Index for Volume 524continued
A Am Av B Be Bi Bo Bu By C Ce Co Cr D de Di Dr E En Ev F Fo G Gl Gu H He Hi Hu I J Ju K L Li Lu M Mc Mi Mo N Ni O Op P Pe Pf Ps Q R Ri Ru Ru S Sh Sn Sq Sw T Ti U V W Wh Wo Y Z
Coaker, Vernon
Antisocial behaviour, Crime prevention 624-5
International assistance 964-5w
Offensive weapons, Sentencing 1091w
Police, Private sector 946w
Telecommunications, Databases 947-8w
Coalfields Regeneration Review
Coastal areas
Coffey, Ann
Pupils, Disadvantaged 1238w
Schools, Information and communications technology 1233w
Young people, Bed and breakfast accommodation 1118w
Coffey, Dr The«re¬se
AIRE Centre, Finance 446w
Cold weather payments
Collective worship
College of Social Work
Social Care Institute for Excellence 648w
Collins, Damian
Chamber Debates
Colvile, Oliver
Chamber Debates
Armed forces (03.03.2011) 508-9
British Sky Broadcasting, News Corporation (03.03.2011) 528
Libya, Armed conflict (07.03.2011) 661
Mental health services, South West 134-5w
Schools, Capital investment 1114w
Third sector, Regulation 221w
Commercialisation and Sexualisation of Children Review
Commission for Equality and Human Rights
see Equality and Human Rights Commission
Committee of Selection
Committee on Climate Change
Common agricultural policy
Common fisheries policy
Communities and Local Government
Conditions of employment 1119w
Departmental responsibilities 17
Electoral Reform Services 1123w
Government procurement card 1124-6w
Leaseback arrangements 1120w
Ministerial policy advisers 1121w
Non-departmental public bodies 103w
Research 19-21ws (526 11mc)
Communities England
see Homes and Communities Agency
Community development
Community Development Foundation
Community interest companies
Community Legal Advice
Community relations
Community transport
Equitable Life Assurance Society 1165-6w
Competition Appeal Tribunal
Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission 189-90w
Office of the Schools Adjudicator 1016-7w
Conditions of employment
Communities and Local Government 1119w
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 763-4w
Department for International Development 589w
Department for Work and Pensions 1029w
Department of Energy and Climate Change 232w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 448w
Government Equalities Office 1188w
Northern Ireland Office 358w
Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 359w
Conflict of interests
Conflict prevention
Connarty, Michael
Chamber Debates
Westminster Hall Debates
Trident, Finance (01.03.2011) 60wh
Telecommunications, Sign language 929-30w
Tuberculosis, Health services 764-5
Unemployment benefits, Sign language 219w
Welfare state, Scotland 894-5
Conservation areas
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No. 2) Bill 2010-12
Chamber Debates
Industrial health and safety (09.03.2011) 274-82wh
Nuclear power stations 237w
Cooper, Rosie
Fire services, Finance 15
General practitioners 128w
Legal Services Commission 11-3w
National Lottery, Retail trade 323w, 514w
Third sector, Manpower 285
Cooper, Rt Hon Yvette
Chamber Debates
Protection of Freedoms Bill, 2R (01.03.2011) 206, 214-24, 270
Freedom of information, Treasury 28-9w
Copyright Tribunal
Corbyn, Jeremy
Chamber Debates
Libya, Armed conflict (07.03.2011) 656
Libya, Points of order (28.02.2011) 47, (07.03.2011) 664
Libya, Politics and government (28.02.2011) 37
Overseas aid (01.03.2011) 177
Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 (Continuance in Force of Sections 1 to 9) Order (02.03.2011) 403, 405, 409, 411-4, 424
Westminster Hall Debates
BBC World Service, Finance 159w
Egypt, Press freedom 392w
Middle East, BBC World Service 1256-7w
North Africa, Press freedom 560-2w
Railways, Franchises 185w
War crimes, Prosecutions 15-6w
Festivals and special occasions 450
Coroners and Justice Act 2009
Corporation tax
Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission 189-90w
Members 13w, 37w, 538w, 547w, 638w, 648w, 716w, 771w, 842w, 874w, 885w, 888w, 943w, 961w, 1015w, 1110w, 1168-9w, 1191w
Rural Payments Agency 1139w
Cost of living
Costa Rica
Council of Europe
Council tax
Council tax benefits
Counterfeit manufacturing
Courts Service
Antisocial behaviour orders 86-7w
Cox, Mr Geoffrey
Chamber Debates
European Union Bill, Rep and 3R (08.03.2011) 834