Index for Volume 526—continued

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Lucas, Caroline

                  Chamber Debates

    Libya, Armed conflict (30.03.2011) 358

    Sustainable Communities Act 2007 (28.03.2011) 143-6

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Solar power, Feed-in tariffs (29.03.2011) 51wh


    Animal products, Clones 339w

    Animals, Clones 339w

    Armed forces, Absence without leave 111w

    Energy, Carbon emissions 264w

    Housing benefit 744w

    Libya, Armed conflict 760w

    Members' staff, Child care vouchers 397-8w

    Office for Renewable Energy Deployment 886w

    Schools, Sports 153w

    Solar power, Feed-in tariffs 266w

    Transport, Radioactive materials 875w

    Warm home discount scheme 626w

    Winter fuel payments, Brighton 752-3w

Lucas, Ian

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Armed forces, Redundancy 750

Luff, Peter, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Defence

                  Written Statements


    Armed forces, Deployment 385w

    Armed forces, Dogs 208w

    Early retirement, Ministry of Defence 387-8w

    European fighter aircraft 389w

    HMS Illustrious 435w

    Land, Ministry of Defence 208-9w

    Radioactive waste 393w

    Redundancy, Ministry of Defence 389w

    Rescue services, Helicopters 120w

    Secondment, Ministry of Defence 758-9w

    Tornado aircraft 393w

    Warships, Procurement 387w

Lumley, Karen


    Apprentices, Redditch 912w

    Local government, Cooperation 744

    Prisoners' release, Reoffenders 163-4

    Probation, Contracts 169


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