Index for Volume 530—continued

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    Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 245w

    Ministry of Defence 921w

Ibrahim, Azal Mohammed

Identity and Passport Service

Illegal immigrants


    see International Monetary Fund



    Legal aid scheme 518w

Immigration controls

Immigration (Provision of Physical Data) (Amendment) Regulations 2011

                  Chamber Debates

Immunity from prosecution


In vitro fertilisation

Incapacity benefit


Income support

Income tax

Independent International Commission on Decommissioning

Independent Monitoring Commission

    see Northern Ireland Independent Monitoring Commission

Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority

Independent Regulator for NHS Foundation Trusts

    see Monitor


    Capital punishment 649w

Industrial diseases

Industrial disputes

Industrial health and safety


Information and communications technology

    Criminal proceedings 752-3

Information Commissioner


    Northern Ireland 177w


Inland Revenue and Customs Service

    see Revenue and Customs

Inland waterways



Insolvency Act 1986


Insolvency Act 1986 (Disqualification from Parliament) Order 2011

                  Chamber Debates

Insolvency Service



Intellectual Property and Growth Review

"Intelligence and Security Committee Report 2010-11"

Inter-American Development Bank (Contribution to the Fund for Special Operations) Order 2011

                  Chamber Debates

Inter-American Development Bank (Further Payments to Capital Stock) Order 2011

                  Chamber Debates

InterCity West Coast

Interest charges

Internally displaced people

International assistance

International cooperation

International Monetary Fund

    Public appointments 817w

International Tax Enforcement (Belize) Order 2011

                  Chamber Debates

International Tax Enforcement (Dominica) Order 2011

                  Chamber Debates

International Tax Enforcement (Grenada) Order 2011

                  Chamber Debates

International Tax Enforcement (San Marino) Order 2011

                  Chamber Debates


    Communities and Local Government 1145-6w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 20-1w

    Ministerial policy advisers 1010w

Invalid vehicles



    see Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority



    Entry clearances 211w (19-20mc)

Irish Sea

Irranca-Davies, Huw


    Carbon emissions 337w

    Carbon emissions, Cabinet Office 1009w

    Carbon emissions, Communities and Local Government 1144w

    Carbon emissions, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 1105w

    Carbon emissions, Department for Education 977w

    Carbon emissions, Department for International Development 1112-3w

    Carbon emissions, Department for Work and Pensions 1123w

    Carbon emissions, Department of Energy and Climate Change 123w, 1063w

    Carbon emissions, Department of Health 1055w

    Carbon emissions, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1028-9w

    Carbon emissions, Home Office 1004-5w

    Carbon emissions, Ministry of Defence 1140w

    Carbon emissions, Ministry of Justice 1017-8w

    Carbon emissions, Northern Ireland Office 906w

    Carbon emissions, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1098w

    Carbon emissions, Scotland Office 1096w

    Carbon reduction commitment energy efficiency scheme 1369w

    Coastal areas, Public footpaths 490-1w

    Devolution, Wales 848w

    Environment protection, Taxation 1334w

    Legal aid scheme 702w

    Natural gas, Exploration 340w

    Renewable energy, Feed-in tariffs 128w

    Renewable transport fuel obligation 1172-3w

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