Index for Volume 526continued
A C Ap B Be Bi Br Bu By C Ci Cr D Di Du E Em Ex F Fo G Gl Gu H He Ho Hy I J K L Ll Lu M Me Mi Mu N Nu O Ow P Ph Pu Q R Ri S Si Sq Sy T Ti U V W Wi Y Z
Lader, Malcolm
Lammy, Rt Hon Mr David
Railways, East of England 612w
Students, Fees and charges 517
Lancaster, Mark
Chamber Debates
Coinage (Measurement) Bill, 3R (01.04.2011) 648-51
Libya, Armed conflict (04.04.2011) 761
Sustainable development, Planning permission 743-4
Lancaster Castle Prison
Department for Transport 869w
Land Registry
Landfill Communities Fund
Landfill tax
Lansley, Rt Hon Mr Andrew, Secretary of State for Health
Chamber Debates
NHS, Reorganisation (04.04.2011) 767-85
Written Statements
Doctors, Performance appraisal 8-9ws
Health services, Social enterprises 19-20ws
Large goods vehicle drivers
Large goods vehicles
Latham, Pauline
Business, Regulation 345w
Lavery, Ian
Chamber Debates
Budget March 2011 (29.03.2011) 229-30
Employment and support allowance, Work capability assessment 254-5w
Local government finance, Northumberland 851w
Solar power, Northumberland 888w
Laws, Rt Hon Mr David
Further education, Student numbers 419-20w
University technical colleges 716w
Lazarowicz, Mark
Ivory Coast, Politics and government 519-21
South Sudan, Overseas aid 324-5
Leader of the House of Commons
Leadsom, Andrea
Chamber Debates
Budget March 2011 (28.03.2011) 93, 104-5
Westminster Hall Debates
High Speed 2 railway line, Heathrow Airport 352w
High Speed Two, Correspondence 352-3w
High Speed Two, Manpower 353-4w
Railways, Electrification 875-6w
League of Arab States
Diplomatic relations 431w
Leaseback arrangements
Department for Education 279w
Department for Work and Pensions 250w
Lee, Jessica
Chamber Debates
Defamation Bill (Draft) 160-1
Lee, Dr Phillip
Westminster Hall Debates
Internet, Competition (05.04.2011) 255-7wh
Wind power, Seas and oceans 169-70w
Leech, Mr John
Chamber Debates
Budget March 2011 (29.03.2011) 237-9
Further education (28.03.2011) 65
Libya, Armed conflict (28.03.2011) 47
Westminster Hall Debates
Public libraries, Greater Manchester (05.04.2011) 261-5wh
Lefroy, Jeremy
Church of England, Community relations 800w
Human trafficking, Victims 888
Marriage guidance, Finance 491w
Young offender institutions, Sports 168
Legal aid scheme
Legal costs
Legal Services Act 2007 (Approved Regulators) Order 2011
Chamber Debates
Legal Services Board
Department for Transport 608w
Legislative competence
Leicester South
By-election writs (05.04.2011) 875
Leigh, Mr Edward
Chamber Debates
Broadcasting (Public Service Content) Bill, 2R (01.04.2011) 666-8, 670-5, 687
Budget March 2011 (29.03.2011) 207, 240-2
Food Labelling Regulations (Amendment) Bill, 2R adjourned (01.04.2011) 697, 706-7
Libya, Armed conflict (30.03.2011) 356-7, (04.04.2011) 759-60
Libya, Overseas aid (05.04.2011) 947-9
Libya, Points of order (01.04.2011) 665
Private members' bills (30.03.2011) 476
Tebbit, RtHonLord, Points of order (29.03.2011) 189
LEK Consulting
Department for Transport 608-9w
Developing countries 316w
Leslie, Charlotte
Advertising, Department for Education 139-40w
Leslie, Chris
Chamber Debates
Budget March 2011 (28.03.2011) 76, 135-8
Further education (28.03.2011) 65
Westminster Hall Debates
Financial services, Rural areas (29.03.2011) 36-42wh
National insurance contributions, New businesses 731w
Taxation, Financial services 528w
Letwin, Rt Hon Mr Oliver, Minister of State, Cabinet Office
National Security Council 395w
Lewis, Brandon
Chamber Debates
Business questions (31.03.2011) 546
Lewis, Mr Ivan
Arts Council England 200w
Domestic visits, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 28w, 437w
Local broadcasting, Television 29w
Museums and galleries, Finance 437-8w
National Lottery, Grants 24w
Public appointments, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 27w
Research and development tax credit, Video games 214w
UK Film Council, Museums, Libraries and Archives Council 526-7w
Lewis, Dr Julian
Chamber Debates
Libya, Overseas aid (05.04.2011) 934
Manning, Bradley (04.04.2011) 874
Tebbit, RtHonLord, Points of order (29.03.2011) 189
Armed conflict 106-7w, 117w, 206w, 333-4, 336-7, 341-2, 378-9w, 385w, 436w, 759-60w, 862-3w
Liddell-Grainger, Mr Ian
Eritrea, British nationals abroad 907-8
Revenue and Customs, Databases 365w
Revenue and Customs, Treasury Select Committee 215w
Temporary employment, Treasury 471-2w
Lidington, Rt Hon Mr David, Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Chamber Debates
Yemen, Politics and government (01.04.2011) 718-22
Alcoholic drinks, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 374-5w
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Politics and government 203w, 525w
Council of Europe, Elections 315-6w
European Court of Human Rights 525w
Former ministers, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 570w
Latvia, Antisemitism 525w
Members, Correspondence 108w
Public bodies, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 430-1w
Somaliland, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 576w
Life expectancy
Lilley, Rt Hon Mr Peter
Chamber Debates
Budget March 2011 (29.03.2011) 206-8, 213
Social security benefits 21
Liquefied petroleum gas
Listed places of worship grant scheme
Building schools for the future programme 763-4w