity benefit, Brighton 193-4w

    Industrial diseases, Compensation 558-9w

    Industrial health and safety 434-5w

    Industrial health and safety, Licensed premises 435w

    Industrial injuries 158w

    Jobseeker's allowance, Pendle 158-9w

    KPMG, Department for Work and Pensions 159w

    National insurance, Foreign nationals 160w

    National insurance contributions, Females 159-60w

    Nottinghamshire, Department for Work and Pensions 160-1w

    Personal income, South East 908w

    Redundancy, Wolverhampton 167-8w

    Secondment, Department for Work and Pensions 563w

    Sick leave, Department for Work and Pensions 154-5w

    Social security benefits, Appeals 794-5w

    Social security benefits, Haematological cancer 316w

    Social security benefits, Medical examinations 796-8w

    Social security benefits, Mental illness 567-8w

    Unemployed people, Vetting 171w

    Unemployment, North East 144w

    Unemployment, Older people 171w

    Unemployment, Rural areas 798-9w

    Unemployment benefits 798w

    Welfare state, Reform 197w

    Great Western railway line

Greater London

    Accident and emergency departments 627w

    Community interest companies 268w

    Health services 417w

    Higher education 324w

Greater Manchester

Greatrex, Tom

                  Chamber Debates

    Bloody Sunday Tribunal of Inquiry (03.11.2010) 978-80

    Higher education, Finance (03.11.2010) 941

    Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill, Rep and 3R (02.11.2010) 809, 825


    Aviation, Security 803w

    Energy, Housing 279w

    Green Investment Bank, Scotland 804w

    Housing benefit, Scotland 804w

    Human rights, Scotland 804w

    Renewable energy, Scotland 299

    Universities Scotland 804w


    EU grants and loans 309

Green, Damian, Minister of State, Home Office

                  Chamber Debates

    Identity and Passport Service, Newport (Gwent) (25.10.2010) 141-6


    Anti-Slavery Day 880w

    British nationality 242w

    Deportation, Appeals 609

    Deportation, Private sector 605

    Detention centres 879w

    Entry clearances, Engineering 877w

    Entry clearances, EU action 242w

    Entry clearances, Information and communications technology 610

    Entry clearances, Overseas students 69w

    Entry clearances, Technology 879w

    Entry clearances, Turkey 857-8w

    EU law, Home Office 64w

    Foreign workers, Agriculture 68w

    Human rights, Home Office 64w

    Human trafficking, Convictions 861-4w

    Human trafficking, EU action 500-1w

    Identity and Passport Service, Newport (Gwent) 604-5, 700w

    Immigration, Business 69w

    Immigration, Medway 501w

    Immigration, Northamptonshire 68-9w

    Immigration controls, France 62w, 398w

    Members, Correspondence 398w

    Passports, Biometrics 247w

    Police custody, Illegal immigrants 700-1w

    Trusted Borders Consortium 248w

    UK Border Agency 608

    UK Border Agency, Manpower 496w

    UK Border Agency, Standards 864-5w

Green, Kate

                  Chamber Debates

    Public expenditure (28.10.2010) 509

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Biofuels, Greater Manchester (27.10.2010) 134-7wh


    Business questions 474

    Capita, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 207w

    Capita, Department for International Development 48w

    Capita, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 253w

    Capita, Home Office 62-3w

    Capita, Ministry of Justice 30-1w

    Social rented housing, Rents 942w

Green Investment Bank

Greenhouse gas emissions

Greening, Justine, Economic Secretary

                  Chamber Debates

    Savings Accounts and Health in Pregnancy Grant Bill, 2R (26.10.2010) 263, 277-80

                  Written Statements

    Aggregates levy, Northern Ireland 7ws

    Office for Budget Responsibility 27ws


    Aggregates levy, Northern Ireland 661w

    Child care tax credit 662w

    Crown lands and estates, Wind power 906w

    Disciplinary proceedings, Treasury 146w

    Excise duties, Liquefied petroleum gas 149w

    Excise duties, Tobacco 384w

    Human rights, Treasury 381w

    Institute for Fiscal Studies, Treasury 826w

    Legal costs, Treasury 146w

    Manpower, Treasury 663w

    National income 380w

    Office for Budget Responsibility 664w

    Poverty, Children 382w

    Pregnant women, Grants 826w

    Redundancy pay, Treasury 147w

    Research and development tax credit 668w

    Social security benefits, Fraud 908w

    Taxation, Aviation 661w

    Working tax credit, Ealing 826w

Greenwood, Lilian

                  Chamber Debates

    A453, Points of order (28.10.2010) 498

    Higher education, Finance (03.11.2010) 940

    Public expenditure (28.10.2010) 534-5

    Transport (26.10.2010) 187


Grieve, Rt Hon Mr Dominic, Attorney General


    Crown Prosecution Service, Pay 489w

    Euthanasia, Switzerland 490w

    Female genital mutilation, Prosecutions 61w

    Human trafficking, Prosecutions 157, 161-2

    National Fraud Authority 159-60

    Offences against children, Prosecutions 490-1w

    Sick leave, Attorney General 489-90w

    Visits abroad, Attorney General 60-1w

Griffith, Nia

                  Chamber Debates

    European Council (01.11.2010) 626

    Identity and Passport Service, Newport (Gwent) (25.10.2010) 139

    Postal Services Bill, 2R (27.10.2010) 419-22

    Public expenditure (28.10.2010) 534

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Welsh Grand Committee (02.11.2010) 198wh


    British constitution, Wales 907-8

Griffiths, Andrew

                  Chamber Debates

    Postal Services Bill, 2R (27.10.2010) 421


    Arts Council of England, Information officers 552w

    Doctors, Malawi 118w

    Entry clearances, Pakistan 71-2w

    Entry clearances, Turkey 857-8w

    Public expenditure, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 570-2w

    Revenue and Customs, Email 827w

    Social security benefits, Students 797w

    UK Film Council, Portland PR 912w (518 7-8mc)

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