Index for Volume 530—continued

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Peacekeeping operations

Pearce, Teresa

                  Chamber Debates

    Pensions Bill (HL), 2R (20.06.2011) 89-91

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Belmarsh Prison 84w

    Conditions of employment, Department for Work and Pensions 595w

    Departmental responsibilities, Department for Work and Pensions 189w

    Employment schemes 599w

    English language, Education 448w

    Pathways to work 398w

Pedestrian crossings


Penning, Mike, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Transport

                  Written Statements

    Dartford-Thurrock Crossing, Tolls 69-70ws

    Shipping, Training 17ws


    A46 1162-3w (532 1-2mc)

    Bus services, Closures 17w

    Driving, Diabetes 503w

    Driving offences, Unpaid fines 933w

    Driving tests, Bury 503w

    Driving tests, Northwich 1315w

    Driving under influence, Drugs 934w

    Electric vehicles 16w

    Emergency services, Lighting 973-4w

    Large goods vehicles, Accidents 404w

    Large goods vehicles, Foreign companies 468

    Large goods vehicles, Safety 936w

    Maritime and Coastguard Agency, Scotland 505w, 784w

    Motor vehicles, Inspections 645-6w

    Motor vehicles, Sales 19w

    Motor vehicles, Testing 1168w

    Motorway service areas 1316w

    Official cars, Department for Transport 1236w

    Pedestrian crossings, Manpower 1238w

    Railways and Transport Safety Act 2003 135w

    Rescue services, Belfast 643-4w

    Rescue services, VAT 508w

    Road signs and markings 294w

    Roads, Repairs and maintenance 1241w

    Speed limits, Cameras 645w

    Trailers, Safety 411w

    Vehicle and Operator Services Agency 974-5w

Penrose, John, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport

                  Chamber Debates

    Football, Insolvency (06.07.2011) 1628-32

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Hadrian's Wall (22.06.2011) 130-3wh

    Wicksteed Park (21.06.2011) 69-72wh


    Billing, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 962w, 1250w

    Buckingham Palace, Demonstrations 828w

    Buildings, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 291w

    Capita, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 1105w

    Carbon emissions, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 1105w

    Charitable donations, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 476w

    Churches, Hertfordshire 828w

    Conditions of employment, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 164-5w

    Cultural heritage 291w

    Cultural heritage, Buildings 1108w

    EU law, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 477w

    Freedom of information, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 1250w

    Horserace Totalisator Board 478w

    Licensing laws, Entertainments 480w

    Listed places of worship grant scheme 10-1w

    Manpower, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 829w

    Members, Correspondence 1108w

    Official cars, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 1105-6w

    Procurement, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 165-6w, 829w

    Public appointments, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 477w

    Public holidays 480w

    Regulation, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 166w

    Royal parks, Cycling 1111w

    Scotland, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 171w

    Tourism, Earls Court Exhibition Centre 635w

    Tourism, Yorkshire and the Humber 171-2w

    Wales, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 165w

Pension, Disability and Carers Service

    Correspondence 29w



    Ministry of Justice 97w

Pensions Act 2007 (Abolition of Contracting-out for Defined Contribution Pension Schemes) (Consequential Amendments) (No. 2) Regulations 2011

                  Chamber Debates

Pensions Act 2008 (Abolition of Protected Rights) (Consequential Amendments) (No. 2) Order 2011

                  Chamber Debates

Pensions Bill (HL) 2010-12

                  Chamber Debates

    2R, Programme motion*, Money res* and Ways and means res* (20.06.2011) 41-133

People, Pay and Pensions Agency

Percy, Andrew

                  Chamber Debates

    Health and Social Care Bill, Programme motion (21.06.2011) 204, 213-4

    Higher education (28.06.2011) 778

    Legal aid scheme (21.06.2011) 189

    Middle East, Politics and government (29.06.2011) 975

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Coal fired power stations (29.06.2011) 306wh, 309wh


    Disability, Crime 473

    Israel, Prisoners 650w

    Teachers, Industrial disputes 764-5

Perinatal mortality

Perkins, Toby

                  Chamber Debates

    Business questions (04.07.2011) 1230

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Runaway children, Offences against children (21.06.2011) 37-40wh


    Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 1223-4

    Public expenditure, Northern Ireland 1498

Permanent Secretary Government Communications

    see Government Communications

Perry, Claire

                  Chamber Debates


    Members, Pensions 956

Personal care services

    Industrial health and safety 656-7w

Personal independence payment

Personal injury

Personal pensions

Personal records

Personal savings

Personal, social, health and economic education

Pet travel scheme


Peterborough City Hospital

    Private finance initiative 1185w


    Accident and emergency departments 9-10p, 134

    Embling, Stanley 5-6p

    Financial Services Compensation Scheme 7-8p

    Immigration 927

    King George Hospital Redbridge 1622-3

    Postal boxes 5p

    Public expenditure 1736

    St George's Day 3-4p

    Water charges 444

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