Index for Volume 531continued
A Am At B Be Bi Bo Bu By C Ce Co Cr D Di Dr E Em Eu F Fl Fu G Gl Gu H He Hi Hu I Is J Ju K L Li Lu M Ma Me Mo N Ni O Op P Pe Ph Ps Q R Ri Ru S Sh Sl Sp Su T Ti Tw U V Vo W Wi Wo Y Z
Bebb, Guto
Chamber Debates
Public Bodies Bill (HL), 2R (12.07.2011) 247, 259, 261-2
Rescue services (14.07.2011) 517
Westminster Hall Debates
High Speed 2 railway line (13.07.2011) 80wh
Business premises, Leasehold 54-5w
Gambia, Diplomatic service 124w
Gambia, Overseas aid 162w
Sudan, Peacekeeping operations 577w
West Africa, Malaria 165w
Beckett, Rt Hon Margaret
Chamber Debates
Newspaper press, Telephone tapping (11.07.2011) 44
Westminster Hall Debates
Bed bugs
Begg, Dame Anne
Chamber Debates
Financial markets (11.08.2011) 1122
Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission 588w
Employment and support allowance 240w
Southern Cross Healthcare 168-9
State retirement pensions, Females 617-8
Behavioural Insights Team
Beith, Sir Alan
Chamber Debates
Clerk of the House, Retirement (12.07.2011) 204-5
Local government finance (18.07.2011) 671-2
Newspaper press, Telephone tapping (20.07.2011) 968-9
Public Bodies Bill (HL), 2R (12.07.2011) 213
Bell, Sir Stuart
Chamber Debates
Clerk of the House, Retirement (12.07.2011) 205-6
Financial markets (11.08.2011) 1118
Bellingham, Mr Henry, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Access to work programme, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 119w
Anguilla, Environment protection 161w
British nationals abroad, Detainees 121w
Diplomatic service, Domestic service 123w
Dismissal, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 121-2w
Gambia, Diplomatic service 124w
Piracy, International cooperation 131-2w
Police, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 132w
Sudan, Politics and government 133w
Training, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 879w
Benn, Rt Hon Hilary
Chamber Debates
Clerk of the House, Retirement (12.07.2011) 201-3
Culture Media and Sport Select Committee, Points of order (19.07.2011) 791
Financial Services Draft Bill Joint Select Committee (18.07.2011) 720
News International, Points of order (18.07.2011) 619
Newspaper press, Points of order (11.07.2011) 55-6
Benyon, Richard, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Access to work programme, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1148-9w
Air pollution, Ammonia 502w
Air pollution, Heathrow Airport 502w
Allowances, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1157w
Apprentices, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1149w
Aviation, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1158w
Billing, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 9w, 1157-62w
British Sky Broadcasting, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 613w, 1151w
Capita, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 8w
Carbon emissions, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 10w, 1154w, 1162-3w
Coastal areas, Environment protection 1155-6w
Coastal areas, Public footpaths 507w
Coastal erosion, East Sussex 508w
Common fisheries policy 471-81
Conditions of employment, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1166w
Consultants, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 508-9w
Coulson, Andy, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 613w
Departmental responsibilities, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 614w, 1165-6w
Dismissal, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 613w
Environment Agency, Manpower 1168w
EU law, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 10w
Floods, Reading (Berkshire) 1168w
Freedom of information, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 613-4w
Human trafficking, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 616w
Incinerators, Health hazards 1155w
International Whaling Commission 617-8w
Legal opinion, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1163w
Lost property, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1163-4w
National countryside week 1157w
Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006 1173w
Nitrate vulnerable zones 515w
Official hospitality, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1164w
Packaging, Toys and games 620w
Photographs, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1164w
Procurement, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1164-5w, 1173-4w
Research, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 622w
Rural areas, Broadband 626w
Rural Communities Policy Unit, Manpower 1176w
Satellites, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1177-8w
Squirrels, Pest control 517w
Statistics, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 10w
Temporary employment, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1166w
Trade unions, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1179w
Training, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1166w
Water companies, Competition 1180w
Water companies, Complaints 1180w
Yorkshire Dales National Park 1181w
Beresford, Sir Paul
Chamber Debates
Westminster Hall Debates
Public Data Corporation 267-8w
Berger, Luciana
Chamber Debates
Housing, Points of order (13.07.2011) 351
Westminster Hall Debates
Behavioural Insights Team 356w
British Sky Broadcasting, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 1049w
British Sky Broadcasting, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1151w
British Sky Broadcasting, Department for Transport 1182-3w
British Sky Broadcasting, Department for Work and Pensions 836w
British Sky Broadcasting, Department of Health 1192w
British Sky Broadcasting, Leader of the House of Commons 438w
British Sky Broadcasting, Ministry of Justice 893w
British Sky Broadcasting, News Corporation 463
British Sky Broadcasting, Scotland Office 829w
British Sky Broadcasting, Treasury 479w
Carbon emissions, Cabinet Office 886w
Carbon emissions, Communities and Local Government 608w
Carbon emissions, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 978w
Carbon emissions, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 1049w
Carbon emissions, Department for Education 1016-7w
Carbon emissions, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1154w
Carbon emissions, Department for International Development 1088w
Carbon emissions, Department for Transport 947-8w
Carbon emissions, Department of Energy and Climate Change 488w
Carbon emissions, Department of Health 924w
Carbon emissions, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 570w
Carbon emissions, Government departments 668w
Carbon emissions, Home Office 777-8w
Carbon emissions, Ministry of Defence 864-5w
Carbon emissions, Ministry of Justice 728w
Carbon emissions, Northern Ireland Office 536w
Carbon emissions, Scotland Office 830w
Charitable donations 357w
Coulson, Andy, Leader of the House of Commons 438w
Coulson, Andy, Treasury 479w
Environment protection 294w
Environment protection, Apprentices 1000w
Environment protection, Curriculum 547-8w
Government department, Public consultation 360w
Green Investment Bank 758w
Berry, Jake
Chamber Debates
Civil disorder (11.08.2011) 1157
Children, Maintenance 600
Incapacity benefit, Mental illness 616
Horse racing (13.07.2011) 428-36
Betting Shops Bill 2010-12
Chamber Debates
Betts, Mr Clive
Chamber Debates
Local government finance (18.07.2011) 667-8
Bew Review
Shared ownership schemes 611-2w