Index for Volume 531continued
A Am At B Be Bi Bo Bu By C Ce Co Cr D Di Dr E Em Eu F Fl Fu G Gl Gu H He Hi Hu I Is J Ju K L Li Lu M Ma Me Mo N Ni O Op P Pe Ph Ps Q R Ri Ru S Sh Sl Sp Su T Ti Tw U V Vo W Wi Wo Y Z
Department for Transport 702w
Gale, Mr Roger
Chamber Debates
Civil disorder (11.08.2011) 1069
British nationals abroad, Detainees 874w
Gapes, Mike
Chamber Debates
Metropolitan Police (18.07.2011) 637
Newspaper press, Telephone tapping (20.07.2011) 949
East Africa, Droughts 777
Entry clearances, India 275w
Entry clearances, Indian subcontinent 657-8w
Official hospitality, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 875w
Photographs, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 876w
Third sector, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 884w
Training, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 879w
Gardiner, Barry
Chamber Debates
Electricity generation (12.07.2011) 189
Metropolitan Police (18.07.2011) 641
Newspaper press, Telephone tapping (13.07.2011) 321, (20.07.2011) 943, 966, 1032-3
Academies, Admissions 306w
Children, Maintenance 616-7
Common fisheries policy 476
Higher education, Private sector 186w, 270w
Marine conservation zones 617-9w
Southern Cross Healthcare 172
Garnier, Mr Edward, Solicitor General
Apprentices, Attorney General 834-5w
Aviation, Attorney General 832w
Contempt of court, Internet 1w
Departmental responsibilities, Attorney General 1w, 833-4w
Dismissal, Attorney General 226-7w
Freedom of information, Attorney General 469-71w
Law Officers' Departments 835w
News International, Attorney General 832w
Official hospitality, Attorney General 832-3w
Procurement, Attorney General 1005-6w
Redundancy, Attorney General 833w
Third sector, Attorney General 835w
Training, Attorney General 834w
Victim support schemes, Finance 1w
Garnier, Mark
Westminster Hall Debates
Travellers, Caravan sites (13.07.2011) 123wh
Armed forces, Medical records 53w
Entry clearances, Entertainers 790w
Palestinians, Human rights 575-6w
Pupils, Disadvantaged 912w
Road signs and markings 715w
Gas supply
Gauke, Mr David, Exchequer Secretary
Written Statements
Double taxation, Armenia 60ws
Tax yields, Isle of Man 60ws
Child care tax credit 283w
Corporation tax, Scotland 1008w
Exports, Yorkshire and the Humber 402-4w
Government departments, Internet 818w
Housing revenue accounts 23w
National insurance contributions, New businesses 820-2w
National insurance contributions, Sheffield 821w
Revenue and Customs, Correspondence 289w
Revenue and Customs, Manpower 822-3w
Revenue and Customs, Trade unions 823w
Valuation Office Agency, Pay 824-5w
GCE A-level
GCE O-level
History 552-3w, 909-10w, 1031-42w (532 11-2mc)
General elections
General practitioners
Genetically modified organisms
Genito-urinary medicine
George, Andrew
Chamber Debates
Electricity generation (12.07.2011) 190
Public Bodies Bill (HL), 2R (12.07.2011) 215, 223, 270
Westminster Hall Debates
Common fisheries policy 473-4
Developing countries, HIV infection 344w
Hospitals, Infectious diseases 159
Marine conservation zones 513-5w
Regional Growth Fund 462-3
Southern Cross Healthcare 170-1
Gibb, Mr Nick, Minister of State, Department for Education
Written Statements
"Training and Development Agency for Schools Report and Accounts 2010-11" 76-8ws
Academies, Admissions 306w
Academies, Information and communications technology 904-5w
Academies, Sheffield 307w
Business, Education 1048w
Carbon emissions, Department for Education 905w
Classroom assistants, Sevenoaks 547w
Conditions of employment, Department for Education 1015w
Education, Assessments 913w
Education maintenance allowance, Greater London 908w
Education maintenance allowance, York 908w
English baccalaureate, Religion 3-4
English baccalaureate, Teachers 550-2w
Environment protection, Curriculum 547-8w
Headteachers, Ethnic groups 551-2w
Headteachers, Vacancies 314-5w
Higher education, York 552w
History, GCSE 552-3w, 909-10w, 1031-42w (532 11-2mc)
Home education, Further education 553w
Home education, Special educational needs 910-1w
Information and communications technology, Education 548-9w
Personal, social, health and economic education 10-1, 911w
Primary education, Capital investment 90w
Primary education, Standards 555-7w
Private education, Scholarships 912w
Schools, Bureaucracy 82-3w
Schools, Capital investment 93w
Schools, Freedom of information 914w
Schools, Translation services 95w
Schools, Vocational guidance 1044-5w
Special educational needs 561w
Teachers, Industrial disputes 316-7w
Teachers, Qualifications 562w
Gift aid
Gilbert, Stephen
Antidepressants, Children 629w
Arms trade, Palestinians 384-5w
Bahrain, Politics and government 255w
Libya, Armed conflict 384w
Libya, Politics and government 780
Mental illness, Older people 637w
Gillan, Rt Hon Mrs Cheryl, Secretary of State for Wales
Written Statements
Electoral systems, Wales 6w
Gilmore, Sheila
Chamber Debates
Newspaper press, Telephone tapping (11.07.2011) 54, (13.07.2011) 335, (20.07.2011) 960, 1014, 1017
Public sector (11.07.2011) 34
Children, Maintenance 600-1
Housing benefit, Scotland 594-5w
Official hospitality, Department for Work and Pensions 839w
Photographs, Department for Work and Pensions 839w
Redundancy, Department for Work and Pensions 839w
Students, Fees and charges 466
Third sector, Department for Work and Pensions 850-4w
Training, Department for Work and Pensions 841w