Index for Volume 526—continued

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Backbench debates

    Department for Work and Pensions (05.04.2011) 968-79

    High Speed 2 railway line (31.03.2011) 147-96wh

Bacon, Mr Richard

                  Chamber Debates

    Broadcasting (Public Service Content) Bill, 2R (01.04.2011) 660, 676

    Food Labelling Regulations (Amendment) Bill, 2R adjourned (01.04.2011) 694-702, 704-5, 711-2

    Private members' bills (30.03.2011) 481


    see Bovine tuberculosis

Bagshawe, Ms Louise

                  Chamber Debates

    Police, Manpower (04.04.2011) 830


    British nationals abroad 103w

Bailey, Mr Adrian


    Bribery Act 2010 162

    Trade competitiveness 500

    Youth custody, Speech therapy 168

Bain, Mr William

                  Chamber Debates

    Budget March 2011 (28.03.2011) 114-6


    Agriculture, Environment protection 52w

    Animal feed, Prices 801w

    Capital gains tax 733w

    Carbon emissions 240w

    Carbon emissions, Power stations 167w

    Commodity markets 210w

    Common agricultural policy 52w

    Corporation tax 891w

    Disability living allowance 441w

    Disability living allowance, Children 43-4w

    Education maintenance allowance 775-6w

    Employment and support allowance, Cancer 44w

    Environment protection, Agriculture 618w, 881w

    Fairtrade initiative, Public sector 55w

    Food, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 171-4w

    Food, Prices 56w

    Food, Sustainable development 803-5w

    Horse passports 51w

    Housing, Construction 8w

    Income tax, Tax rates and bands 366w, 727w

    Individual savings accounts 729w

    International assistance 317-8w

    National insurance, Income tax 214w

    Nature conservation, Crime 51w

    Public expenditure 732w

    Pupils, Disadvantaged 764w

    Redundancy, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 54-6w

    Sustainable development 855w

    Sustainable development, Planning permission 470w

    Taxation, Environment protection 32w

    Taxation, Offshore industry 894-5w

    Water, Developing countries 316-7w

Baker, Norman, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Transport

                  Chamber Debates

    Railways, Repairs and maintenance (29.03.2011) 318-22


    Assets, Department for Transport 86-7w

    Chief scientific advisers, Department for Transport 615w

    Compensation, Department for Transport 257-8w

    Cycling, Department for Transport 257w

    Departmental responsibilities, Department for Transport 351-2w

    Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee 91-2w, 607w

    East Anglia railway line 609w

    Exhaust emissions 871w

    Land, Department for Transport 869w

    Legislation, Department for Transport 608w

    LEK Consulting, Department for Transport 608-9w

    Manpower, Department for Transport 88w

    Members, Correspondence 354w

    Mersey Gateway Project 609w

    Ministerial policy advisers, Department for Transport 87-8w

    Motor vehicles, Exhaust emissions 873-4w

    Parking, Fees and charges 611w

    Parking, Pedestrian areas 875w

    Roads, Snow and ice 615w

    Squatting, Department for Transport 91w

    Stress, Department for Transport 102w

    Theft, Department for Transport 870-1w

    Third sector, Department for Transport 102w

    Transport, Sustainable development 617w

Baker, Steve

                  Chamber Debates

    Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill, Rep and 3R (31.03.2011) 632


    Monetary policy 364w

Baldry, Tony, Second Church Estates Commissioner

                  Chamber Debates

    Art works, Auckland Castle (31.03.2011) 642-4

    NHS, Reorganisation (04.04.2011) 781

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    NHS, Public opinion (30.03.2011) 108-13wh


    Blasphemy, Pakistan 890-1

    British Sky Broadcasting, News Corporation 25-6w

    Church Commissioners, Railways 515-6w

    Church of England, Community relations 800w

    Church of England, Education 892-3

    Church of England, Roman Catholic Church 799w

    Civil proceedings, Legal costs 59-60w

    Employment, Manufacturing industries 341

    High Speed 2 railway line 611w

    Ivory Coast, Politics and government 521

    Lesotho, Overseas aid 326

    Listed places of worship grant scheme 893-4

    Ministers of religion, Pay 516w

    Parish councils 741

    Prisons, Education 152

Baldwin, Harriett

                  Chamber Debates

    Budget March 2011 (28.03.2011) 119-20

    State retirement pensions (04.04.2011) 802


    Business, Regulation 505-6

    Schools, Admissions 290w

    State retirement pensions, Females 5-6

    Technology and innovation centres 514

    West Lothian question 882

Balls, Rt Hon Edward


    Child benefit, Lone parents 360w

    Child care tax credit 360w

    Income tax, Tax rates and bands 363-4w

Bank services



    Corporate hospitality 721w

Banks, Gordon


    Exservicemen, Identity cards 121w

    Regulation, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 299w

    Regulation, Department for Transport 90-2w

    Scholarships, Performing arts 414w

Barclay, Stephen

                  Chamber Debates

    Budget March 2011 (29.03.2011) 223-6

    Police, Manpower (04.04.2011) 809


    Audit, Department for Work and Pensions 516-7w

    Carbon sequestration 163w

    Industrial diseases, Compensation 162w

    National School of Government 539-40w

    Procurement, Department for Transport 88-90w

    Procurement, Department for Work and Pensions 594w

    Public bodies, Finance 38w

    Schools, Finance 291w

    Wetlands, Norfolk 246w

Barker, Gregory, Minister of State, Department of Energy and Climate Change


    Assets, Department of Energy and Climate Change 619w

    Carbon reduction commitment energy efficiency scheme 381w

    Chief scientific advisers, Department of Energy and Climate Change 453w

    Climate change, Northern Ireland 521w

    Energy, Carbon emissions 264w

    Energy, International cooperation 884w

    Environment protection, Agriculture 618w, 881w

    Exhaust emissions, Shipping 884-5w

    Fuel poverty, Clwyd 622w

    Green deal scheme 620w

    Greenhouse gas emissions 623w

    Industrial diseases, Compensation 162w

    Local government finance, Department of Energy and Climate Change 163-4w

    Lockheed Martin, Department of Energy and Climate Change 619w

    Manpower, Department of Energy and Climate Change 263-4w

    Mobile phones, Department of Energy and Climate Change 881w

    Office for Renewable Energy Deployment 886w

    Official cars, Department of Energy and Climate Change 881-2w

    Public bodies, Department of Energy and Climate Change 164w

    Public transport, Department of Energy and Climate Change 619w, 881-2w

    Renewable energy 265w

    Renewable energy, Heating 455w

    Renewable energy, Local government 887w

    Solar power, Northumberland 888w

    Travel, Department of Energy and Climate Change 165w, 881-2w

    Vacancies, Department of Energy and Climate Change 882w

    Warm home discount scheme 626w

Barnes Hospital

Baron, Mr John

                  Chamber Debates

    Libya, Armed conflict (30.03.2011) 353, (04.04.2011) 760


    Large goods vehicles, Accidents 95-6w

Barron, Rt Hon Kevin

                  Chamber Debates

    NHS, Reorganisation (04.04.2011) 772


Barwell, Gavin

                  Chamber Debates

    Business questions (31.03.2011) 544

Bayley, Hugh

                  Chamber Debates

    Libya, Armed conflict (30.03.2011) 360

    Libya, Overseas aid (05.04.2011) 933-6


    Ivory Coast, Politics and government 521-2

    Libya, Overseas aid 1-2w

    Overseas aid, Publicity 859w

    Regional Growth Fund, Yorkshire and the Humber 311w


    Northern Ireland 578w

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