Index for Volume 531—continued

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Attorney General

    Departmental responsibilities 1w, 833-4w

    News International 832w

Audit Commission

Auschwitz camp

Austin, Ian

                  Chamber Debates

    Newspaper press, Telephone tapping (20.07.2011) 979, 1004


    Iran, Nuclear power 790



    Wolverhampton 97w

    Work capability assessment 42-3w

Automatic number plate recognition


    Attorney General 832w

    Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1158w

    Department for Transport 947w

    Department of Energy and Climate Change 993-4w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 875w

    Leader of the House of Commons 1147w

    Ministry of Defence 1186w

    Northern Ireland Office 1049w

    United Kingdom Hydrographic Office 1144w



    Overseas investment 452-3

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