Index for Volume 526continued
A C Ap B Be Bi Br Bu By C Ci Cr D Di Du E Em Ex F Fo G Gl Gu H He Ho Hy I J K L Ll Lu M Me Mi Mu N Nu O Ow P Ph Pu Q R Ri S Si Sq Sy T Ti U V W Wi Y Z
Duncan, Rt Hon Mr Alan, Minister of State, Department for International Development
Developing countries, Agriculture 857-8w
Developing countries, HIV infection 858w
Early retirement, Department for International Development 857w
Employment agencies, Department for International Development 858w
International conferences, Finance 719-20w
Official cars, Department for International Development 717w
Palestinians, Overseas aid 720-2w
Public transport, Department for International Development 717w
Redundancy, Department for International Development 316w
Travel, Department for International Development 718w
Yemen, Politics and government 331-2
Duncan Smith, Rt Hon Mr Iain, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions
Chamber Debates
Written Statements
Departmental responsibilities, Department for Work and Pensions 17-8
Disability living allowance 18-9
Social security benefits, Lincoln 21
Universal credit, Widowed people 22
Durkan, Mark
Chamber Debates
Kerr, Ronan (04.04.2011) 793
Libya, Armed conflict (30.03.2011) 362, (04.04.2011) 763
State retirement pensions (04.04.2011) 804
Electoral Reform Services 517
Human trafficking, Children 83-4w