M N Ni O Op P Pe Ph Pr Pu Q R Ri Ru S Sh Sm Sp Sq Su T To Tw U V Vo W Wh Wo Y Z
International Civil Aviation Organisation 516w
Tami, Mark
Chamber Debates
Business motions (08.12.2010) 431
Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill, 2R, Programme motion and Money res (13.12.2010) 712, 714, 720
Westminster Hall Debates
Legal aid (14.12.2010) 195wh
Tapsell, Sir Peter
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 643-4
Task Force on the Military Covenant
see Military Covenant Task Force
Tax allowances
Tax avoidance
Tax evasion
Tax rates and bands
Tax yields
Private rented housing 560w
Winter fuel payments 704w
Teather, Sarah, Minister of State, Department for Education
Westminster Hall Debates
Written Statements
Early intervention grant 1176
Educational psychology 736w
Families, Advisory services 352w
Pre-school education, Standards 1243w
Pupils, Disadvantaged 1061w
Special educational needs, Academies 860w
Sure start programme 1250w
Sure start programme, Finance 423w
Technology and innovation centres
Technology Strategy Board
Teenage pregnancy
Telephone services
Department for Transport 137-8w
Department for Work and Pensions 697-8w
Department of Health 334w
Government departments 1058w
Mental health services 917w
Television and Radio Advertising (Credit and Debt Management Services) Bill 2010-12
Chamber Debates
Building schools for the future programme 1233w
Temporary employment
Communities and Local Government 259w
Department for Culture, Media and Sport 330w, 900w
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 286-7w
Department for Transport 864w
Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 851w
Ten minutes rule
Rulings and statements (07.12.2010) 211, (13.12.2010) 728
Tenancy deposit schemes
see also Counter-terrorism
Victim support schemes 121ws
Terrorist Asset-Freezing etc. Bill (HL) 2010-12
Chamber Debates
Progamme motion, Rep and 3R (14.12.2010) 858-75
Royal Assent (16.12.2010) 1078
Thameslink railway line
Third sector
Thomas, Mr Gareth (Harrow West)
Chamber Debates
Higher education, Points of order (07.12.2010) 280
Students, Points of order (07.12.2010) 187, (08.12.2010) 416-7
Westminster Hall Debates
Financial services, Disadvantaged 367w
UN Central Emergency Response Fund 922w
Thornberry, Emily
Chamber Debates
Local government finance (13.12.2010) 696-7
Students, Fees and charges (09.12.2010) 575-7
Thurso, John
House of Commons, Catering 631w
House of Commons, Drinking water 853w
House of Commons, Official hospitality 853-4w
House of Commons, Poultry 374w
House of Commons, Press 30w
House of Commons, Repairs and maintenance 853w
House of Commons, Training 270w
Parliamentary Archives 30-1w
Parliamentary Archives, Abortion 29w
Portcullis House, Emergency exits 31-2w
Tidal power
Communities and Local Government 681w
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 249-50w
Department for Culture, Media and Sport 231w
Department for Education 576w
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 149w
Department for Transport 141w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 371-2w
Timetabling of bills
Timms, Rt Hon Stephen
Chamber Debates
Local government finance (13.12.2010) 689
Westminster Hall Debates
Olympic Games 2012 (21.12.2010) 408-13wh
Employment schemes, Third sector 469w
Gospel Oak-Barking railway line, Electrification 403w
Pensioners, Child tax credit 560w
Public expenditure, Republic of Ireland 1306
Railways, Electrification 1002w
Sri Lanka, Politics and government 967w
Timpson, Mr Edward
Chamber Debates
Transport, Snow and ice (20.12.2010) 1225-6
Family nurse partnership programme 388w
West coast railway line 407w
Winter fuel payments, Crewe 401-2w
Tintwistle, Hollingworth and Mottram bypass