Index for Volume 530—continued

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Laing, Mrs Eleanor

                  Chamber Debates

    Legislative Reform (Epping Forest) Order (30.06.2011) 1190-2

    Pensions Bill (HL), 2R (20.06.2011) 49

    Police (Detention and Bail) Bill, Programme motion, 2R and rem stages (07.07.2011) 1695

    Scotland Bill, Programme motion, Rep and 3R (21.06.2011) 287


    Alcoholic drinks, Misuse 56-7w

    Death, Cancer 69w

    Monarchy, Succession 1362

Lammy, Rt Hon Mr David

                  Chamber Debates

    Higher education (28.06.2011) 775-6


    Armed forces, Greater London 38-9w

    Hearing impairment, Employment schemes 911w

    Hearing impairment, Jobseeker's allowance 795w

    NHS, Reorganisation 62-4w

    Welfare to work, Tottenham 198w


    High Speed 2 railway line 402w

Lancashire Constabulary

Lancaster, Mark


    Libya, Armed conflict 1207


    Cambridgeshire 55w

    Ministry of Defence 835w

Land use

Landfill tax


    Greater Manchester 18


Lansley, Rt Hon Mr Andrew, Secretary of State for Health

                  Chamber Debates

                  Written Statements

    Commission on the Funding of Care and Support 75ws

    NHS, Reorganisation 1-2ws


    General practitioners 1340w

Large goods vehicles

    Foreign companies 468


    Olympic Games 2012 963w

Lavery, Ian

                  Chamber Debates

    Finance (No. 3) Bill, Rep and 3R (05.07.2011) 1448

    Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill, 2R (29.06.2011) 1020-2

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Floods, Yorkshire and the Humber (06.07.2011) 494wh


    Coal gasification 1651

    Egypt, Politics and government 1030w

    Fire services, Pensions 739w

    Government departments, Procurement 697-8w

    Industrial health and safety 194w

    Insolvency Act 1986 279w

    North Africa, International assistance 650w

    Resignations, Ministry of Justice 101-2w

Laws, Rt Hon Mr David


    Focus DIY, B and Q 622w

    Higher education, Admissions 1075-8w

    Pupils, Disadvantaged 1139w

    Schools, Capital investment 1303w

Lazarowicz, Mark

                  Chamber Debates


    West Lothian question 306-7

Leadsom, Andrea

                  Chamber Debates

    Care homes (04.07.2011) 1248

    Economic situation (22.06.2011) 338-9

    Finance (No. 3) Bill, Rep and 3R (05.07.2011) 1418

    Legal aid scheme (21.06.2011) 173

    Scotland Bill, Programme motion, Rep and 3R (21.06.2011) 227-8

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Private finance initiative (23.06.2011) 156-60wh


    Biofuels, Excise duties 690w

    High Speed 2 railway line, Fares 504-5w

    Railways, Scotland 405w

    Railways, Wales 643w

    Renewable transport fuel obligation 507w

Learning disability

    Social security benefits 610-1w

Lee, Jessica

                  Chamber Debates

    Legal aid scheme (21.06.2011) 183


    Housing, Derbyshire 17


    St George's Day 3-4p

Leech, Mr John

                  Chamber Debates

    Rescue services (23.06.2011) 498

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Motor vehicles, Sales 19w

    Press, Competition 292w


Leeds United Football Club

Lefroy, Jeremy

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Developing countries, Health services 879-80w

    Developing countries, Malnutrition 880w

Legal aid scheme

    Citizens' advice bureaux 752

    Civil proceedings 179w

    Foreign nationals 459w

    Greater Manchester 518w

    Ministerial statements (21.06.2011) 165-89

Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill 2010-12

                  Chamber Debates

    1R (21.06.2011) 191

    2R, Programme motion, Ways and means res* and Money res* (29.06.2011) 984-1073


Legal Complaints Service

Legal costs

    Equality and Human Rights Commission 941-2w

    Ministry of Justice 899w

Legal opinion

    Communities and Local Government 20

Legal profession

Legal Services Act 2007 (Appeals from Licensing Authority Decisions) Order 2011

                  Chamber Debates

Legal Services Act 2007 (The Law Society and the Council for Licensed Conveyancers) (Modification of Functions) Order 2011

                  Chamber Debates

Legislative Reform (Epping Forest) Order 2011

                  Chamber Debates


Leigh, Mr Edward

                  Chamber Debates

    European Council (27.06.2011) 625

    House of Lords, Reform (27.06.2011) 686-8

    Legal aid scheme (21.06.2011) 172

    Members' Allowances Select Committee (07.07.2011) 1729-30, 1733


    National Audit Office, Audit Commission 639w

Leslie, Charlotte

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Railways, Bristol (29.06.2011) 327-9wh


    Drugs, Health education 259w

    Email, Department for Work and Pensions 611w

    Schools, Disclosure of information 237-8w

    Social security benefits, Learning disability 610-1w

Leslie, Chris

                  Chamber Debates

    Business questions (04.07.2011) 1230

    Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill, 2R (29.06.2011) 985-6

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Banks, Regulation 113w

    Economic situation, Greece 27-8

    Health services, Nottinghamshire 1178w

    Police, Bureaucracy 598

Letwin, Rt Hon Mr Oliver, Minister of State, Cabinet Office



Level crossings

Levene Review

Lewis, Brandon

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Palliative care (28.06.2011) 243-6wh


Lewis, Mr Ivan

                  Chamber Debates

    British Sky Broadcasting, Points of order (07.07.2011) 1718

    Newspaper press, Telephone tapping (06.07.2011) 1543


    Architecture, Finance 902w

    Arts, Tax allowances 1104w

    British Sky Broadcasting, News Corporation 1110-1, 1306w

    Creative Industries Council 1105w

    Diamond Jubilee 2012 379w

    Digital broadcasting 635w

    Historic buildings, Repairs and maintenance 1106w

    Internet, Pornography 478w

    Internet, Regulation 903w

    Invalid vehicles 19w

    Licensing laws, Entertainments 1306w

    Manpower, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 165w

    Museums and galleries 1251w

    Museums and galleries, Arts Council England, 478-9w

    Museums and galleries, Charitable trusts 1108w

    Olympic Games 2012, Transport 1251-2w

    Public lending right 480w

    Sports, Betting 903w

    Sports, Public bodies 636w

    Tourism, Diamond Jubilee 2012 381w

Lewis, Dr Julian

                  Chamber Debates

    Higher education (28.06.2011) 779


    Offenders, Deportation 737

    Travel restrictions, Russia 596

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