Index for Volume 531continued
A Am At B Be Bi Bo Bu By C Ce Co Cr D Di Dr E Em Eu F Fl Fu G Gl Gu H He Hi Hu I Is J Ju K L Li Lu M Ma Me Mo N Ni O Op P Pe Ph Ps Q R Ri Ru S Sh Sl Sp Su T Ti Tw U V Vo W Wi Wo Y Z
Developing countries 519w
Dilnot Commission
see Commission on the Funding of Care and Support
Dinenage, Caroline
Chamber Debates
Rescue services (14.07.2011) 515
Armed forces, Deployment 582-3w
Armed forces, Housing 860w
Employment schemes, Young people 844w
Germany, Military bases 578w
Headteachers, Vacancies 314-5w
Diplomatic relations
Democratic Republic of Congo 1058w
Diplomatic service
EU action (13.07.2011) 425
Direct selling
Director of Public Prosecutions
see Crown Prosecution Service
Disability Employment Support Review
Disability living allowance
Disciplinary proceedings
Communities and Local Government 211w
Disclosure of information
Disclosure of State Pension Credit Information (Warm Home Discount) Regulations 2011
Chamber Debates
Disease control
Communities and Local Government 471-2w
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 752-3w
Department for Education 313w
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 613w
Department for Transport 952-3w
Department for Work and Pensions 239w
Department of Energy and Climate Change 144w
Department of Health 298w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 121-2w
Northern Ireland Office 4w
Disposable income
Djanogly, Mr Jonathan, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Justice
Written Statements
Immigration Advisory Service, Insolvency 18-9ws
Bill of Rights Commission, European Court of Human Rights 893w
British Sky Broadcasting, Ministry of Justice 893w
Carbon emissions, Ministry of Justice 728w
Community Legal Advice, Finance 725w
Conditions of employment, Ministry of Justice 725-6w
Coroners, Armed forces 726w
Coroners, Domestic violence 75w
Courts, Rural areas 1108w
Criminal injuries compensation, Sexual offences 743w
Defamation, Conditional fee agreements 893-4w
Departmental responsibilities, Ministry of Justice 896w
Disability living allowance, Appeals 31-2w
HM Courts Service, Manpower 324w
Immigration Advisory Service 733-4w
Judicial review, Expenditure 452-3w
Labour turnover, Ministry of Justice 729w
Legal aid scheme, Children 735-6w
Legal aid scheme, Domestic violence 736-7w
Legal aid scheme, Immigration 454w
Legal aid scheme, Negligence 898w
Legal aid scheme, Per capita costs 737w
Legal aid scheme, Wales 734w
Magistrates' courts, Information and communications technology 738w
Members, Correspondence 898-9w
Office of the Public Guardian 250-1w
Official hospitality, Ministry of Justice 894w
Personal injury, Compensation 251w
Photographs, Ministry of Justice 894w
Procurement, Ministry of Justice 895-6w
Redundancy, Ministry of Justice 729w, 896w
Rural areas, Ministry of Justice 902w
Third sector, Ministry of Justice 903w
Training, Ministry of Justice 897w
Tribunals, Special educational needs 82w
Victim support schemes, York 743w
Dobson, Rt Hon Frank
Chamber Debates
British Sky Broadcasting, News Corporation (13.07.2011) 419, 422
Southern Cross Healthcare 166
Docherty, Thomas
Chamber Debates
Bovine tuberculosis, Disease control (19.07.2011) 819
Financial Services Draft Bill Joint Select Committee (18.07.2011) 719-29, 736, 738
Newspaper press, Telephone tapping (20.07.2011) 959
Sovereign Grant Bill, Allocation of time motion and rem stages (14.07.2011) 573, 575, 578, 582-3
Afghanistan, Politics and government 773
Aircraft carriers, Fuels 857-8w
Common fisheries policy 481
Disability living allowance 601
News International, Government departments 889-90w
Official hospitality, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1164w
Photographs, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1164w
Training, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1166w
Dodds, Rt Hon Mr Nigel
Chamber Debates
Metropolitan Police (18.07.2011) 633
Newspaper press, Telephone tapping (20.07.2011) 930
Economic growth, Northern Ireland 461-2
Employment schemes, Disability 600
Free movement of people, Northern Ireland 665w
Kosovo, Politics and government 789
see also Guide dogs and Stray dogs
Domestic service
Domestic violence
Domestic visits
Communities and Local Government 362w
Department of Health 635w
Donaldson, Mr Jeffrey M
Chamber Debates
Civil disorder (11.08.2011) 1067-8
South Sudan, Overseas aid 248-9w
Sudan, Internally displaced people 249w
Donohoe, Mr Brian H
Southern Cross Healthcare 173
Transport, Expenditure 712w
Doran, Mr Frank
Chamber Debates
Clerk of the House, Retirement (12.07.2011) 208-9
Rescue services (14.07.2011) 518
Common fisheries policy 478
Dorrell, Rt Hon Mr Stephen
Chamber Debates
Public sector (11.07.2011) 29-30
Commission on the Funding of Care and Support 144
Southern Cross Healthcare 165-6
Dorries, Nadine
Chamber Debates
Civil disorder (11.08.2011) 1064
Double taxation
Double Taxation Relief and International Tax Enforcement (Mauritius) Order 2011
Chamber Debates
Double Taxation Relief and International Tax Enforcement (South Africa) Order 2011
Chamber Debates
Doyle-Price, Jackie
Chamber Debates
Local government finance (18.07.2011) 673
Dartford-Thurrock Crossing, Tolls 233w, 947w
River Thames, Bridges 205w