Index for Volume 523continued
A Ap B Be Bi Br Bu By C Ce Co Cr D Di Dr E En Ex F Fr G Gl Gu H He Hi Hu I J K L Ll M Ma Me Mo My N Ni O Ot P Pe Pi Pu Q R Ri S Si Sp Su T To U V W Wh Wo Y Z
Fairtrade initiative
Communities and Local Government 73-4w
Fallon, Michael
Classics, English baccalaureate 20
Family planning
Family practitioner services
Family Rights Group
Farrelly, Paul
Chamber Debates
Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill, Money res and Lords amendts (15.02.2011) 898
Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill, Lords amendts (16.02.2011) 1078, 1083-4
British Sky Broadcasting, Treasury 823w
Farron, Tim
Westminster Hall Debates
Debts, Advisory services (08.02.2011) 2wh, 7wh
Disability living allowance 628w
Taxation, Rescue services 150
Transport, Snow and ice 972w
Featherstone, Lynne, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Home Office and Government Equalities Office
Carbon emissions, Government Equalities Office 379w
Devolution, Government Equalities Office 133w
Equality and Human Rights Commission, Equal pay 133w
International Women's Day 379w
Males, Government Equalities Office 133w
Rape, Victim support schemes 197-8w
UN Conference on Women 676w
Feed-in tariffs
Field, Rt Hon Mr Frank
Chamber Debates
Unemployment, Young people (16.02.2011) 975-6
Entry clearances, Married people 189-90w
Pay, Church of England 50w
Prostate gland, Medical treatments 900w
Field, Mr Mark
Chamber Debates
Budget Responsibility and National Audit Bill (HL), 2R (14.02.2011) 746, 756-7, 759-62
Local government finance (09.02.2011) 386
Master's Degrees (Minimum Standards) Bill, 1R (15.02.2011) 827
Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill, Money res and Lords amendts (15.02.2011) 863-4, 868
Employment and support allowance 80w
Department for Work and Pensions 624w
Financial services
Financial Services Authority
Fire services
First Capital Connect
Fiscal policy
Fish farming
Fishery agreements
Fishing catches
Fishing vessels
Fitzpatrick, Jim
Driving under influence 636w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 817-8w
Flello, Robert
Further education, Finance 342-4w
House of Commons, Housing 8-9w
Sixth form education, VAT 200w
Flexible working
Flint, Rt Hon Caroline
Chamber Debates
Community centres, Finance 832-3w
Domestic visits, Communities and Local Government 887-9w
Local government, Powers 74w
Local Government Association 74w
Members, Correspondence 651w
Special Interest Group of Municipal Authorities 76w
Flood control
Flynn, Paul
Chamber Debates
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations (14.02.2011) 744
Westminster Hall Debates
Railways, Capital investment (17.02.2011) 342wh
Animal welfare, Circuses 924w
Bahrain, Politics and government 1140
Citizens' advice bureaux 872w
Debts, Advisory services 980w
Morocco, Fishery agreements 719w
Nuclear power, Research 214w
Russia, Freedom of expression 158
Department for Transport 230w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Official hospitality 713w
Foreign companies
Foreign investment in UK
Foreign nationals
Foreign relations
Foreign workers
Forestry Commission
Former Metal Mines Bill 2010-12
Chamber Debates
Fossil fuels
Foundation Trusts Regulator
Fovargue, Yvonne
Westminster Hall Debates
Citizens' advice bureaux, Birmingham (09.02.2011) 131wh, 137wh
Debts, Advisory services (08.02.2011) 1-5wh, 18wh
Social security benefits, Medical examinations 699
Fox, Rt Hon Dr Liam, Secretary of State for Defence
Chamber Debates
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations (14.02.2011) 732-5, 737-45
Armed forces, Conditions of employment (16.02.2011) 1035-45
Written Statements
Defence Infrastructure Organisation 78ws
Ministry of Defence Votes A 95ws
Supply estimates, Ministry of Defence 42-4ws
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 382w
Astute class submarines 802w
Departmental responsibilities, Ministry of Defence 685-6w
France, Military alliances 453-4w
Italy, Military alliances 686-7w