Index for Volume 530continued
A Am As B Be Bi Bo Bu By C Ce Co Cr Cy D de Di Dr E Em Et F Fl Fu G Gl Gu H He Hi Hu Hy I Is J Ju K L Li Lu M Ma Me Mo Mu N Ni O Op P Pe Ph Pr Ps Q R Ri Ru S Sh Sl Sp Su T Ti Tw U V Vo W Wh Wo Y Z
Buck, Ms Karen
Chamber Debates
Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill, 2R (29.06.2011) 1000
Child care tax credit 1222w
Local government services 19
Written questions, Government responses 320-1w
Buckingham Palace
Buckland, Mr Robert
Chamber Debates
Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill, 2R (29.06.2011) 1055-7
Newspaper press, Telephone tapping (06.07.2011) 1575
Police (Detention and Bail) Bill, Programme motion, 2R and rem stages (07.07.2011) 1699, 1703, 1711-4
Civil proceedings, Legal costs 99-100w
Swindon-Kemble railway line 456
Budget June 2010
Building regulations
Communities and Local Government 733-6w
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 722-4w
Department for Culture, Media and Sport 291w
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 913w
Department for International Development 329w, 878-9w
Department for Transport 967-8w
Department of Energy and Climate Change 469w
Department of Health 432w
Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1307-8w
Burden, Richard
Burley, Mr Aidan
Chamber Debates
Economic situation (22.06.2011) 355
Westminster Hall Debates
Crime, Learning disability 303-4w
Manufacturing industries 159
Social security benefits 322-3
Burnham, Rt Hon Andy
Teachers, Industrial disputes 757-60
Burns, Conor
Chamber Debates
European Council (27.06.2011) 623
Burns, Rt Hon Mr Simon, Minister of State, Department of Health
Chamber Debates
Health and Social Care Bill, Points of order (21.06.2011) 191
Health and Social Care Bill, Programme motion (21.06.2011) 198-202, 205
Accident and emergency departments, Closures 924-5w
Allowances, Department of Health 770w
Ambulance services, Standards 57w
Buildings, Department of Health 432w
Cannabis, Prescription drugs 322w
Capita, Department of Health 925-6w
Carbon emissions, Department of Health 1055w
Care homes, Inspections 258-9w
Care Quality Commission, Manpower 59w
Care Quality Commission, Vacancies 251w
Conditions of employment, Department of Health 252-3w
Cystic fibrosis, Research 770w
Data protection, Department of Health 322-3w
Dental services, Cumbria 1176w
Dental services, Registration 1339w
Dental services, Standards 1177w
Departmental responsibilities, Department of Health 59-60w
Freedom of information, Department of Health 1271-2w
General Dental Council 1176w
General practitioners, Greater London 866w
Health services, Disadvantaged 1340w
Health services, Greater London 867w
Health services, Learning disability 1272-3w
Health services, Nottinghamshire 1178w
Health services, Overseas visitors 1179w
Health services, Warrington 530w
Health services, West Midlands 1338w
HealthWatch England, Freedom of information 1179w
Heart diseases, Children 324w
Human papilloma virus, Vaccination 1273-4w
Incinerators, Health hazards 324-5w
Land, Department of Health 866-7w
Lost property, Department of Health 1339w
Manpower, Department of Health 523w
Medical equipment, EU action 61-2w
Medical equipment, Procurement 1183w
Mental health services, Greater London 869-71w
Multiple sclerosis, Drugs 778w
NHS, Conditions of employment 872w
NHS, Disciplinary proceedings 531-2w
NHS, Empty property 1348w
NHS, Information and communications technology 926w
NHS, Private finance initiative 61w
NHS Supply Chain Supplier Code of Conduct 1183w
North West Strategic Health Authority 532w
Official cars, Department of Health 1055-6w
Oil, Department of Health 64-5w
Parental leave, Department of Health 431-3w
Peterborough City Hospital, Private finance initiative 1185w
Primary care trusts, Cheshire 65w
Primary care trusts, Finance 876-7w
Primary care trusts, North Yorkshire 928w
Procurement, Department of Health 60w, 523-4w
Redundancy, Department of Health 524w
Royal Brompton Hospital, Heart diseases 1187-8w
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust 1188w
Scotland, Department of Health 67w
Tomography, Medical records 1355w
Varicose veins, Medical treatments 782w
Visits abroad, Department of Health 1340w
Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust 1189w
Burrowes, Mr David
Chamber Debates
Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill, 2R (29.06.2011) 992, 1008-12
East Africa, Droughts 1501
Burstow, Paul, Minister of State, Department of Health
Chamber Debates
Musculoskeletal disorders (04.07.2011) 1344-8
Westminster Hall Debates
Neuroblastoma, Health services (05.07.2011) 449-52wh
Written Statements
Winterbourne View Hospital 7-8ws
Abortion, Counselling 1269w
Cancer, Medical treatments 1176w
Care homes, Inspections 251w
Care homes, Standards 58w
Colorectal cancer, Screening 1270w
Compulsorily detained mental patients 1338-9w
Depressive illnesses, Kent 771w
Drugs, Rehabilitation 98w
Haematological cancer, Research 1181-2w
Health services, Hearing impairment 529w
Home care services, Older people 868w
Home care services, Standards 258w
Mental health services, Greater London 869w
Multiple sclerosis, Drugs 778-9w
Nurses, Bureaucracy 1349w
Ovarian cancer, Health education 1183-4w
Overdoses, Offenders 1180w
Skin cancer, Health education 1353w
Skin cancer, Health services 1352-3w
Skin cancer, Young people 1277w
Southern Cross Healthcare, Wales 67-8w
Burt, Alistair, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Chamber Debates
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations (06.07.2011) 1616-20
Westminster Hall Debates
Azerbaijan, Politics and government (22.06.2011) 122-5wh
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 152w
Bahrain, Politics and government 23w, 560w
British Council, Finance 419w
British nationals abroad, Kidnapping 1026-7w
China, Diplomatic service 1028w
China, Family planning 1028w
Commonwealth scholarships programme 1259-60w
Domestic service, Entry clearances 332w
Egypt, Politics and government 21w, 1030w
Fair Trials International 1030w
Iran, Religious freedom 1031w
Israel, Non-governmental organisations 565w
Israel, Religious freedom 1117w
Kashmir, Politics and government 333w
Libya, Diplomatic relations 21w
Libya, Overseas students 22w
Maldives, Overseas investment 1033w
Members, Correspondence 1033w
Middle East, Armed conflict 1033-4w
Mongolia, EU external relations 1310w
Mongolia, Foreign relations 1262-3w
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty 333w
Pakistan, Religious freedom 1263w
Passports, Lost property 333-4w
Saudi Arabia, Religious freedom 1035-6w
Sri Lanka, Internally displaced people 23-4w, 334w
Sri Lanka, Minority groups 155-6w
Syria, Foreign relations 1036w
UN Security Council 1036w
Western Sahara, Politics and government 1263w
Yemen, Politics and government 569w
Burt, Lorely
Chamber Debates
Economic situation (22.06.2011) 404
Westminster Hall Debates
Bus services
Environment protection 1098
Greenhouse gas emissions 1097
Business links
Business motions
(20.06.2011) 134, (23.06.2011) 585, (06.07.2011) 1533
Business plans
Department for Education 232-4w
Business statements