Index for Volume 529continued
A Ap B Be Bl Br Bu By C Ce Co Cr D Di Dr E Em Eu F Fr G Gl Gu H He Ho Hy I J K L Li Lu M Ma Mi Mo N Ni O Ow P Ph Pu Q R Ri Ru S Si Sp Su T To U V Vo W Wi Y Z
Nandy, Lisa
Developing countries, Private sector 619w
National Apprenticeship Service 226w
Nash, Pamela
Belarus, Politics and government 621-2
Developing countries, HIV infection 150
National Air Traffic Services
National Apprenticeship Service
National Association of Primary Care
National Crime Agency
Ministerial statements (08.06.2011) 232-45
National income
National insurance
National insurance contributions
National Lottery
National policy statements
National Security Council
National vocational qualifications
Natural gas
Nature conservation
Neill, Robert, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Communities and Local Government
Westminster Hall Debates
Travellers, Brighton (15.06.2011) 285-8wh
Written Statements
Billing, Communities and Local Government 532w
Closed circuit television, Communities and Local Government 532w
Community infrastructure levy 445-6w
Council tax benefits, Fraud 596w
Crown Relocations, Communities and Local Government 977w
Departmental responsibilities, Communities and Local Government 927w
Derelict land, Planning permission 791w
Disciplinary proceedings, Communities and Local Government 977w
Domestic visits, Communities and Local Government 447w
Enterprise zones, North East 448w
Enterprise zones, Per capita costs 448w
Equality, Communities and Local Government 33w
EU grants and loans, North East 791-2w
Fire services, Accountability 928w
Fire services, Cambridgeshire 792w
Fire services, Emergency calls 980w
Fire services, Equipment 978w
Fire services, Finance 312w
Fire services, Manpower 534-5w
Fire services, Trade unions 33w
Government procurement card, Communities and Local Government 33-4w, 598w, 979w
IBM, Communities and Local Government 979-80w
Legal costs, Communities and Local Government 977w
Local authority business growth incentives scheme 792-3w
Local government, Pensions 313-4w
Local Government Association 451w
Local government finance 451w
Local government finance, Sunderland 678w
Members, Correspondence 451w
Ministerial policy advisers, Communities and Local Government 455-7w
Non-domestic rates, Empty property 452w, 928w
Official cars, Communities and Local Government 446w
Official gifts, Communities and Local Government 449w
Official hospitality, Communities and Local Government 446-7w
Regional Growth Fund 794w
Research, Communities and Local Government 532-3w
Serco, Communities and Local Government 981w
Trade unions, Communities and Local Government 457w
Travel, Communities and Local Government 534w, 977-8w
Written questions, Government responses 452w
Netcare Healthcare UK
New businesses
New enterprise allowance
News Corporation
Newspaper press
Newton, Sarah
Chamber Debates
National Crime Agency (08.06.2011) 240
Rescue services, Greenock (08.06.2011) 254
Welfare Reform Bill, Rep and 3R (15.06.2011) 879
Westminster Hall Debates
Dairy farming (07.06.2011) 1wh
Further education, Degrees 275
Housing benefit, Cornwall 535w
16-19 Bursary Fund, Cornwall 41w
Freedom of information 760w
Information and communications technology (14.06.2011) 205-29wh
Public appointments 86-7w
Reorganisation 15-6ws, 16-7, 19-22, 61-2ws, 69w, 88w, 152-4, 160, 357w, 441-2w, 768, 879w, 913w
NHS Blood and Transplant
NHS Commissioning Board
NHS Direct
NHS foundation trusts
NHS Future Forum
Ministerial statements (14.06.2011) 644-69
NHS South West London
NHS walk-in centres