Index for Volume 518continued
A Am Av B Be Bi Br Bu By C Ce Co Cr D Di Dr E Em Ev F Fo G Gl Gu H He Hi Hu I J Ju K L Li Lu M Ma Mi Mo My N Nu O Ot P Ph Pu Q R Ri S Sh So Su T Tu U V W Wh Wo Y Z
Employment and support allowance 174-5w
Bradley, Karen
Chamber Debates
Housing benefit (09.11.2010) 179
Vocational education 883-4
Bradshaw, Rt Hon Ben
Chamber Debates
Summertime, Scotland (16.11.2010) 860, 864
Westminster Hall Debates
Local enterprise partnerships, South West (10.11.2010) 99-101wh, 106wh
BBC World Service, Finance 125
Flood control, Finance 887-8
Local enterprise partnerships, South West 1039-40
River Severn, Tidal power 410-1
Brake, Tom
Chamber Debates
Demonstrations, City of Westminster (11.11.2010) 464
Detainees, Afghanistan (16.11.2010) 757
Legal aid (15.11.2010) 669
Parliament, Points of order (15.11.2010) 674
Terrorist Asset-Freezing etc. Bill (HL), 2R (15.11.2010) 680
Community policing, Finance 814w
Detention centres, Children 722-3w
Free school meals, Greater London 753w
Bray, Angie
Chamber Debates
Demonstrations, City of Westminster (11.11.2010) 464
Equitable Life (Payments) Bill, Com and 3R (10.11.2010) 331
Housing benefit (09.11.2010) 163-4
Westminster Hall Debates
Film, Tax allowances (09.11.2010) 51wh
Meat, Ritual slaughter 9w
Brazier, Mr Julian
Chamber Debates
Government departments, Business plans (08.11.2010) 30
BRB (Residuary)
Breast cancer
Brennan, Kevin
Chamber Debates
Demonstrations, City of Westminster (11.11.2010) 464
Demonstrations, Points of order (11.11.2010) 470
Detainees, Afghanistan (16.11.2010) 762
Government departments, Business plans (08.11.2010) 33
Members, Points of order (18.11.2010) 1077
Ministerial statement intervention (08.11.2010) 27
Literacy, Primary education 420w
Members, Correspondence 341w
Written questions, Department for Education 46w
Written questions, Government responses 57w
Bridgen, Andrew
Chamber Debates
Fixed-term Parliaments Bill, Com (16.11.2010) 791-2, 795
Housing benefit (09.11.2010) 221, 230
Public Services (Social Enterprise and Social Value) Bill, 2R (19.11.2010) 1176, 1180
Westminster Hall Debates
Non-domestic rates, Empty property (17.11.2010) 279-81wh
Credit reference agencies 729-30
Loans, Republic of Ireland 897
Brine, Mr Steve
Chamber Debates
British Broadcasting Corporation
British constitution
British Council
British Educational Communications and Technology Agency
British nationality
British nationals abroad
British overseas territories
British Transport Police
British Waterways Board
British Waterways Scotland
Brokenshire, James, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Home Office
Chamber Debates
Written Statements
EU Justice and Home Affairs Council 29-31ws
Antisocial behaviour, Crime prevention 361w
Antisocial behaviour orders, Greater London 545w
Antisocial behaviour orders, Maidstone 114w
Antisocial behaviour orders, Northumberland 360w
Antisocial behaviour orders, Oxford 545w
Antisocial behaviour orders, Peterborough 360-1w
EU justice and home affairs 455w
Homicide, Post-mortems 550w
Mental health, Home Office 195-6w
Proceeds of crime, Bolton 552-3w
Public houses, North West 651-2w
Sexual offences, Registration 817w
Speed limits, Cameras 553w
Young offenders, Greater London 1006-7w
Special areas of conservation 461w
Brooke, Mrs Annette L
Chamber Debates
Westminster Hall Debates
Basic skills, Lip reading 1052
Educational psychology 642
Electronic surveillance, Internet 116w
Brown, Lyn
Chamber Debates
Brown, Rt Hon Mr Nicholas
One NorthEast, Assets 300w
Regeneration, Newcastle upon Tyne 355w
Sick leave, Department for Work and Pensions 831w, 908w
Brown, Mr Russell
Chamber Debates
Housing benefit (09.11.2010) 188, 207
Developing countries, Education 318w
Government departments, Procurement 779w
VAT, Tax rates and bands 741
Browne, Jeremy, Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
BBC, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 902w, 1008w
British nationals abroad, Prisoners 662w
Burma, Politics and government 129-30
China, Foreign investment in UK 83-4w
Colombia, Human rights 84-5w
Colombia, Politics and government 85w, 902w
Developing countries, Children 630-1w
Mexico, Human rights 142-3
Non-departmental public bodies, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 434w
North Korea, Nuclear weapons 233-4w
Philippines, Crimes of violence 664w
Taiwan, British nationals abroad 1013w
Taiwan, EU external trade 234w
Taiwan, International Civil Aviation Organisation 328w
Turkey, British Council 664w
Venezuela, Antisemitism 235w
Bruce, Fiona
Chamber Debates
Public Services (Social Enterprise and Social Value) Bill, 2R (19.11.2010) 1194-6, 1219, 1221, 1223-4
Developing countries, Children 630-1w
Developing countries, Sanitation 872
Bruce, Rt Hon Malcolm
Chamber Debates
Summertime, Scotland (16.11.2010) 863-4
Developing countries, Sanitation 872-3
Renewable energy, Feed-in tariffs 402
Bryant, Chris
Chamber Debates
Divisions, Points of order (08.11.2010) 90
Fixed-term Parliaments Bill, Com (16.11.2010) 773, 779, 781, 788, 802-20, 829, 834, 838, 842-3, 846-7
Fixed-term Parliaments Bill, Points of order (17.11.2010) 898
G20, South Korea (15.11.2010) 655
NHS, Reorganisation (17.11.2010) 917-8