Index for Volume 529—continued

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    Department for Education 862w

    Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 560w

    Department for International Development 618-20w

    Department for Work and Pensions 662w

    Department of Energy and Climate Change 697w

    Department of Health 638w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 605w

    Northern Ireland Office 551w


Gale, Mr Roger


    London and South Eastern Railway, Standards 194-5w

    Medical records 87w

    Tanzania, BAE Systems 59w


Gangmasters Licensing (Extension to Construction Industry) Bill 2010-12

                  Chamber Debates

    Order for resuming adjourned 2R read (10.06.2011) 465

Gapes, Mike

                  Chamber Debates

    Middle East, Politics and government (07.06.2011) 45


    Libya, Armed conflict 634, 777

Gardiner, Barry


    Electricity, Prices 104w

    EU action, Biofuels 576w

    EU action, Climate change 482w

    EU action, Renewable energy 581-4w

Garnier, Mr Edward, Solicitor General


    Crown Prosecution Service, Trade unions 32w, 800w

    EU law, Attorney General 967w

    Human trafficking, Children 588w

    Human trafficking, Offenders 588w

    Prostitution, Arrests 588w

    Regulation, Attorney General 967w

Garnier, Mark

                  Chamber Debates

    Enterprise zones, Kidderminster (15.06.2011) 893-7

    Financial markets (16.06.2011) 969

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Enterprise zones 597w

    EU countries, Children's rights 796w

Gas and Electricity Markets Authority

Gas supply

    see Natural gas

Gauke, Mr David, Exchequer Secretary

                  Written Statements

    Double taxation, Ethiopia 47ws


    Business, Government assistance 492w

    Child care tax credit, Barnsley 122w

    Corporation tax, Tax rates and bands 122-3w

    Double taxation, Israel 325w

    Enterprise investment scheme 125w

    EU economic policy 890w

    Income tax, Greater London 127w

    Income tax, Members 494w

    Income tax, Oxfordshire 890w

    Income tax, Tax rates and bands 805-6w

    Local government finance 132w

    National insurance, Income tax 700w

    National insurance contributions 803-4w

    Non-domestic rates, Appeals 804-5w

    Non-domestic rates, Empty property 325w

    Pregnant women, Grants 701w

    Revenue and Customs, Compensation 123w

    Revenue and Customs, Complaints 326w

    Revenue and Customs, Data protection 124w

    Revenue and Customs, Debt collection 703w

    Revenue and Customs, Deloitte 129w

    Revenue and Customs, Manpower 493w, 891w

    Revenue and Customs, Standards 119-22w

    Smuggling, Northern Ireland 326-7w

    Tax avoidance, Northern Ireland 806w

    Tax collection, Appeals 130w

    Taxation, Domicil 806-7w (530 11-2mc)

    Taxation, Foreign investment in UK 807w

    Taxation, International cooperation 623w

    Taxation, Low incomes 698w

    Welfare tax credits 130w

    Welfare tax credits, Warrington 704w


    see Palestinians

GCE A-level


Gender Recognition (Approved Countries and Territories) Order 2011

                  Chamber Debates

    (08.06.2011) 231

General practitioners

Genetically modified organisms

    EU action (15.06.2011) 892


George, Andrew

                  Chamber Debates

    NHS Future Forum (14.06.2011) 664

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Animal welfare, Circuses (08.06.2011) 71-2wh, 74wh


    Social security benefits 822w

    Supermarkets, Competition 278



    Foreign relations (08.06.2011) 91-9wh


Gibb, Mr Nick, Minister of State, Department for Education


    Academies, Gillingham 554w

    Children, Hearing impairment 38w

    Children's centres 860w

    Classroom assistants, Pay 860-1w

    Education, Manpower 41-5w

    Education maintenance allowance 41w

    Educational visits 45w

    Equality, Department for Education 39-40w

    Free schools 46w

    Free schools, Nutrition 50w

    Free schools, South Yorkshire 555w

    Grammar schools 47w

    History, Curriculum 47w

    Personal, social, health and economic education 388w, 462w, 695w

    Primary education, Admissions 870w

    Pupil exclusions, Sussex 990-2w

    Pupil referral units 556w

    Pupils, Assessments 504w

    Pupils, Disadvantaged 45-6w

    Reading, Teaching methods 48w

    Research, Department for Education 870-1w

    School meals, Standards 48w, 50w

    Schools, Admissions 871w

    Schools, Construction 695w

    Schools, Data protection 49w

    Schools, Information and communications technology 49w

    Schools, Repairs and maintenance 50-2w

    Schools, Security 48w

    Schools, Standards 696w

    Schools, Work experience 872-3w

    Secondary education, Standards 51w

    16-19 Bursary Fund, Barnsley 694w

    16-19 Bursary Fund, Cornwall 41w

    Sixth form education, Admissions 991-2w

    Teachers, Disciplinary proceedings 54w

    Teachers, Trade unions 54-6w

    University technical colleges 55w

Gift aid

Gilbert, Stephen


    Care homes, Standards 73-4w

    Disability premium, Shared housing 263-4w

    Solar power, Feed-in tariffs 115-6w

Gillan, Rt Hon Mrs Cheryl, Secretary of State for Wales


    Devolution, Wales 30w


Gilmore, Sheila

                  Chamber Debates

    NHS Future Forum (14.06.2011) 669

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Disability, Cost of living 486

    Southern Cross Healthcare 5-6

    UN Women, Finance 145

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