Index for Volume 530—continued

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Meacher, Rt Hon Mr Michael

                  Chamber Debates

    Economic situation (22.06.2011) 403-5

    Newspaper press, Telephone tapping (06.07.2011) 1576-7


    Hospitals, Finance 436w

    Libya, Armed conflict 394w

    NHS, Reorganisation 438w

Mearns, Ian

                  Chamber Debates

    Animal welfare, Circuses (23.06.2011) 572

    Heart diseases, Children (23.06.2011) 532


    Care homes, Inspections 251w

    East coast railway line, Finance 133w

    Gender recognition 323w

    Prisoners, Per capita costs 102-3w

    Vocational guidance 890w



Medical equipment

Medical examinations

Medical records

Medical treatments


Mediterranean region

Medway Valley line


    Equal opportunities 837w

Members' Allowances Select Committee


    see Males

Mensch, Mrs

                  Chamber Debates

    Economic situation (22.06.2011) 403

    Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill, 2R (29.06.2011) 1022


Mental health services

    Greater Manchester (28.06.2011) 251-8wh

Mental illness

Menzies, Mark

                  Chamber Debates

    Sunday Trading (Amendment) Bill, 1R (06.07.2011) 1529-31


    Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 1046w

    Alcoholic drinks, Rehabilitation 1054-5w

    Armed forces, Housing 951

    Cultural heritage, Buildings 1108w

    Domestic waste, Waste disposal 1-2

    Foreign investment in UK, Scotland 311

    Lancashire Constabulary, Pay 897w

    Local broadcasting, Radio 291-2w

    Railways, Standards 973w

    Tobacco Free Lancashire, Expenditure 68w


Mercer, Patrick


    Farming Regulation Task Force 240w

    Security, Ministry of Defence 834w

Merlin helicopters


Metcalfe, Stephen

                  Chamber Debates

    Economic situation (22.06.2011) 343

    Middle East, Politics and government (29.06.2011) 973


    Absent voting, Fraud 1356

    European fighter aircraft 1218

    London Underground, Industrial disputes 404-5w

    Private sector, Job creation 164


Metropolitan Police

Michael, Rt Hon Alun

                  Chamber Debates

    Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill, 2R (29.06.2011) 1011-4, 1056

    Middle East, Politics and government (29.06.2011) 970

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Police, Bureaucracy 598-9

    Public sector, Construction 698w

    Public sector, Procurement 841w

    Reoffenders 738

    Somalia, Armed conflict 1293w


Middle East

    Illegal immigrants 683w

    Ministerial statements (29.06.2011) 957-76



Miliband, Rt Hon David

                  Chamber Debates

    Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations (06.07.2011) 1517

    European Council (27.06.2011) 620

    House of Lords, Reform (27.06.2011) 661-3

Miliband, Rt Hon Edward

                  Chamber Debates

    Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations (06.07.2011) 1514-5

    European Council (27.06.2011) 617-8


    Libya, Armed conflict 314-6

    Newspaper press, Telephone tapping 1501-5

    NHS, Reorganisation 947-8

Military aid

Military aircraft

    Falkland Islands 387w

Military alliances

Military bases

Military decorations

Miller, Andrew

                  Chamber Debates


    Data protection, Cabinet Office 368w

    Data protection, Communities and Local Government 736-7w

    Data protection, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 723w

    Data protection, Department for Education 569-70w

    Data protection, Department for International Development 329w

    Data protection, Department for Work and Pensions 310-1w

    Data protection, Department of Energy and Climate Change 228-9w

    Data protection, Department of Health 322-3w

    Data protection, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 823-4w

    Data protection, Home Office 205-6w

    Data protection, Ministry of Defence 383w

    Data protection, Ministry of Justice 371-2w

    Data protection, Treasury 148w

Miller, Maria, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Work and Pensions


    Access to work programme, North East 309w

    Child care tax credit 1222w

    Disability, Children 597w

    Disability living allowance, Care homes 597w, 794w

    Email, Department for Work and Pensions 611w

    Employment and support allowance 30w

    Employment schemes, Hearing impairment 600-1w

    Income support, Lone parents 314-5w

    Members, Correspondence 608w

    Pension, Disability and Carers Service, Correspondence 29w

    Personal independence payment 1040-1w

    Social security benefits 658-9w

Mills, Nigel

                  Chamber Debates

    Bail (30.06.2011) 1139

    Police (Detention and Bail) Bill, Programme motion, 2R and rem stages (07.07.2011) 1721-3

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Police, Finance (05.07.2011) 400-3wh


    Crossrail line, Sanitation 459

Milton, Anne, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health

                  Chamber Debates

    Barking, Havering and Redbridge Hospitals NHS Trust (22.06.2011) 449-52

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Mental health services, Greater Manchester (28.06.2011) 255-8wh


    Baby care units, Finance 865w

    Bed bugs, Wales 522w

    Blood, Contamination 1338w

    Blood transfusion services, Wales 522w

    Chiropody, Health hazards 770w

    Clinical physiologists, Regulation 431-2w

    Depressive illnesses 771w

    Doctors, Foreign workers 60w

    EU law, Department of Health 257w

    Family nurse partnership programme, Licensing 435w

    Health and Social Care Bill 2010-12 265w

    Health education 772w

    Health services, Reciprocal arrangements 258w

    Health visitors, Manpower 1342w

    Hepatitis, Nurses 436w

    In vitro fertilisation, Finance 325w

    Maternity services, High Peak 868-9w

    Medicine, Education 531w

    Mental illness, Cannabis 437w

    Perinatal mortality 65w

    Safety of Blood, Tissues and Organs Advisory Committee 66-7w

    Sex, Health education 782w

    Smoking, Olympic Games 2012 438w

    Smoking, Public places 929w

    Tobacco Free Lancashire, Expenditure 68w

    Tuberculosis, Health services 268w

Minimum wage

Ministerial and other Salaries Act 1975 (Amendment) Order 2011

                  Chamber Debates

    (22.06.2011) 443

Ministerial policy advisers

    Codes of practice 630w

    Communities and Local Government 290w

Ministerial statements

    European Council (27.06.2011) 615-33

    Higher education (28.06.2011) 769-85

    Legal aid scheme (21.06.2011) 165-89

    Middle East (29.06.2011) 957-76

    Sentencing (21.06.2011) 165-89

Ministers' private offices

    Deputy Prime Minister 662w

Ministry of Defence

    Data protection 383w

    Defence equipment 382w

    Government procurement card 834w

Ministry of Defence Police and Guarding Agency

Ministry of Justice

    Departmental responsibilities 749-50

    Recruitment 97w

    Translation services 1214w

Minority groups

Miscarriages of justice

Missing persons


Mitchell, Rt Hon Mr Andrew, Secretary of State for International Development

                  Written Statements

    "Department for International Development Report and Accounts 2010-11" 103ws


    Conflict prevention 540w

    Developing countries, Education 1265w

    Developing countries, Family planning 1264-5w

    Developing countries, Females 1113-4w

    Developing countries, Health services 879w

    Developing countries, Maternity services 1377w

    India, Climate change 747w

    Mediterranean region, Human trafficking 939-40w

    Sierra Leone, Health services 1384-5w

    Zimbabwe, Overseas aid 415w

Mitchell, Austin


    Primary education, Lincolnshire 887w

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