Index for Volume 526—continued

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Glass, Pat

                  Chamber Debates

    Further education (28.03.2011) 66


    Academies, Finance 542w

Glindon, Mrs Mary


    Recreation spaces, North Tyneside 744

    Universal credit, Widowed people 22

Godsiff, Mr Roger


    Church Commissioners, Railways 515-6w

    Railways, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 54w

Goggins, Rt Hon Paul

                  Chamber Debates

    Budget March 2011 (28.03.2011) 102-4

    Further education (28.03.2011) 57

    Kerr, Ronan (04.04.2011) 792

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Large goods vehicles, Safety (29.03.2011) 65-9wh, 71wh

Goldsmith, Zac


    Airports, Planning permission 866w

    Barnes Hospital 513w

    Climate change, Finance 527w

    Councillors, Conduct 801w

    EU external trade, South America 690w

    Richmond Park, Trees 740w

    Secondary education, Kingston upon Thames 787w

Goodman, Helen

                  Chamber Debates

    Art works, Auckland Castle (31.03.2011) 639-42

    Urgent question intervention (05.04.2011) 897


    Alternatives to prison, Females 59w

    Offenders, Rehabilitation 641-2w

    Prison Service, Finance 642-8w

    Reparation by offenders, Finance 662w

Gove, Rt Hon Michael, Secretary of State for Education

                  Chamber Debates

    Further education, Points of order (28.03.2011) 69


    Building schools for the future programme, Liverpool 763-4w

    Classroom assistants, Pay 789w

    Public bodies, Department for Education 767-8w

    Schools, Transport 787w

    16-19 Bursary Fund 769w


Government Art Collection

Government Communications

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 861w

Government departments

Government Equalities Office

Government responses


Graham, Richard

                  Chamber Debates

    Further education (28.03.2011) 67

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Solar power, Feed-in tariffs (29.03.2011) 54wh


    Housing, Construction 724-5

Grant, Mrs Helen

                  Chamber Debates

    Police, Manpower (04.04.2011) 836, 844


    Business, Maidstone 902w

    Executives, Females 905w

    New businesses, Kent 911w

Gray, Mr James

                  Chamber Debates

    Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill, Rep and 3R (31.03.2011) 586-7


