Index for Volume 526continued
A C Ap B Be Bi Br Bu By C Ci Cr D Di Du E Em Ex F Fo G Gl Gu H He Ho Hy I J K L Ll Lu M Me Mi Mu N Nu O Ow P Ph Pu Q R Ri S Si Sq Sy T Ti U V W Wi Y Z
Gale, Mr Roger
Chamber Debates
Libya, Armed conflict (28.03.2011) 43
Westminster Hall Debates
Counterfeit manufacturing, Alcoholic drinks 471w
Galileo system
Gaming machines
Gapes, Mike
Chamber Debates
Business questions (31.03.2011) 547
Electoral Registration, Identification and Eligibility for Voting Bill, Motion to introduce Bill negatived (05.04.2011) 915-7
Libya, Armed conflict (28.03.2011) 44, (30.03.2011) 353
Demonstrations, Greater London 30
Eritrea, British nationals abroad 910
Free schools, Public consultation 488w
Partnerships for Schools 151w
Gardiner, Barry
Chamber Debates
Libya, Armed conflict (04.04.2011) 760
NHS, Reorganisation (04.04.2011) 781
Garnier, Mr Edward, Solicitor General
Human trafficking, Children 885-6
Human trafficking, Victims 888
Public transport, Attorney General 585w
Sexual offences, Prosecutions 886-7
Garnier, Mark
Gas supply
see Natural gas
Gastrointestinal system
Gauke, Mr David, Exchequer Secretary
Written Statements
Child benefit, Lone parents 360w
Child care tax credit, Lone parents 367w
Income tax, Overpayments 727-9w
National insurance, Income tax 214w, 731w
National insurance contributions, Fraud 637w
National insurance contributions, New businesses 731w, 889w
Non-domestic rates, Empty property 37w
Pregnant women, Grants 37w
Research and development tax credit, Video games 214w
Revenue and Customs, Databases 365w
Revenue and Customs, Manpower 361w
Revenue and Customs, Security 732-3w
Revenue and Customs, Senior civil servants 362w
Revenue and Customs, Treasury Select Committee 215w
Solar power, Feed-in tariffs 266w
Tax allowances, Cycling 362w
Tax yields, Investment income 366w
Taxation, Self-assessment 367w
VAT, Vocational training 734w
Welfare tax credits, Wolverhampton 39w
GCE A-level
General Election 2010
General practitioners
Genetically modified organisms
George, Andrew
Westminster Hall Debates
Developing countries, Agriculture 512w
Gibb, Mr Nick, Minister of State, Department for Education
Academies, Private finance initiative 786w
Building schools for the future programme 129w
Children, Community relations 282w
Children, Disability 277w
Children, Sunscreens 715w
Children, Television 277w
Citizenship, Curriculum 277-8w
Class sizes, Berkshire 543w
Consultants, Department for Education 780-1w
Education, Assessments 142w
Education maintenance allowance, Blackpool 770w
Education maintenance allowance, Kent 703w
Food technology, Curriculum 698w
Free school meals, Kent 704-5w
Free school meals, Pendle 705-6w
Free schools, Public consultation 488w
Free schools, Standards 423w
Further education, Free school meals 706w
Further education, Student numbers 419-20w
Further education, VAT 419w
Health education, Sex 544w
Information and communications technology, Curriculum 278w
Local government finance, Department for Education 414-5w
Partnerships for Schools 151w
Pupil exclusions, Berkshire 712w
Pupil exclusions, Dartford 152w
Scholarships, Performing arts 414w
Schools, Greater Manchester 486-8w
Schools, Newcastle upon Tyne 712w
Schools, Nottinghamshire 786w
Schools, Vocational guidance 790w
Science, Secondary education 493-4w
Secondary education, Kingston upon Thames 787w
Sixth form education 546w
Sixth form education, Standards 416-7w
Special educational needs, Finance 139w
Special educational needs, Training 499w
University technical colleges 716w
Written questions, Government responses 790w
Gift aid
Gilbert, Stephen
Chamber Debates
Further education (28.03.2011) 68
Libya, Armed conflict (28.03.2011) 50
Libya, Overseas aid (05.04.2011) 952-4
Housing, Construction 729
Gillan, Rt Hon Mrs Cheryl, Secretary of State for Wales
Legislative competence, Wales 583w
Gilmore, Sheila
Chamber Debates
Budget March 2011 (28.03.2011) 75-6, 134-5, (29.03.2011) 276
Employment and support allowance, Work capability assessment 6-7