Index for Volume 524continued
A Am Av B Be Bi Bo Bu By C Ce Co Cr D de Di Dr E En Ev F Fo G Gl Gu H He Hi Hu I J Ju K L Li Lu M Mc Mi Mo N Ni O Op P Pe Pf Ps Q R Ri Ru Ru S Sh Sn Sq Sw T Ti U V W Wh Wo Y Z
de Bois, Nick
Chamber Debates
Further and Higher Education (Access) Bill, 2R negatived (04.03.2011) 586
Revenue and Customs, Estimates days (02.03.2011) 391
Apprentices, Greater London 351-2w
Housing benefit, Fraud 872w
Housing benefit, Greater London 476-7w
Social security benefits, Fraud 480-1w
Specialist schools, Finance 1115-6w
Transport, Olympic Games 2012 1195w
De Piero, Gloria
Sure start programme, Ashfield 287w
Dear, Graham
Retirement (03.03.2011) 475
Democratic Republic of Congo 148w
Information and communications technology 808w
Satellite communications 73-4w
Defence Vetting Agency
Deferred divisions
Democratic Republic of Congo
Export credit guarantees 1254w
English Defence League 636
Denham, Rt Hon Mr John
Government offices for the regions 566w
Location, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 292w
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Departmental responsibilities 597w
Electoral Reform Services 823-4w
Department for Culture, Media and Sport
Departmental responsibilities 449
Electoral Reform Services 927w
Leaseback arrangements 1203w
Department for Education
Departmental responsibilities 342-3w
Information officers 886w
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Conditions of employment 763-4w
Leaseback arrangements 1135w
Department for International Development
Conditions of employment 589w
Electoral Reform Services 964w
Leaseback arrangements 1094w
Ministers' private offices 797w
National Union of Teachers 798-9w
Trades Union Congress 800w
Department for Transport
Departmental responsibilities 1053
Department for Work and Pensions
Conditions of employment 1029w
Departmental responsibilities 1029w
Department of Energy and Climate Change
Conditions of employment 232w
Electoral Reform Services 817w
Leaseback arrangements 816w
Ministerial policy advisers 1295w
Department of Health
Departmental responsibilities 767
Electoral Reform Services 985w
Leaseback arrangements 1199w
Departmental responsibilities
Communities and Local Government 17
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 597w
Department for Culture, Media and Sport 449
Department for Education 342-3w
Department for Transport 1053
Department for Work and Pensions 1029w
Deputy Prime Minister 150
Deputy Prime Minister
Departmental responsibilities 150
Detention centres
Developing countries
Environment protection 798w