    Armed forces, Redundancy 748

Grayling, Rt Hon Chris, Minister of State, Department for Work and Pensions

                  Written Statements

    Employment schemes 44ws

    Social security benefits 9-10ws


    Audit, Department for Work and Pensions 516-7w

    Compensation, Department for Work and Pensions 41-2w

    Conferences, Department for Work and Pensions 41w

    Consultants, Department for Work and Pensions 743-4w

    Employment, Low incomes 446w

    Employment and support allowance, Work capability assessment 6-7, 254-5w, 606w

    Employment schemes, Contracts 255w

    Income tax, Tax rates and bands 518-9w

    Leaseback arrangements, Department for Work and Pensions 250w

    Lockheed Martin, Department for Work and Pensions 743w

    New deal schemes 46w

    New enterprise allowance, Merseyside 13-4, 40w

    Performance related pay 446w

    Plants, Department for Work and Pensions 251w

    Procurement, Department for Work and Pensions 594w

    Public bodies, Department for Work and Pensions 743w

    Public consultation, Department for Work and Pensions 439w

    Redundancy, Department for Work and Pensions 744w

    Regulation, Department for Work and Pensions 404w, 517-8w

    Social security benefits 253-4w

    Social security benefits, Appeals 19

    Social security benefits, Cancer 40w

    Social security benefits, Medical examinations 43w

    Social security benefits, Motherwell 747-9w

    Stress, Department for Work and Pensions 448-9w

    Stress, Industrial health and safety 448w

    Theft, Department for Work and Pensions 596w

    Third sector, Department for Work and Pensions 600w

    Unemployment, Young people 21

    Unemployment benefits, Bexley 749w

    Unemployment benefits, Poole 748w

Greater London

    Community development 666w

    Employment and support allowance 66w

Greater Manchester

    Public libraries (05.04.2011) 261-8wh

Greatrex, Tom


    Disability living allowance, Scotland 404-5w

    Driving instruction, Qualifications 92-3w

    Excise duties, Liquefied petroleum gas 35-6w

    Excise duties, Motor vehicles 442w

Green, Damian, Minister of State, Home Office

                  Written Statements


    Asylum, Community relations 80w

    Asylum, East of England 216-8w

    Asylum, Greater London 217w

    Borders, Personal records 218w

    British nationality 367w

    Common travel area 457w

    Cycling, Home Office 218w

    Deportation, Eastern Europe 811-4w

    Entry clearances 220w

    Human trafficking, Children 83-4w

    Human trafficking, Females 816w

    Human trafficking, Northern Ireland 459w

    Identity and Passport Service, Liverpool 459-60w

    Illegal immigrants 552w

    Immigrants, Crimes against humanity 84-5w

    Immigrants, English language 817w

    Immigration, Married people 85w

    Local government finance, Home Office 229-32w

    Lockheed Martin, Home Office 809-10w

    Manpower, Home Office 810w

    Marriage of convenience 552-3w

    Mobile phones, Home Office 810w

    Offences against children 231-2w

    Public bodies, Home Office 810-2w

    Public transport, Home Office 811w

    Third sector, Home Office 461w

    Vacancies, Home Office 811w

Green, Kate

                  Chamber Debates

    Further education (28.03.2011) 66

    NHS, Reorganisation (04.04.2011) 782

    Recess motions (05.04.2011) 1000-1


    Children, Disability 277w

    Electricity, Meters 165w

    Legal aid scheme 159

    Social mobility 904

    Special educational needs, Finance 139w

    Universal credit 2

Green belt

Green deal scheme

Green Investment Bank

Greenhouse gas emissions

Greening, Justine, Economic Secretary

                  Chamber Debates

    Coinage (Measurement) Bill, 3R (01.04.2011) 652-4

                  Written Statements

    Office for Budget Responsibility 45-6ws

    Taxation, Environment protection 12ws


    Boarding schools, Treasury 32w

    Central Europe Trust 723w

    Climate change, Finance 527w

    Commodity markets 210w

    Counterfeit manufacturing, Alcoholic drinks 471w

    Cycling, Treasury 471w

    Excise duties, Alcoholic drinks 34w, 363w

    Excise duties, Liquefied petroleum gas 35-6w

    Excise duties, Motor vehicles 36w, 442w

    Greenhouse gas emissions 725w

    Inheritance tax 472w

    Landfill Communities Fund 473w

    Lockheed Martin, Treasury 723w

    Members, Correspondence 473w

    Monetary policy 364w

    Official cars, Treasury 891w

    Plants, Treasury 362w

    Public sector debt 38w

    Public transport, Treasury 891w

    Redundancy, Treasury 211w

    Revenue and Customs, Telephone services 529w

    Taxation, Environment protection 32w

    Taxation, Financial services 528w

    Taxation, Gaming machines 214w

    Taxation, Multinational companies 528w

    Temporary employment, Treasury 471-2w

    Third sector, Treasury 33w

    Travel, Treasury 891w

Greenwood, Lilian


    Revenue and Customs, Security 732-3w

Grieve, Rt Hon Mr Dominic, Attorney General


    Demonstrations, Greater London 586w

    Human trafficking, Prostitution 585-6w

    Official cars, Attorney General 584-5w

    Public transport, Attorney General 585w

    Rape, Convictions 889

    Travel, Attorney General 585w

Griffith, Nia

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Supermarkets, Competition (05.04.2011) 247-9wh


    Apprentices, Manufacturing industries 296w, 308w

    Business, Regulation 298w

    Citizens Advice, Finance 502

    Human trafficking, Prosecutions 797w

    Manufacturing industries 306-7w

    Renewable energy, Feed-in tariffs 166w

    Rescue services, Swansea 101w

Griffiths, Andrew

                  Chamber Debates

    Budget March 2011 (29.03.2011) 211-2


    Community relations, Finance 4w, 469w

    Employment, Public houses 177w

    Excise duties, Beer 34-5w

    Local government finance 468w

    Marketing, Communities and Local Government 468-70w

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