Index for Volume 521continued
A Ap B Be Bl Bo Bu By C Ce Co Cr D Di Dr E En F Fo G Gl Gu H He Hi Hu I J K L Li Lu M Mc Mi Mo N Nu O Ow P Ph Pu Q R Rh Ru S Sh Sn Sq Sw T To U V Vo W Wh Wo Y Z
High Speed 2 railway line
Higher education
Departmental coordination 951w
Education maintenance allowance 769w
Higher Education Innovation Fund
Hilling, Julie
Chamber Debates
Education maintenance allowance (19.01.2011) 886
Local Sustainable Transport Fund (19.01.2011) 851
Developing countries, Taxation 275-6
Genito-urinary medicine, Young people 725-6w
Work capability assessment 254w
Hinds, Damian
Chamber Debates
Education, Assessments 83w
HIV infection
HM Courts Service
HM Prison Service
HM Revenue and Customs
HMS Bulwark
HMS Ocean
HMS Victory
Hoban, Mr Mark, Financial Secretary
Chamber Debates
Mortgages, Regulation (17.01.2011) 673-8
Westminster Hall Debates
Bank services, Scotland (19.01.2011) 322-6wh
Written Statements
Loans, Republic of Ireland 1ws
Bank services, Post offices 573w
Banks, Northern Ireland 570w
Banks, Republic of Ireland 217w
Commodity markets, Regulation 571w
Disadvantaged, Financial services 836w
Financial Conduct Authority, Public appointments 207w
Individual savings accounts 461w
Members, Correspondence 461w
Royal Bank of Scotland, Finance 756w
Hodgson, Mrs Sharon
Chamber Debates
Education maintenance allowance, Petitions (18.01.2011) 812
Childhood and Families Ministerial Taskforce 524w
Education maintenance allowance 812
Hoey, Kate
Post offices, Bank services 375w
Holiday accommodation
Hollingbery, George
Chamber Debates
Localism Bill, 2R (17.01.2011) 634-6
Westminster Hall Debates
Hollobone, Mr Philip
Chamber Debates
Local Sustainable Transport Fund (19.01.2011) 852
Westminster Hall Debates
Voting rights, Prisoners (11.01.2011) 1-6wh
Local government finance, Kettering 544
Prisoners, Voting rights 475-6w
Home education
Home Office
Hopkins, Kelvin
Chamber Debates
Fixed-term Parliaments Bill, Rep and 3R (18.01.2011) 743, 748, 754-6, 762
General Motors, Luton 427
Hopkins, Kris
Chamber Debates
Localism Bill, 2R (17.01.2011) 608-9
Terrorism Act 2000 (Proscribed Organisations) (Amendment) Order 2011 (19.01.2011) 971
Carbon emissions, Business 693w
Dental services, Hygiene 721-2w
Medical equipment, Hygiene 731w
Horse racing
Backbench debates (20.01.2011) 1033-70
Horwood, Martin
Chamber Debates
Horse racing, Betting (20.01.2011) 1044
Local Sustainable Transport Fund (19.01.2011) 846
Large goods vehicles, Accidents 35w
Hosie, Stewart
Chamber Debates
Royal Mail, Points of order (10.01.2011) 44
Crown Estate Commissioners 752w
Postal services, Dundee 428
Hospital beds
Hospital wards
House of Commons
House of Lords
Occupied territories 231w
Housing associations
Housing benefit
Private rented housing 509w
Housing revenue accounts
Howarth, Rt Hon Mr George
Chamber Debates
Education maintenance allowance (19.01.2011) 925-7
Horse racing, Betting (20.01.2011) 1035
Howarth, Mr Gerald, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Defence
Greece, World War II 585w
Military aircraft, Sales 747w
Military bases, Okehampton 586-7w
Howell, John
Chamber Debates
Localism Bill, 2R (17.01.2011) 629