Index for Volume 525continued
A Am As B Be Bi Bo Bu By C Ce Co Cr D Di Dr E Em Eu F Fo Fu G Gl Gu H He Ho Hu I J Ju K L Li Lu M Mc Me Mo N Ni O Ot P Pe Pi Pu Q R Ri Ru S Sh Sn Sq Su T Ti Ty U V W Wh Wo Y Z
Diamond Jubilee 2012
Digital broadcasting
Digital technology
Dinenage, Caroline
Westminster Hall Debates
Business, Females (22.03.2011) 193-5wh
Libya, Armed conflict 153-4
Diplomatic relations
Diplomatic service
Diplomatic Service Appeals Board
see Electronic government
Pre-school education 416w
Disability living allowance
122-3w, 243-4w, 249w, 392w, 394-6w, 569-70w, 738-40w, 857-9w, 964-5w, 1129w, 1242w
Disabled facilities grants
Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee
Private education (16.03.2011) 71-92wh
Disaster relief
Disciplinary proceedings
Disclosure of information
Ministry of Defence 1124w
Disease control
Djanogly, Mr Jonathan, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Justice
Westminster Hall Debates
Theft, Retail trade (22.03.2011) 252-6wh
Written Statements
Land Registry, Standards 30ws
Assets, Ministry of Justice 542w
Courts, Bishop Auckland 1285w
Employment Tribunals Service 186-7w
Employment Tribunals Service, Trade unions 996-1000w
European Convention on Human Rights 546w, 999w
Families, Ministry of Justice 792w
HM Courts Service, Expenditure 457w
Land, Ministry of Justice 184w
Legal aid scheme, Negligence 138w
Legal aid scheme, Rochdale 138-9w
Legal opinion, Sign language 972w
Legal Services Commission, Complaints 1120-1w
Magistrates, Recruitment 1005w
Personal injury, Ministry of Justice 141-2w
Plants, Ministry of Justice 1006-7w
Public expenditure, Ministry of Justice 455-6w
Railways, Ministry of Justice 456w
Regulation, Ministry of Justice 456w
Repossession orders, Brighton 144w
Repossession orders, Suffolk 144-5w
Social security benefits, Appeals 687-8w
Stress, Ministry of Justice 1121-2w
Universal credit, Appeals 689w
Written questions, Ministry of Justice 456w
Dobbin, Jim
Westminster Hall Debates
Dobson, Rt Hon Frank
Climate change, Arctic 106w
Libya, British nationals abroad 823w
NHS, Private patients 82w
Docherty, Thomas
Chamber Debates
Budget Responsibility and National Audit Bill (HL), Rep and 3R (22.03.2011) 885, 893
Japan, Earthquakes (14.03.2011) 44
Libya, Armed conflict (17.03.2011) 497, (21.03.2011) 770, 786-7, (24.03.2011) 1129
Armed forces, Conditions of employment 510w
European financial stabilisation mechanism 1095-6
Poultry, Animal welfare 463
Prisoners, Voting rights 36w
Written questions, Communities and Local Government 594w
Written questions, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 150-1w
Written questions, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 525w
Written questions, Department for Transport 348w
Written questions, Department of Energy and Climate Change 110w
Written questions, Department of Health 311-2w
Written questions, Deputy Prime Minister 33w
Written questions, Home Office 231w
Written questions, Ministry of Defence 360w
Written questions, Ministry of Justice 456w
Written questions, Northern Ireland Office 12w
Written questions, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1w
Written questions, Scotland Office 11w
Dodds, Rt Hon Mr Nigel
Chamber Debates
Budget March 2011 (23.03.2011) 988, 990
Economic situation, Northern Ireland 933
Serious Organised Crime Agency, Northern Ireland 494w
Domestic violence
Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims (Amendment) Bill 2010-12
Chamber Debates
Domestic waste
Donaldson, Mr Jeffrey M
Chamber Debates
Business questions (18.03.2011) 635
Fuels, Prices (16.03.2011) 354
Libya, Armed conflict (18.03.2011) 618, (21.03.2011) 738-40
Armed forces, Cancer 210w
Armed forces, Northern Ireland 14w
Political parties, Northern Ireland 935
Royal Irish Regiment, Parades 1106w
Donohoe, Mr Brian H
Chamber Debates
Scotland Bill, Com (14.03.2011) 50-2, 54, 129-33, (15.03.2011) 170-6, 178-9, 181, 183, 185, 187, 202-6
Doran, Mr Frank
Chamber Debates
Scotland Bill, Com (15.03.2011) 212-4
Westminster Hall Debates
Dorrell, Rt Hon Mr Stephen
Chamber Debates
NHS, Reorganisation (16.03.2011) 392-4, 408
Dorries, Nadine
Chamber Debates
Pedestrian crossings (16.03.2011) 131-8wh
Double Taxation Relief and International Tax Enforcement (Montserrat) Order 2011
Chamber Debates
Dowd, Jim
Chamber Debates
Libya, Armed conflict (21.03.2011) 728-30, 799
Members, Pay (21.03.2011) 808
Schools, Information and communications technology 710-1w
Doyle, Gemma
Chamber Debates
Ministry of Defence Police and Guarding Agency 18-9
World War II, Clydebank 301-2
Doyle-Price, Jackie
Westminster Hall Debates
Health services, Essex (15.03.2011) 38-40wh
Local education authorities 424w