Index for Volume 532continued
A Am At B Be Bi Bo Bu By C Ce Co Cr Cy D de Di Dr E En Eu F Fo G Gl Gr Gu H He Hi Hu I Is J Ju K L Li Lu M Ma Me Mo Mu N Ni O Ot P Pe Ph Pr Ps Q R Ri Ru S Sh So Su T Ti Tw U V Vo W Wh Wo Y Z
Nandy, Lisa
Building schools for the future programme 593w
Ministerial policy advisers 430w
Overseas trade, Advisory services 65w
Public transport, Disability 1172
Nash, Pamela
Urban areas, Planning permission 23w
VAT, Tax rates and bands 389w
National Archives
National Audit Office
Government procurement card 27w
National employment savings trust scheme
National insurance contributions
National Lottery
National Minimum Wage (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2011
Chamber Debates
National Park Authorities Bill 2010-12
Chamber Debates
2R order read (09.09.2011) 724
National parks authorities
National Policing Improvement Agency
National policy statements
National Renewable Energy Centre
National Security Council
Department for International Development 34w
National Statistics
see Office for National Statistics
National Union of Rail Maritime and Transport Workers
Natural Capital Committee
Natural gas
Natural resources
Nature conservation
Hydroelectric power 1080w
844w, 1152w, 1299-301w (537 1-2mc)
Conditions of employment 1013w
Neill, Robert, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Communities and Local Government
Chamber Debates
Recycling, Spelthorne (05.09.2011) 148-50
Written Statements
Advertising, Communities and Local Government 481w
Apprentices, Communities and Local Government 8w
Aviation, Communities and Local Government 481-2w
Billing, Communities and Local Government 8-10w
Biofuels, Planning permission 494w
British Sky Broadcasting, Communities and Local Government 479w
Carbon emissions, Communities and Local Government 8w
Commission for Local Administration in England, Government procurement card 484-5w
Correspondence, Communities and Local Government 9w
Council tax, Green deal scheme 480w
Council tax, Halifax 481w
Fire services, West Midlands 21
FiReBuy, Government procurement card 648w
Flags, Communities and Local Government 1089w
Government procurement card, Communities and Local Government 647-8w (537 7-8mc), 1093w
Hotels, Communities and Local Government 486w
Housing Ombudsman Service, Government procurement card 15w
Incinerators, Planning permission 650w
Infrastructure Planning Commission, Government procurement card 485w
Labour turnover, Communities and Local Government 1181-4w
Local government, Employment agencies 1093w
Local government, Pensions 866w
Local government, Sick leave 1266w
Local government finance, Reading (Berkshire) 18
Local government finance, Warwickshire 495-6w
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation, Government procurement card 485w
Lost property, Communities and Local Government 482w
Mass media, Communities and Local Government 488-9w
Ministerial policy advisers, Communities and Local Government 1090w
Non-domestic rates, Empty property 22w
Non-domestic rates, Sunderland 493w
Office of Government Commerce 493w
Official cars, Communities and Local Government 9w
Official gifts, Communities and Local Government 14-5w
Official hospitality, Communities and Local Government 9-10w
Pay, Communities and Local Government 10w
Photographs, Communities and Local Government 11w
Private finance initiative, Communities and Local Government 997w
Procurement, Communities and Local Government 11w, 482w
Property development, Derelict land 1091-2w
Property development, Greater London 1092-3w
Radio, Planning permission 651w
Railways, Communities and Local Government 482w
Redundancy, Communities and Local Government 1181-4w
Regional planning and development 24w, 651-2w
Smoking, Public places 1102w
Solar power, Planning permission 1185w
Stationery, Communities and Local Government 11w
Thurrock Thames Gateway Development Corporation, Government procurement card 15w
Trade unions, Communities and Local Government 867w
Training, Communities and Local Government 12w
Travel, Communities and Local Government 483w
Visits abroad, Communities and Local Government 1183-5w
Work experience, Communities and Local Government 483w
Written questions, Communities and Local Government 1090-1w
Written questions, Government responses 496w
Network Rail
New businesses
Newcastle College
Newcastle upon Tyne
National insurance contributions 398-9w
Alzheimer's disease 1118w
News Corporation
Department for Culture, Media and Sport 615-6w
News International
Deputy Prime Minister 365w
Newspaper press
Newton, Sarah
Chamber Debates
Energy Bill (HL), Rep and 3R (14.09.2011) 1114, 1116-7
Health and Social Care Bill, Rep and 3R (07.09.2011) 451
Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill, Lords amendts (12.09.2011) 840-1, 849
Newton Abbot
Newton Station
NHS foundation trusts
NHS walk-in centres
NHS Warwickshire