Index for Volume 524—continued

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Rifkind, Rt Hon Sir Malcolm

                  Chamber Debates

    Libya, Armed conflict (07.03.2011) 648-9

Right to acquire scheme

Right to buy scheme

Rights of accused

Rights of way

Riordan, Mrs Linda


    Financial services, Halifax 682w

    Police, Halifax 96w

    Police stations, Closures 638

Riot control weapons


Ritual slaughter

Road traffic offences


Robathan, Rt Hon Mr Andrew, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Defence

                  Chamber Debates

    Armed forces (03.03.2011) 515-7

                  Written Statements

    Pay, Ministry of Defence 23ws


    Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 69-70w

    Air force, Military bases 71w

    Air force, Redundancy 639w

    Air force, Training 640w

    Aircraft carriers, Decommissioning 804w

    Armed forces, Conditions of employment 804w

    Armed forces, Elections 1096w

    Armed forces, Finance 453w

    Armed forces, Food 646w

    Armed forces, Health services 640-1w

    Armed forces, Housing 641w

    Armed forces, Manpower 805w

    Armed forces, Sexual offences 805-6w

    Assets, Ministry of Defence 1249w

    Conditions of employment, Ministry of Defence 642w

    Defence Vetting Agency, Manpower 1248w

    Devolution, Ministry of Defence 75w

    Electoral Reform Services, Ministry of Defence 810w

    Exservicemen 76w

    Exservicemen, Offenders 76w

    Exservicemen, Radiation exposure 810w

    Exservicemen, Social security benefits 916w

    Food, Ministry of Defence 642-3w

    Information officers, Ministry of Defence 562-3w

    Military decorations 562w

    Ministry of Defence Police and Guarding Agency 73w, 807w, 914w

    Navy, Nuclear power 645w

    Private military and security companies, Expenditure 426w

    Regulation, Ministry of Defence 75-6w

    Security, Ministry of Defence 76w

    3M Health Care, Ministry of Defence 69w

    World War II, Military decorations 85-6w

    Written questions, Government responses 455w

Robert Hamill Inquiry

Robertson, Angus

                  Chamber Debates

    European Union Bill, Rep and 3R (08.03.2011) 797

    Libya, Armed conflict (07.03.2011) 651-2

    Points of order intervention (09.03.2011) 911

    Scotland Bill, Com (07.03.2011) 729

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Armed forces, Redundancy 303

    Higher education, Scotland 889-90

    Middle East, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 1255w

    Royal Fleet Auxiliary 1250w

    Taxation, Aviation 794w

    Unmanned air vehicles 83-4w

Robertson, Hugh, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport

                  Chamber Debates

    Sports Grounds Safety Authority Bill, 3R (04.03.2011) 550-1


    Olympic Games 2012, Hertfordshire 324-6w

    Olympic Games 2012, Housing 1087-8w

    Olympic Games 2012, Human trafficking 743w

    Olympic Games 2012, Northern Ireland 24w, 323-4w

    Olympic Games 2012, Scotland 613w

    Olympic Games 2012, Tickets 326-7w

    Olympic Games 2012, Wales 327w

    Scotland, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 26w

    Sports, Public participation 512w

    Sports, Special educational needs 928-9w

    Sports, Young people 447-8

Robertson, John


    Education maintenance allowance 1108w

    Further education, Truancy 264-5w

    Government securities 702w

    NHS, Reorganisation 769

    Research and development tax credit, Scotland 891

Robertson, Mr Laurence

                  Chamber Debates

    Horserace Totalisator Board (01.03.2011) 273-7


    Asylum, Pakistan 946w

    Common agricultural policy 469w

    Food, Labelling 470w

    Local enterprise partnerships, Agriculture 466-7w

    Rural development programme 1217w

    Social security benefits, EU nationals 1035w

    Tibet, Politics and government 1046w

Robinson, Mr Geoffrey

                  Chamber Debates

    British Sky Broadcasting, News Corporation (03.03.2011) 524

Rogerson, Dan

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Water charges, South West (09.03.2011) 249wh


    Exports, Alcoholic drinks 32w

Rolling stock

    London and South Eastern Railway 920w

Roman Catholic Church

Rosindell, Andrew


    Aircraft carriers, Decommissioning 804w

    Aviation, Security 831w

    Aviation, Working hours 831w

    British Overseas NGOs for Development 795w

    Civil Society Challenge Fund 796w

    Climate change, Scotland 800w

    Defence Vetting Agency, Manpower 1248w

    Hospitals, Infectious diseases 758

    Ivory Coast, British nationals abroad 838-9w

    Military aircraft 811w

    Ministers' private offices, Department for International Development 797w

    National Union of Teachers, Department for International Development 798-9w

    New Zealand, Earthquakes 692w

    Nimrod aircraft 813w

    Trades Union Congress, Department for International Development 800w

    Tunisia, British nationals abroad 1148w

    Turks and Caicos Islands 845w

    Yemen, British nationals abroad 845w

    Yemen, Foreign relations 1047w


Rotheram, Steve

                  Chamber Debates

    Children's centres (02.03.2011) 351-6

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Health, Finance 753

    Local government finance 6


Roy, Mr Frank

                  Chamber Debates

    Libya, Armed conflict (07.03.2011) 654

    Libya, Politics and government (28.02.2011) 38


    Jobseeker's allowance, Fraud 365w

    Libya, Foreign nationals 842w

    Mortgages, Government assistance 1080w

    Social Fund, Motherwell 208-9w

Roy, Lindsay


    Libya, Armed conflict 697w

    Libya, British nationals abroad 696w

    Libya, Overseas aid 636w

    North Africa, Foreign relations 698w

    Rescue services, Scotland 336-8w

    Southern Africa, Human rights 173w

    Sudan, International assistance 799-800w

Royal Bank of Scotland

Royal family

    Rulings and statements (28.02.2011) 35

Royal Fleet Auxiliary

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