Index for Volume 531continued
A Am At B Be Bi Bo Bu By C Ce Co Cr D Di Dr E Em Eu F Fl Fu G Gl Gu H He Hi Hu I Is J Ju K L Li Lu M Ma Me Mo N Ni O Op P Pe Ph Ps Q R Ri Ru S Sh Sl Sp Su T Ti Tw U V Vo W Wi Wo Y Z
Ruane, Chris
Chamber Debates
Metropolitan Police (18.07.2011) 635
Sovereign Grant Bill, Allocation of time motion and rem stages (14.07.2011) 530, 537, 560, 564
Westminster Hall Debates
Advertising, Children 542w
Charitable donations, Department for Transport 699w
Commission on the Funding of Care and Support 143-4
Departmental responsibilities, Attorney General 1w, 833-4w
Departmental responsibilities, Cabinet Office 137w
Departmental responsibilities, Communities and Local Government 211-2w, 825w
Departmental responsibilities, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 174w, 980w
Departmental responsibilities, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 228w, 1052-3w
Departmental responsibilities, Department for Education 88w
Departmental responsibilities, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 614w, 1165-6w
Departmental responsibilities, Department for International Development 161w, 1089-90w
Departmental responsibilities, Department for Transport 433w, 952w, 1183w
Departmental responsibilities, Department for Work and Pensions 239w, 840-1w
Departmental responsibilities, Department of Energy and Climate Change 996-7w
Departmental responsibilities, Department of Health 100w, 1115-6w
Departmental responsibilities, Deputy Prime Minister 892w
Departmental responsibilities, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 571w, 879w, 1058-9w
Departmental responsibilities, Government Equalities Office 814w
Departmental responsibilities, Home Office 273-4w, 787w
Departmental responsibilities, Leader of the House of Commons 1147w
Departmental responsibilities, Ministry of Justice 326w, 896w
Departmental responsibilities, Northern Ireland Office 536w
Departmental responsibilities, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 221w, 811w
Departmental responsibilities, Prime Minister 1087w
Departmental responsibilities, Scotland Office 5w, 1007w
Departmental responsibilities, Treasury 20w
Electoral Commission, Standards 5w
Fixed penalties, Road traffic offences 655-8w
Freedom of information, Attorney General 469-71w
Freedom of information, Department for Education 377w
Freedom of information, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 613-4w
Freedom of information, Department for Transport 948w
Freedom of information, Government Equalities Office 2w
Freedom of information, Ministry of Defence 46w
Freedom of information, Treasury 19-20w
Law Officers' Departments 835w
Publications, Communities and Local Government 1102w
Schools, Capital investment 93w
Social security benefits, Offenders 243w
Statistics, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 10w
Statistics, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 527w
Statistics, Ministry of Defence 866w
Utilities, Fees and charges 687w
Water companies, Competition 1180w
Water companies, Complaints 1180w
Rudd, Amber
Chamber Debates
Civil disorder (11.08.2011) 1087
Common fisheries policy 480
Members, Correspondence 203w
New enterprise allowance, Young people 615
Schools, Bureaucracy 82-3w
Ruddock, Rt Hon Joan
Chamber Debates
Betting Shops Bill, 1R (19.07.2011) 826-8
Higher education, Finance 464
Ruffley, Mr David
Chamber Debates
Civil disorder (11.08.2011) 1079
Metropolitan Police (18.07.2011) 627
National Debt Cap Bill, 1R (12.07.2011) 198
Newspaper press, Telephone tapping (13.07.2011) 320
Rural Advocate
Rural areas
Department for Culture, Media and Sport 1054w
Department for Transport 966w
Department for Work and Pensions 848w
Department of Energy and Climate Change 686w
Rural Communities Policy Unit
Rural development programme
Russell, Bob
Chamber Debates
Recreation spaces, Urban areas (19.07.2011) 909-15
Broadband, Planning permission 209-10w
Folk culture, Education 24
Military decorations 369w
Rutley, David
Chamber Debates
Financial markets (11.08.2011) 1124
Newspaper press, Telephone tapping (13.07.2011) 334, (20.07.2011) 955
Common fisheries policy 480-1