Index for Volume 525—continued

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Meacher, Rt Hon Mr Michael

                  Chamber Debates

    Libya, Armed conflict (21.03.2011) 758-60


    Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council, Pay 918w

Meals on wheels

Means-tested benefits

Mearns, Ian

                  Chamber Debates

    Written questions, Points of order (16.03.2011) 304

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Regional planning and development, North East (22.03.2011) 221-2wh


    Public expenditure 949w

    Schools, Vocational guidance 180w

    Written questions, Government responses 431w


Medical equipment

Medical examinations

    Personal independence payment 242-3w

Medical Insurance (Pensioner Tax Relief) Bill 2010-12

                  Chamber Debates

    2R order read (18.03.2011) 668

Medical treatments



    Local government (17.03.2011) 584-8


    Data protection 2w

Mental health services

Mental illness

    Employment and support allowance 571-3w

Menzies, Mark


    Defence, Procurement 5-6

Mercer, Patrick

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Quilliam, Finance (15.03.2011) 4wh


    Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 207-8w

    Contempt of court 679w

    Middle East, Politics and government 16

    Public sector, Training 883w

    Schools, Capital investment 179w

    Terrorism, Northern Ireland 940


Metcalfe, Stephen


    Business questions 488

    Economic situation 949

    Manufacturing industries 838-9



Michael, Rt Hon Alun


    Military bases, Wales 19

    Third sector, Labour turnover 647w


Middle East

    Freezing orders 268w



Miliband, Rt Hon David


    Afghanistan, Overseas aid 286-8w

    BBC World Service 270w

Miliband, Rt Hon Edward

                  Chamber Debates

    Budget March 2011 (23.03.2011) 967-70

    Japan, Earthquakes (14.03.2011) 27-9

    Libya, Armed conflict (18.03.2011) 613-5, (21.03.2011) 714-24


    Disability living allowance, Care homes 944

    Libya, Armed conflict 942-3

    NHS, Reorganisation 291-4

Military aircraft

Military bases

Military intelligence


Miller, Andrew

                  Chamber Debates

    Entry clearances, Overseas students (22.03.2011) 864

Miller, Maria, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Work and Pensions

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Disability living allowance, Visual impairment (23.03.2011) 329-34wh


    Child care tax credit 1128w

    Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission, Finance 962-3w

    Child Poverty Commission, Public appointments 963w

    Disability, Children 571w

    Disability living allowance, Airdrie 244w

    Disability living allowance, Bedford 399w

    Disability living allowance, Carshalton 392-3w

    Disability living allowance, Children 244w

    Disability living allowance, Expenditure 860w

    Disability living allowance, Fraud 861w

    Disability living allowance, West Midlands 861w

    Disability living allowance, Wolverhampton 245w

    Employment, Learning disability 967-8w

    Employment and support allowance 245w

    Employment and support allowance, Airdrie 245w

    Employment and support allowance, Mental illness 571-3w

    Families, Department for Work and Pensions 863-4w

    Industrial diseases, Compensation 395w

    Means-tested benefits, Peterborough 865w

    Pensioners, Disability 1243w

    Personal independence payment, Medical examinations 242-3w

    Remploy, Conferences 1131w

    Social security benefits 252-3w

    Social security benefits, Autism 253-4w

    Social security benefits, Children 1133w

    Social security benefits, Lone parents 1239-40w

    Social security benefits, Medical examinations 255w, 752w

    Universal credit, Disability 869-70w

    Welfare tax credits 737w

    Work capability assessment 741-4w

Mills, Nigel

                  Chamber Debates

    Fuels, Prices (16.03.2011) 334-6

                  Westminster Hall Debates

Milton, Anne, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health

                  Chamber Debates

    Maternity services, Hastings (24.03.2011) 1208-10

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Health services, Cumbria (16.03.2011) 126-30wh

    Health services, Essex (15.03.2011) 43-6wh

    National Blood Service (15.03.2011) 66-70wh

                  Written Statements

    Health services, Foreign nationals 35-6ws


    Abortion Act 1967 70w

    Animal products, Clones 76w

    Blood, Donors 72w

    Contraceptives, Expenditure 618-9w

    Doctors, Training 770w

    Doctors, Working hours 74-5w

    Food, Genetically modified organisms 76w

    Genito-urinary medicine 1197w

    HIV infection, Screening 80-1w

    Hospitals, Food 81w

    Human papilloma virus, Vaccination 1274-5w

    Incontinence, Children 84w

    Influenza, Disease control 81-2w

    Influenza, Vaccination 770w

    Lung diseases, Transplant surgery 447-8w

    National healthy schools programme 1010w

    Nurses, Manpower 449w

    Pressure sores, Nurses 85w

    Radiation exposure 773w

    Sex, Health education 84-5w

    Sickle cell diseases, Children 452w

    Streptococcus, Pregnancy 319w

    Teenage pregnancy 85w

    Third sector, Department of Health 1283-4w

    Tobacco, Children 775w

    Transplant surgery 452w

    Vaccination, Procurement 453w

Minimum Wage (Amendment) Bill 2010-12

                  Chamber Debates

    2R order read (18.03.2011) 668


Minister for Women and Equality

Ministerial policy advisers

    Attorney General 118w

    Communities and Local Government 909w

    Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 1071w

    Department for Culture, Media and Sport 523-4w

    Department for International Development 289w

    Department for Work and Pensions 1129w

    Department of Energy and Climate Change 407w

    Department of Health 441w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 817w

    Government Equalities Office 686w

    Ministry of Defence 943w

    Northern Ireland Office 331w

    Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1105w

    Scotland Office 330w

Ministerial statements

    Budget March 2011 (23.03.2011) 951-66

    Entry clearances (22.03.2011) 855-72

Ministry of Defence

    Departmental responsibilities 17

    Diamond Jubilee 2012 21

    Disclosure of information 1124w

    Leaseback arrangements 214w

    Ministerial policy advisers 943w

    Private finance initiative 944w

    Written questions 360w

Ministry of Defence Police and Guarding Agency

Ministry of Justice

    Ministerial policy advisers 454-5w

    Olympic Games 2012 793w

    Written questions 456w

Missing persons


Mitchell, Rt Hon Mr Andrew, Secretary of State for International Development


    Afghanistan, Overseas aid 286-8w

    Angola, Overseas aid 685w

    British overseas territories, Overseas aid 683-4w

    Developing countries, Females 326w

    Developing countries, Microfinance 327w

    Developing countries, Poverty 291w

    Developing countries, Renewable energy 37-8w

    International Labour Organisation, Finance 684w, 843w

    International Planned Parenthood Federation, Finance 843-4w

    Libya, Higher education 291w

    Marie Stopes International, Finance 844w

    Public bodies, Department for International Development 684w

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