Index for Volume 528—continued

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    International assistance 22w

    Overseas aid 23w

    Politics and government 447-8w

Yeo, Mr Tim

                  Chamber Debates

    Carbon emissions (17.05.2011) 180


Young, Rt Hon Sir George, Leader of the House of Commons and Lord Privy Seal

                  Chamber Debates

    Laws, David, Members' suspension (16.05.2011) 45

                  Written Statements


    Electronic government, Petitions 163w

    Legal aid scheme 163w

    Orders and regulations, Parliamentary scrutiny 163w

    St Helens and Knowsley Hospitals NHS Trust 511w

    Travel, Leader of the House of Commons 163w

Young offenders

Young people

    Driving 1w

    Social security benefits 96-8w

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