M N Ni O Op P Pe Ph Pr Pu Q R Ri Ru S Sh Sm Sp Sq Su T To Tw U V Vo W Wh Wo Y Z
Flello, Robert
Chamber Debates
Students, Fees and charges (09.12.2010) 587-9
Westminster Hall Debates
Flint, Rt Hon Caroline
Chamber Debates
Local government finance (06.12.2010) 26-42, 50, 65, (13.12.2010) 681-3
Bed and breakfast accommodation, Children 929-30w
Christmas, Communities and Local Government 941-2w
Climate change, Communities and Local Government 1307w
Community development, Business 808w
Community development, Finance 1317-8w
Community relations, Finance 1307-8w
Council housing, Surveys 931-2w
Domestic visits, Communities and Local Government 1308w
First time buyers, Mortgages 810w
Greater London Authority, Finance 811w
Homelessness, Greater London 944w
Housing, Regeneration 679w
Housing, Repairs and maintenance 812-3w
Local government finance 1312w
Marketing, Communities and Local Government 675w
Official cars, Communities and Local Government 1308w
Pay, Communities and Local Government 1308-9w
Preventing Violent Extremism Community Leadership Fund 1317w
Public bodies, Communities and Local Government 52-3w
Regional planning and development, Finance 946w
Religious buildings, Planning permission 816-7w
Social rented housing, Central heating 936w
Social rented housing, Double glazing 936-7w
Social rented housing, Repairs and maintenance 937-8w
Flood control
Flynn, Paul
Chamber Debates
Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, Points of order (08.12.2010) 319
Electricity generation (16.12.2010) 1075
Ministerial statement intervention (16.12.2010) 1069, 1075
Social security benefits (08.12.2010) 315
Westminster Hall Debates
Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, Scientists 19-20
Afghanistan, Corruption 953w
Afghanistan, Overseas aid 948w
Art works, Ministry of Defence 7w, 279w
Assets, Ministry of Defence 454w
Drugs, Rehabilitation 750w
Nuclear power, EU action 520w
Rocky Mountain Institute 747w
USA, Nuclear weapons 458w
Department for Education 46w
Food aid
Food Retail Industry Challenge Fund
Food Standards Agency
Food supply
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 439w
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 528w
Department for Transport 402w
Regulation (16.12.2010) 1150-8
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Departmental responsibilities 808
Turks and Caicos Islands 159w
Foreign nationals
Immunity from prosecution 72ws
Foreign policy
Foreign relations
Foreign workers
Forensic Science Service
Forestry Commission
Fossil fuels
Foster, Mr Don
Chamber Debates
Developing countries, Water (15.12.2010) 1012-6
Safe Standing (Football Stadia) Bill, 1R (07.12.2010) 188-90
Westminster Hall Debates
Four minutes rule
Rulings and statements (09.12.2010) 592
Fovargue, Yvonne
Chamber Debates
Students, Fees and charges (09.12.2010) 596-8
Westminster Hall Debates
Legal aid (14.12.2010) 205wh
Fox, Rt Hon Dr Liam, Secretary of State for Defence
Chamber Debates
Armed Forces Bill, 1R (08.12.2010) 318
Written Statements
Afghanistan, Armed forces 424w
Afghanistan, Terrorism 661
Armed forces, Absent voting 658
Armed forces, Redundancy 985w
Defence, Procurement 454w
Departmental responsibilities, Ministry of Defence 652-3, 658
European fighter aircraft 661
Iraq, Peacekeeping operations 224w
Iraq Committee of Inquiry 820-1w
Middle East, Peace negotiations 663-4
Military aid, Snow and ice 662
Overtime, Ministry of Defence 425w
Public expenditure, Ministry of Defence 819-20w
War memorials, Vandalism 658, 660