Index for Volume 526continued
A C Ap B Be Bi Br Bu By C Ci Cr D Di Du E Em Ex F Fo G Gl Gu H He Ho Hy I J K L Ll Lu M Me Mi Mu N Nu O Ow P Ph Pu Q R Ri S Si Sq Sy T Ti U V W Wi Y Z
Lucas, Caroline
Chamber Debates
Libya, Armed conflict (30.03.2011) 358
Sustainable Communities Act 2007 (28.03.2011) 143-6
Westminster Hall Debates
Solar power, Feed-in tariffs (29.03.2011) 51wh
Animal products, Clones 339w
Armed forces, Absence without leave 111w
Energy, Carbon emissions 264w
Libya, Armed conflict 760w
Members' staff, Child care vouchers 397-8w
Office for Renewable Energy Deployment 886w
Solar power, Feed-in tariffs 266w
Transport, Radioactive materials 875w
Warm home discount scheme 626w
Winter fuel payments, Brighton 752-3w
Lucas, Ian
Westminster Hall Debates
Armed forces, Redundancy 750
Luff, Peter, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Defence
Written Statements
Armed forces, Deployment 385w
Early retirement, Ministry of Defence 387-8w
European fighter aircraft 389w
Land, Ministry of Defence 208-9w
Redundancy, Ministry of Defence 389w
Rescue services, Helicopters 120w
Secondment, Ministry of Defence 758-9w
Warships, Procurement 387w
Lumley, Karen
Apprentices, Redditch 912w
Local government, Cooperation 744
Prisoners' release, Reoffenders 163-4